Update dependency prettier to v3 #52

renovate wants to merge 1 commit from renovate/prettier-3.x into master

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
prettier (source) devDependencies major 2.7.1 -> 3.5.3

Release Notes

prettier/prettier (prettier)


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Flow: Fix missing parentheses in ConditionalTypeAnnotation (#​17196 by @​fisker)
// Input
type T<U> = 'a' | ('b' extends U ? 'c' : empty);
type T<U> = 'a' & ('b' extends U ? 'c' : empty);

// Prettier 3.5.2
type T<U> = "a" | "b" extends U ? "c" : empty;
type T<U> = "a" & "b" extends U ? "c" : empty;

// Prettier 3.5.3
type T<U> = "a" | ("b" extends U ? "c" : empty);
type T<U> = "a" & ("b" extends U ? "c" : empty);


Compare Source


Remove module-sync condition (#​17156 by @​fisker)

In Prettier 3.5.0, we added module-sync condition to package.json, so that require("prettier") can use ESM version, but turns out it doesn't work if CommonJS and ESM plugins both imports builtin plugins. To solve this problem, we decide simply remove the module-sync condition, so require("prettier") will still use the CommonJS version, we'll revisit until require(ESM) feature is more stable.


Compare Source


Fix CLI crash when cache for old version exists (#​17100 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Prettier 3.5 uses a different cache format than previous versions, Prettier 3.5.0 crashes when reading existing cache file, Prettier 3.5.1 fixed the problem.

Support dockercompose and github-actions-workflow in VSCode (#​17101 by @​remcohaszing)

Prettier now supports the dockercompose and github-actions-workflow languages in Visual Studio Code.


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🔗 Release Notes


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Treat U+30A0 & U+30FB in Katakana Block as CJK (#​16796 by @​tats-u)

Prettier doesn't treat U+30A0 & U+30FB as Japanese. U+30FB is commonly used in Japanese to represent the delimitation of first and last names of non-Japanese people or “and”. The following “C言語・C++・Go・Rust” means “C language & C++ & Go & Rust” in Japanese.

<!-- Input (--prose-wrap=never) -->


<!-- Prettier 3.4.1 -->
C言語・ C++ ・ Go ・ Rust

<!-- Prettier 3.4.2 -->

U+30A0 can be used as the replacement of the - in non-Japanese names (e.g. “Saint-Saëns” (Charles Camille Saint-Saëns) can be represented as “サン゠サーンス” in Japanese), but substituted by ASCII hyphen (U+002D) or U+FF1D (full width hyphen) in many cases (e.g. “サン=サーンス” or “サン=サーンス”).

Fix comments print on class methods with decorators (#​16891 by @​fisker)
// Input
class A {
   * The method description
  async method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) {

// Prettier 3.4.1
class A {
  async /**
   * The method description
  method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) {

// Prettier 3.4.2
class A {
   * The method description
  async method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) {
Fix non-idempotent formatting (#​16899 by @​seiyab)

This bug fix is not language-specific. You may see similar change in any languages. This fixes regression in 3.4.0 so change caused by it should yield same formatting as 3.3.3.

// Input
  <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span>
  , abc

// Prettier 3.4.1 (first)
    longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo
  </span>, abc

// Prettier 3.4.1 (second)
  <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span>
  , abc

// Prettier 3.4.2
  <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span>
  , abc


Compare Source


Remove unnecessary parentheses around assignment in v-on (#​16887 by @​fisker)
<!-- Input -->
  <button @&#8203;click="foo += 2">Click</button>

<!-- Prettier 3.4.0 -->
  <button @&#8203;click="(foo += 2)">Click</button>

<!-- Prettier 3.4.1 -->
  <button @&#8203;click="foo += 2">Click</button>


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🔗 Release Notes


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Add parentheses for nullish coalescing in ternary (#​16391 by @​cdignam-segment)

This change adds clarity to operator precedence.

// Input
foo ? bar ?? foo : baz;
foo ?? bar ? a : b;
a ? b : foo ?? bar;

// Prettier 3.3.2
foo ? bar ?? foo : baz;
foo ?? bar ? a : b;
a ? b : foo ?? bar;

// Prettier 3.3.3
foo ? (bar ?? foo) : baz;
(foo ?? bar) ? a : b;
a ? b : (foo ?? bar);
Add parentheses for decorator expressions (#​16458 by @​y-schneider)

Prevent parentheses around member expressions or tagged template literals from being removed to follow the stricter parsing rules of TypeScript 5.5.

