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title class highlighter transition monaco mdc themeConfig
Wagtail & Caching text-center shiki slide-left false true

Wagtail & Caching

Jake Howard

  • Senior Systems Engineer @ Torchbox
  • Security Team & Performance Working Group @ Wagtail
  • theorangeone.net
  • @RealOrangeOne
  • @RealOrangeOne
  • @jake@theorangeone.net

layout: fact


layout: cover

What is caching?

layout: center


layout: cover

Caching in Wagtail

layout: section


Template Fragment Caching

layout: image image: https://d1nvwtjgmbo5v5.cloudfront.net/media/images/Screen_Shot_2015-05-14_at_09.01.5.2e16d0ba.fill-1200x996.png backgroundSize: cover

layout: none

<div class="one-half--medium one-third--large">
  <div class="card card--link">
    <a href="/developers/springload/made-wagtail/" class="project-image">
      <img src="https://d1nvwtjgmbo5v5.cloudfront.net/media/images/Screen_Shot_2015-05-14_at_09.01.52.2e16d0ba.fill-680x564.png" alt="" title="">
  <div class="project__links">
    <a class="project__info" href="/developers/springload/made-wagtail/">
      <span class="u-sr-only">Project info</span>
      <svg class="i i--grey i--hover">
        <use xlink:href="#i-info"></use>
    <a class="project__visit" href="http://madewithwagtail.org/" title="Project link" data-analytics="Project|Link click">
      <span class="u-sr-only">Project link</span>
      <svg class="i i--grey i--hover">
        <use xlink:href="#i-visit"></use>
<h4 class="project-title">
  Made with Wagtail
<p class="project-author">
  <a href="/developers/springload/" title="View the company page of Springload">

layout: cover background: /website-homepage.png

An example

layout: image image: /website-posts.png

layout: none

{% load wagtailcore_tags util_tags %}

<article class="media listing-item">
  <div class="columns">
    <figure class="media-left column is-{{ show_listing_images|yesno:'3,1' }} image-column">
      {% if page.list_image_url %}
        <a href="{% pageurl page %}" class="image" title="{{ page.title }}">
          <img src="{{ page.list_image_url }}" alt="{{ page.hero_image_alt }}" loading="lazy" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
      {% endif %}
    <div class="media-content column">
        {% if breadcrumbs %}
          {% include "common/breadcrumbs.html" with parents=page.get_parent_pages %}
        {% endif %}
        <h2 class="title is-3">
          <a href="{% pageurl page %}">{{ page.title }}</a>
        {% include "common/content-details.html" %}
        <p>{{ page.summary }}</p>

```html {all|1|3,27|4-26|all}
{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtail_cache util_tags %}

{% wagtailpagecache FRAGMENT_CACHE_TTL "listing-item" breadcrumbs show_listing_images %}
  <article class="media listing-item">
    <div class="columns">
      <figure class="media-left column is-{{ show_listing_images|yesno:'3,1' }} image-column">
        {% if page.list_image_url %}
          <a href="{% pageurl page %}" class="image" title="{{ page.title }}">
            <img src="{{ page.list_image_url }}" alt="{{ page.hero_image_alt }}" loading="lazy" decoding="async" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
        {% endif %}
      <div class="media-content column">
          {% if breadcrumbs %}
            {% include "common/breadcrumbs.html" with parents=page.get_parent_pages %}
          {% endif %}
          <h2 class="title is-3">
            <a href="{% pageurl page %}">{{ page.title }}</a>
          {% include "common/content-details.html" %}
          <p>{{ page.summary }}</p>
{% endwagtailpagecache %}

layout: cover background: /website-search.png


layout: center

<section class="container">
  {% for page in listing_pages %}
    {% include "common/listing-item.html" %}
  {% endfor %}

layout: image image: /website-search.png

Cache invalidation

>>> BlogPostPage.objects.first().cache_key
def cache_key(self) -> str:
    A generic cache key to identify a page in its current state.
    Should the page change, so will the key.

    Customizations to the cache key should be made in :attr:`get_cache_key_components`.

layout: center

What about Django?

{% load cache %}
{% cache 500 sidebar request.user.username %}
    .. sidebar for logged in user ..
{% endcache %}
  • Current page
  • Current site
  • Preview
  • Cache invalidation

layout: section


Frontend Caching