// Input
@&#8203;(foo`tagged template`)
class X {}

// Prettier 3.3.2
@&#8203;foo`tagged template`
class X {}

// Prettier 3.3.3
@&#8203;(foo`tagged template`)
class X {}
Support @let declaration syntax (#​16474 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Adds support for Angular v18 @let declaration syntax.

Please see the following code example. The @let declaration allows you to define local variables within the template:

@&#8203;let name = 'Frodo';

<h1>Dashboard for {{name}}</h1>
Hello, {{name}}

For more details, please refer to the excellent blog post by the Angular Team: Introducing @​let in Angular.

We also appreciate the Angular Team for kindly answering our questions to implement this feature.


Compare Source


Fix handlebars path expressions starts with @ (#​16358 by @​Princeyadav05)
{{! Input }}

{{! Prettier 3.3.1 }}

{{! Prettier 3.3.2 }}


Compare Source


Preserve empty lines in front matter (#​16347 by @​fisker)
<!-- Input -->
  - bar1

  - bar2

  - bar3

<!-- Prettier 3.3.0 -->

  - bar1
  - bar2
  - bar3


<!-- Prettier 3.3.1 -->
  - bar1

  - bar2

  - bar3

Preserve explicit language in front matter (#​16348 by @​fisker)
<!-- Input -->
title: Hello
slug: home

<!-- Prettier 3.3.0 -->
title: Hello
slug: home

<!-- Prettier 3.3.1 -->
title: Hello
slug: home
Avoid line breaks in import attributes (#​16349 by @​fisker)
// Input
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" };

// Prettier 3.3.0
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type:
  "json" };

// Prettier 3.3.1
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" };


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🔗 Release Notes


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Support Angular inline styles as single template literal (#​15968 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Angular v17 supports single string inline styles.

// Input
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.4
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.5
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `
    h1 {
      color: blue;
export class AppComponent {}

Unexpected embedded formatting for Angular template (#​15969 by @​JounQin)

Computed template should not be considered as Angular component template

// Input
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{       hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.4
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{ hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.5
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{       hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}
Use "json" parser for tsconfig.json by default (#​16012 by @​sosukesuzuki)

In v3.2.0, we introduced "jsonc" parser which adds trailing comma by default.

When adding a new parser we also define how it will be used based on the linguist-languages data.

tsconfig.json is a special file used by TypeScript, it uses .json file extension, but it actually uses the JSON with Comments syntax. However, we found that there are many third-party tools not recognize it correctly because of the confusing .json file extension.

We decide to treat it as a JSON file for now to avoid the extra configuration step.

To keep using the "jsonc" parser for your tsconfig.json files, add the following to your .prettierrc file

  "overrides": [
      "files": ["tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json"],
      "options": {
        "parser": "jsonc"


Compare Source

prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }


Compare Source


Throw errors for invalid code (#​15881 by @​fisker, @​Josh-Cena, @​auvred)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.2

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Invalid left-hand side expression in unary operation (1:1)
> 1 | 1++;
    | ^
// Input
try {} catch (error = 1){}

// Prettier 3.2.2
try {
} catch (error) {}

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer. (1:23)
> 1 | try {} catch (error = 1){}
    |                       ^
Fix parser inference (#​15927 by @​fisker)
// Prettier 3.2.2
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" }

// Prettier 3.2.3
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }


Compare Source


Fix crash when parsing template literal CSS in a JSX style tag using a spread attribute (#​15896 by @​eelco)

For example this code would crash before:

<style {...spread}>{`.{}`}</style>
Fix formatting error on optional call expression and member chain (#​15920 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
a(() => {}, c?.d());

// Prettier 3.2.1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.2
a(() => {}, c?.d());


Compare Source


Fix formatting error on member chain (#​15915 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.0
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.1


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🔗 Release Notes


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Fix config file search (#​15363 by @​fisker)

Previously, we start search for config files from the filePath as a directory, if it happened to be a directory and contains config file, it will be used by mistake.

├─ .prettierrc
└─ test.js         (A directory)
  └─ .prettierrc
// Prettier 3.1.0
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/test.js/.prettierrc

// Prettier 3.1.1
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/.prettierrc

Since Prettier v3, we stopped following symbolic links, however in some use cases, the symbolic link patterns can't be filtered out, and there is no way to prevent Prettier from throwing errors.

In Prettier 3.1.1, you can use --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern to simply skip symbolic links.

Consistently use tabs in ternaries when useTabs is true (#​15662 by @​auvred)
// Input
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.0
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.1
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
		? ddddddddddddddd
		: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
			? fffffffffffffff
			: gggggggggggggggg;
Improve config file search (#​15663 by @​fisker)

The Prettier config file search performance has been improved by more effective cache strategy.

Fix unstable and ugly formatting for comments in destructuring patterns (#​15708 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0
const {
} // bar
// baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0 second output
const {
  foo1, // bar
} // baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.1
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;
Support "Import Attributes" (#​15718 by @​fisker)

TypeScript 5.3 supports the latest updates to the import attributes proposal.

import something from "./something.json" with { type: "json" };
Fix false claim in docs that cursorOffset is incompatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd (#​15750 by @​ExplodingCabbage)

The cursorOffset option has in fact been compatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd for over 5 years, thanks to work by @​ds300. However, Prettier's documentation (including the CLI --help text) continued to claim otherwise, falsely. The documentation is now fixed.

Keep curly braces and from keyword in empty import statements (#​15756 by @​fisker)
// Input
import { } from 'foo';
import { /* comment */ } from 'bar';

// Prettier 3.1.0
import {} from "foo";
import /* comment */ "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import {} from "foo";
import {} from /* comment */ "bar";
Keep empty import attributes and assertions (#​15757 by @​fisker)
// Input
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};

// Prettier 3.1.0
import foo from "foo";
import bar from "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};


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🔗 Release Notes


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Add preferUnplugged: true to package.json (#​15169 by @​fisker and @​so1ve)

Prettier v3 uses dynamic imports, user will need to unplug Prettier when Yarn's PnP mode is enabled, add preferUnplugged: true to package.json, so Yarn will install Prettier as unplug by default.

Support shared config that forbids require() (#​15233 by @​fisker)

If an external shared config package is used, and the package exports don't have require or default export.

In Prettier 3.0.2 Prettier fails when attempt to require() the package, and throws an error.

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in <packageName>/package.json
Allow argument of require() to break (#​15256 by @​fisker)
// Input
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")

// Prettier 3.0.2
const plugin = require(global.STANDALONE
  ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
  : path.join(__dirname, ".."));

// Prettier 3.0.3
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")
Do not print trailing commas in arrow function type parameter lists in ts code blocks (#​15286 by @​sosukesuzuki)
<!-- Input -->
const foo = <T>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.2 -->
const foo = <T,>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.3 -->
const foo = <T>() => {}
Support TypeScript 5.2 using / await using declaration (#​15321 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Support for the upcoming Explicit Resource Management feature in ECMAScript. using / await using declaration

   using foo = new Foo();
   await using bar = new Bar();


Compare Source


Break after = of assignment if RHS is poorly breakable AwaitExpression or YieldExpression (#​15204 by @​seiyab)
// Input
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);

// Prettier 3.0.1
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(

// Prettier 3.0.2
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } =
  await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);
Do not add trailing comma for grouped scss comments (#​15217 by @​auvred)
/* Input */
$foo: (
	'property': (),
	// comment 1
	// comment 2

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2,

/* Prettier 3.0.2 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2
Print declare and export keywords for nested namespace (#​15249 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.1
namespace abc1.def {}
namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.2
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}


Compare Source


Fix cursor positioning for a special case (#​14812 by @​fisker)
// <|> is the cursor position

/* Input */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the prettier.py controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>  } from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the prettier.py <|>controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {} from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the prettier.py controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>} from "fs"
Fix plugins/estree.d.ts to make it a module (#​15018 by @​kingyue737)

Add export {} in plugins/estree.d.ts to fix the "File is not a module" error

Add parenthesis around leading multiline comment in return statement (#​15037 by @​auvred)
// Input
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expression

// Prettier 3.0.0
function fn() {
  return /**
   * @&#8203;type {...}
   */ expression;

// Prettier 3.0.1
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expression
Add support for Vue "Generic Components" (#​15066 by @​auvred)


<!-- Input -->
<script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"></script>

<!-- Prettier 3.0.0 -->
  generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"

<!-- Prettier 3.0.1 -->
    T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4),
    U extends string | number | boolean
Fix comments print in IfStatement (#​15076 by @​fisker)
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error!

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;
Add missing type definition for printer.preprocess (#​15123 by @​so1ve)
export interface Printer<T = any> {
  // ...
+ preprocess?:
+   | ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>)
+   | undefined;
Add missing getVisitorKeys method type definition for Printer (#​15125 by @​auvred)
const printer: Printer = {
  print: () => [],
  getVisitorKeys(node, nonTraversableKeys) {
    return ["body"];
Add typing to support readonly array properties of AST Node (#​15127 by @​auvred)
// Input
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>;

path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray");

// Prettier 3.0.0
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>;

path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray");
//                  ^ Argument of type '"readonlyArray"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"regularArray"'. ts(2345)

// Prettier 3.0.1
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>;

path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray");
Add space before unary minus followed by a function call (#​15129 by @​pamelalozano)
// Input
div {
  margin: - func();

// Prettier 3.0.0
div {
  margin: -func();

// Prettier 3.0.1
div {
  margin: - func();


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🔗 Release Notes


Compare Source

This version is a republished version of v2.8.7.
A bad version was accidentally published and it can't be unpublished, apologies for the churn.


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Allow multiple decorators on same getter/setter (#​14584 by @​fisker)
// Input
class A {
  get foo () {}
  set foo (value) {}

// Prettier 2.8.6
SyntaxError: Decorators cannot be applied to multiple get/set accessors of the same name. (5:3)
  3 |   get foo () {}
  4 |   
> 5 |   @&#8203;decorator()
    |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6 |   set foo (value) {}
  7 | }

// Prettier 2.8.7
class A {
  get foo() {}

  set foo(value) {}


Compare Source


Allow decorators on private members and class expressions (#​14548 by @​fisker)
// Input
class A {
  #privateMethod () {}

// Prettier 2.8.5
SyntaxError: Decorators are not valid here. (2:3)
  1 | class A {
> 2 |   @&#8203;decorator()
    |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  3 |   #privateMethod () {}
  4 | }

// Prettier 2.8.6
class A {
  #privateMethod() {}


Compare Source


Support TypeScript 5.0 (#​14391 by @​fisker, #​13819 by @​fisker, @​sosukesuzuki)

TypeScript 5.0 introduces two new syntactic features:

  • const modifiers for type parameters
  • export type * declarations
Add missing parentheses for decorator (#​14393 by @​fisker)
// Input
class Person {
  greet() {}

// Prettier 2.8.4
class Person {
  greet() {}

// Prettier 2.8.5
class Person {
  greet() {}
Add parentheses for TypeofTypeAnnotation to improve readability (#​14458 by @​fisker)
// Input
type A = (typeof node.children)[];

// Prettier 2.8.4
type A = typeof node.children[];

// Prettier 2.8.5
type A = (typeof node.children)[];
Support max_line_length=off when parsing .editorconfig (#​14516 by @​josephfrazier)

If an .editorconfig file is in your project and it sets max_line_length=off for the file you're formatting,
it will be interpreted as a printWidth of Infinity rather than being ignored
(which previously resulted in the default printWidth of 80 being applied, if not overridden by Prettier-specific configuration).

<!-- Input -->
<div className='HelloWorld' title={`You are visitor number ${ num }`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver}/>

<!-- Prettier 2.8.4 -->
  title={`You are visitor number ${num}`}

<!-- Prettier 2.8.5 -->
<div className="HelloWorld" title={`You are visitor number ${num}`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} />;


Compare Source


Fix leading comments in mapped types with readonly (#​13427 by @​thorn0, @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
type Type = {
  // comment
  readonly [key in Foo];

// Prettier 2.8.3
type Type = {
  readonly // comment
  [key in Foo];

// Prettier 2.8.4
type Type = {
  // comment
  readonly [key in Foo];
Group params in opening block statements (#​14067 by @​jamescdavis)

This is a follow-up to #​13930 to establish wrapping consistency between opening block statements and else blocks by
grouping params in opening blocks. This causes params to break to a new line together and not be split across lines
unless the length of params exceeds the print width. This also updates the else block wrapping to behave exactly the
same as opening blocks.

{{! Input }}
{{#block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam|}}
{{else block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam|}}

{{! Prettier 2.8.3 }}
  as |blockParam|
{{else block param

{{! Prettier 2.8.4 }}
  param param param param param param param param param param
  as |blockParam|
{{else block
  param param param param param param param param param param
  as |blockParam|
Ignore files in .sl/ (#​14206 by @​bolinfest)

In Sapling SCM, .sl/ is the folder where it stores its state, analogous to .git/ in Git. It should be ignored in Prettier like the other SCM folders.

Recognize @satisfies in Closure-style type casts (#​14262 by @​fisker)
// Input
const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337});
const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337});

// Prettier 2.8.3
const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ { hello: 1337 };
const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({ hello: 1337 });

// Prettier 2.8.4
const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337});
const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337});
Fix parens in inferred function return types with extends (#​14279 by @​fisker)
// Input
type Foo<T> = T extends ((a) => a is infer R extends string) ? R : never;

// Prettier 2.8.3 (First format)
type Foo<T> = T extends (a) => a is infer R extends string ? R : never;

// Prettier 2.8.3 (Second format)
SyntaxError: '?' expected. 

// Prettier 2.8.4
type Foo<T> = T extends ((a) => a is infer R extends string) ? R : never;


Compare Source


Allow self-closing tags on custom elements (#​14170 by @​fisker)

See Angular v15.1.0 release note for details.

// Input

// Prettier 2.8.2
SyntaxError: Only void and foreign elements can be self closed "app-test" (1:1)
> 1 | <app-test/>
    | ^^^^^^^^^
  2 |

// Prettier 2.8.3
<app-test />


Compare Source


<!-- Input -->
We now don't strictly follow the release notes format suggested by [Keep a Changelog].

[Keep a Changelog]: https://example.com/

<!-- Prettier 2.8.1 -->
We now don't strictly follow the release notes format suggested by [Keep a Changelog].

[keep a changelog]: https://example.com/
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lowercased

<!-- Prettier 2.8.2 -->
<Same as input>
Preserve self-closing tags (#​13691 by @​dcyriller)
{{! Input }}
<div />
<custom-component />
<i />
<Component />

{{! Prettier 2.8.1 }}
<Component />
<Component />

{{! Prettier 2.8.2 }}
<div />
<custom-component />
<i />
<Component />
<Component />
Allow custom "else if"-like blocks with block params (#​13930 by @​jamescdavis)

#​13507 added support for custom block keywords used with else, but failed to allow block params. This updates printer-glimmer to allow block params with custom "else if"-like blocks.

{{! Input }}
{{#when isAtWork as |work|}}
  Ship that
{{else when isReading as |book|}}
  You can finish
  Go to bed!

{{! Prettier 2.8.1 }}
{{#when isAtWork as |work|}}
  Ship that
{{else when isReading}}
  You can finish
  Go to bed!

{{! Prettier 2.8.2 }}
{{#when isAtWork as |work|}}
  Ship that
{{else when isReading as |book|}}
  You can finish
  Go to bed!
Preserve empty lines between nested SCSS maps (#​13931 by @​jneander)
/* Input */
$map: (
  'one': (
     'key': 'value',

  'two': (
     'key': 'value',

/* Prettier 2.8.1 */
$map: (
  'one': (
     'key': 'value',
  'two': (
     'key': 'value',

/* Prettier 2.8.2 */
$map: (
  'one': (
     'key': 'value',

  'two': (
     'key': 'value',
Fix missing parentheses when an expression statement starts with let[ (#​14000, #​14044 by @​fisker, @​thorn0)
// Input
(let[0] = 2);

// Prettier 2.8.1
let[0] = 2;

// Prettier 2.8.1 (second format)
SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:5)
> 1 | let[0] = 2;
    |     ^
  2 |

// Prettier 2.8.2
(let)[0] = 2;
Fix semicolon duplicated at the end of LESS file (#​14007 by @​mvorisek)
// Input
@&#8203;variable: {
  field: something;

// Prettier 2.8.1
@&#8203;variable: {
  field: something;
}; ;

// Prettier 2.8.2
@&#8203;variable: {
  field: something;
Fix no space after unary minus when followed by opening parenthesis in LESS (#​14008 by @​mvorisek)
// Input
.unary_minus_single {
  margin: -(@&#8203;a);

.unary_minus_multi {
  margin: 0 -(@&#8203;a);

.binary_minus {
  margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a);

// Prettier 2.8.1
.unary_minus_single {
  margin: - (@&#8203;a);

.unary_minus_multi {
  margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a);

.binary_minus {
  margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a);

// Prettier 2.8.2
.unary_minus_single {
  margin: -(@&#8203;a);

.unary_minus_multi {
  margin: 0 -(@&#8203;a);

.binary_minus {
  margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a);
Do not change case of property name if inside a variable declaration in LESS (#​14034 by @​mvorisek)
// Input
@&#8203;var: {
  preserveCase: 0;

// Prettier 2.8.1
@&#8203;var: {
  preservecase: 0;

// Prettier 2.8.2
@&#8203;var: {
  preserveCase: 0;
Fix formatting for auto-accessors with comments (#​14038 by @​fisker)
// Input
class A {
  // comment
  accessor b;

// Prettier 2.8.1
class A {
  accessor // comment

// Prettier 2.8.1 (second format)
class A {
  accessor; // comment

// Prettier 2.8.2
class A {
  // comment
  accessor b;
Add parentheses for TSTypeQuery to improve readability (#​14042 by @​onishi-kohei)
// Input
a as (typeof node.children)[number]
a as (typeof node.children)[]
a as ((typeof node.children)[number])[]

// Prettier 2.8.1
a as typeof node.children[number];
a as typeof node.children[];
a as typeof node.children[number][];

// Prettier 2.8.2
a as (typeof node.children)[number];
a as (typeof node.children)[];
a as (typeof node.children)[number][];
Fix displacing of comments in default switch case (#​14047 by @​thorn0)

It was a regression in Prettier 2.6.0.

// Input
switch (state) {
    result = state; // no change

// Prettier 2.8.1
switch (state) {
  default: // no change
    result = state;

// Prettier 2.8.2
switch (state) {
    result = state; // no change
Support type annotations on auto accessors via babel-ts (#​14049 by @​sosukesuzuki)

The bug that @babel/parser cannot parse auto accessors with type annotations has been fixed. So we now support it via babel-ts parser.

class Foo {
  accessor prop: number;
Fix formatting of empty type parameters (#​14073 by @​fisker)
// Input
const foo: bar</* comment */> = () => baz;

// Prettier 2.8.1
Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error!

// Prettier 2.8.2
const foo: bar</* comment */> = () => baz;
Add parentheses to head of ExpressionStatement instead of the whole statement (#​14077 by @​fisker)
// Input
({}).toString.call(foo) === "[object Array]"
  ? foo.forEach(iterateArray)
  : iterateObject(foo);

// Prettier 2.8.1
({}.toString.call(foo) === "[object Array]"
  ? foo.forEach(iterateArray)
  : iterateObject(foo));

// Prettier 2.8.2
({}).toString.call(foo.forEach) === "[object Array]"
  ? foo.forEach(iterateArray)
  : iterateObject(foo);
Fix comments after directive (#​14081 by @​fisker)
// Input
"use strict" /* comment */;

// Prettier 2.8.1 (with other js parsers except `babel`)
Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error!

// Prettier 2.8.2
<Same as input>
Fix formatting for comments inside JSX attribute (#​14082 by @​fisker)
// Input
function MyFunctionComponent() {
  <button label=/*old*/"new">button</button>

// Prettier 2.8.1
Error: Comment "old" was not printed. Please report this error!

// Prettier 2.8.2
function MyFunctionComponent() {
  <button label=/*old*/ "new">button</button>;
Quote numeric keys for json-stringify parser (#​14083 by @​fisker)
// Input
{0: 'value'}

// Prettier 2.8.1
  0: "value"

// Prettier 2.8.2
  "0": "value"
Fix removing commas from function arguments in maps (#​14089 by @​sosukesuzuki)
/* Input */
$foo: map-fn(
    "#{prop}": inner-fn($first, $second),

/* Prettier 2.8.1 */
$foo: map-fn(("#{prop}": inner-fn($first $second)));

/* Prettier 2.8.2 */
$foo: map-fn(
    "#{prop}": inner-fn($first, $second),

Do not insert space in LESS property access (#​14103 by @​fisker)
// Input
a {
  color: @&#8203;colors[@&#8203;white];

// Prettier 2.8.1
a {
  color: @&#8203;colors[ @&#8203;white];

// Prettier 2.8.2
<Same as input>


Compare Source


Fix SCSS map in arguments (#​9184 by @​agamkrbit)
// Input
$display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge(
    "print-only": "only print",
    "screen-only": "only screen",
    "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, "sm")-1})",

// Prettier 2.8.0
$display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge(
    "print-only": "only print",
    "screen-only": "only screen",
    "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, " sm

// Prettier 2.8.1
$display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge(
    "print-only": "only print",
    "screen-only": "only screen",
    "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, "sm")-1})",
Support auto accessors syntax (#​13919 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Support for Auto Accessors Syntax landed in TypeScript 4.9.

(Doesn't work well with babel-ts parser)

class Foo {
  accessor foo: number = 3;


Compare Source


🔗 Release Notes


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Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [prettier](https://prettier.io) ([source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)) | devDependencies | major | [`2.7.1` -> `3.5.3`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/prettier/2.7.1/3.5.3) | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>prettier/prettier (prettier)</summary> ### [`v3.5.3`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#353) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.2...3.5.3) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.2...3.5.3) ##### Flow: Fix missing parentheses in `ConditionalTypeAnnotation` ([#&#8203;17196](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/17196) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input type T<U> = 'a' | ('b' extends U ? 'c' : empty); type T<U> = 'a' & ('b' extends U ? 'c' : empty); // Prettier 3.5.2 type T<U> = "a" | "b" extends U ? "c" : empty; type T<U> = "a" & "b" extends U ? "c" : empty; // Prettier 3.5.3 type T<U> = "a" | ("b" extends U ? "c" : empty); type T<U> = "a" & ("b" extends U ? "c" : empty); ``` ### [`v3.5.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#352) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.1...3.5.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.1...3.5.2) ##### Remove `module-sync` condition ([#&#8203;17156](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/17156) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) In Prettier 3.5.0, [we added `module-sync` condition to `package.json`](https://prettier.io/blog/2025/02/09/3.5.0#use-esm-entrypoint-for-requireesm-16958-by-tats-u), so that `require("prettier")` can use ESM version, but turns out it doesn't work if CommonJS and ESM plugins both imports builtin plugins. To solve this problem, we decide simply remove the `module-sync` condition, so `require("prettier")` will still use the CommonJS version, we'll revisit until `require(ESM)` feature is more stable. ### [`v3.5.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#351) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.0...3.5.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.5.0...3.5.1) ##### Fix CLI crash when cache for old version exists ([#&#8203;17100](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/17100) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) Prettier 3.5 uses a different cache format than previous versions, Prettier 3.5.0 crashes when reading existing cache file, Prettier 3.5.1 fixed the problem. ##### Support dockercompose and github-actions-workflow in VSCode ([#&#8203;17101](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/17101) by [@&#8203;remcohaszing](https://github.com/remcohaszing)) Prettier now supports the `dockercompose` and `github-actions-workflow` languages in Visual Studio Code. ### [`v3.5.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#350) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.2...3.5.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.2...3.5.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2025/02/09/3.5.0.html) ### [`v3.4.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#342) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2) ##### Treat U+30A0 & U+30FB in Katakana Block as CJK ([#&#8203;16796](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16796) by [@&#8203;tats-u](https://github.com/tats-u)) Prettier doesn't treat U+30A0 & U+30FB as Japanese. U+30FB is commonly used in Japanese to represent the delimitation of first and last names of non-Japanese people or “and”. The following “C言語・C++・Go・Rust” means “C language & C++ & Go & Rust” in Japanese. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```md <!-- Input (--prose-wrap=never) --> C言 語 ・ C++ ・ Go ・ Rust <!-- Prettier 3.4.1 --> C言語・ C++ ・ Go ・ Rust <!-- Prettier 3.4.2 --> C言語・C++・Go・Rust ``` U+30A0 can be used as the replacement of the `-` in non-Japanese names (e.g. “Saint-Saëns” (Charles Camille Saint-Saëns) can be represented as “サン゠サーンス” in Japanese), but substituted by ASCII hyphen (U+002D) or U+FF1D (full width hyphen) in many cases (e.g. “サン=サーンス” or “サン=サーンス”). ##### Fix comments print on class methods with decorators ([#&#8203;16891](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16891) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input class A { @&#8203;decorator /** * The method description * */ async method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) { console.log(foo); } } // Prettier 3.4.1 class A { @&#8203;decorator async /** * The method description * */ method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) { console.log(foo); } } // Prettier 3.4.2 class A { @&#8203;decorator /** * The method description * */ async method(foo: Foo, bar: Bar) { console.log(foo); } } ``` ##### Fix non-idempotent formatting ([#&#8203;16899](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16899) by [@&#8203;seiyab](https://github.com/seiyab)) This bug fix is not language-specific. You may see similar change in any languages. This fixes regression in 3.4.0 so change caused by it should yield same formatting as 3.3.3. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input <div> foo <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span> , abc </div>; // Prettier 3.4.1 (first) <div> foo <span> longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo </span>, abc </div>; // Prettier 3.4.1 (second) <div> foo <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span> , abc </div>; // Prettier 3.4.2 <div> foo <span>longlonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglonglongl foo</span> , abc </div>; ``` ### [`v3.4.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#341) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.0...3.4.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.4.0...3.4.1) ##### Remove unnecessary parentheses around assignment in `v-on` ([#&#8203;16887](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16887) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```vue <!-- Input --> <template> <button @&#8203;click="foo += 2">Click</button> </template> <!-- Prettier 3.4.0 --> <template> <button @&#8203;click="(foo += 2)">Click</button> </template> <!-- Prettier 3.4.1 --> <template> <button @&#8203;click="foo += 2">Click</button> </template> ``` ### [`v3.4.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#340) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.3...3.4.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.3...3.4.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2024/11/26/3.4.0.html) ### [`v3.3.3`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#333) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.2...3.3.3) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.2...3.3.3) ##### Add parentheses for nullish coalescing in ternary ([#&#8203;16391](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16391) by [@&#8203;cdignam-segment](https://github.com/cdignam-segment)) This change adds clarity to operator precedence. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js // Input foo ? bar ?? foo : baz; foo ?? bar ? a : b; a ? b : foo ?? bar; // Prettier 3.3.2 foo ? bar ?? foo : baz; foo ?? bar ? a : b; a ? b : foo ?? bar; // Prettier 3.3.3 foo ? (bar ?? foo) : baz; (foo ?? bar) ? a : b; a ? b : (foo ?? bar); ``` ##### Add parentheses for decorator expressions ([#&#8203;16458](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16458) by [@&#8203;y-schneider](https://github.com/y-schneider)) Prevent parentheses around member expressions or tagged template literals from being removed to follow the stricter parsing rules of TypeScript 5.5. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input @&#8203;(foo`tagged template`) class X {} // Prettier 3.3.2 @&#8203;foo`tagged template` class X {} // Prettier 3.3.3 @&#8203;(foo`tagged template`) class X {} ``` ##### Support `@let` declaration syntax ([#&#8203;16474](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16474) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) Adds support for Angular v18 `@let` declaration syntax. Please see the following code example. The `@let` declaration allows you to define local variables within the template: <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```html @&#8203;let name = 'Frodo'; <h1>Dashboard for {{name}}</h1> Hello, {{name}} ``` For more details, please refer to the excellent blog post by the Angular Team: [Introducing @&#8203;let in Angular](https://blog.angular.dev/introducing-let-in-angular-686f9f383f0f). We also appreciate the Angular Team for kindly answering our questions to implement this feature. ### [`v3.3.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#332) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.1...3.3.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.1...3.3.2) ##### Fix handlebars path expressions starts with `@` ([#&#8203;16358](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16358) by [@&#8203;Princeyadav05](https://github.com/Princeyadav05)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```hbs {{! Input }} <div>{{@&#8203;x.y.z}}</div> {{! Prettier 3.3.1 }} <div>{{@&#8203;x}}</div> {{! Prettier 3.3.2 }} <div>{{@&#8203;x.y.z}}</div> ``` ### [`v3.3.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#331) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.0...3.3.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.3.0...3.3.1) ##### Preserve empty lines in front matter ([#&#8203;16347](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16347) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```markdown <!-- Input --> --- foo: - bar1 - bar2 - bar3 --- Markdown <!-- Prettier 3.3.0 --> --- foo: - bar1 - bar2 - bar3 --- Markdown <!-- Prettier 3.3.1 --> --- foo: - bar1 - bar2 - bar3 --- Markdown ``` ##### Preserve explicit language in front matter ([#&#8203;16348](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16348) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```markdown <!-- Input --> ---yaml title: Hello slug: home --- <!-- Prettier 3.3.0 --> --- title: Hello slug: home --- <!-- Prettier 3.3.1 --> ---yaml title: Hello slug: home --- ``` ##### Avoid line breaks in import attributes ([#&#8203;16349](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16349) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" }; // Prettier 3.3.0 import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" }; // Prettier 3.3.1 import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" }; ``` ### [`v3.3.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#330) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.5...3.3.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.5...3.3.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2024/06/01/3.3.0.html) ### [`v3.2.5`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#325) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.4...3.2.5) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.4...3.2.5) ##### Support Angular inline styles as single template literal ([#&#8203;15968](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15968) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) [Angular v17](https://blog.angular.io/introducing-angular-v17-4d7033312e4b) supports single string inline styles. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input @&#8203;Component({ template: `<div>...</div>`, styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.4 @&#8203;Component({ template: `<div>...</div>`, styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.5 @&#8203;Component({ template: `<div>...</div>`, styles: ` h1 { color: blue; } `, }) export class AppComponent {} ``` ##### Unexpected embedded formatting for Angular template ([#&#8203;15969](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15969) by [@&#8203;JounQin](https://github.com/JounQin)) Computed template should not be considered as Angular component template <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input const template = "foobar"; @&#8203;Component({ [template]: `<h1>{{ hello }}</h1>`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.4 const template = "foobar"; @&#8203;Component({ [template]: `<h1>{{ hello }}</h1>`, }) export class AppComponent {} // Prettier 3.2.5 const template = "foobar"; @&#8203;Component({ [template]: `<h1>{{ hello }}</h1>`, }) export class AppComponent {} ``` ##### Use `"json"` parser for `tsconfig.json` by default ([#&#8203;16012](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/16012) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) In [v3.2.0](https://prettier.io/blog/2024/01/12/3.2.0#new-jsonc-parser-added-15831httpsgithubcomprettierprettierpull15831-by-fiskerhttpsgithubcomfisker), we introduced `"jsonc"` parser which adds trailing comma **by default**. When adding a new parser we also define how it will be used based on the [`linguist-languages`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/linguist-languages) data. `tsconfig.json` is a special file used by [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html#using-tsconfigjson-or-jsconfigjson), it uses `.json` file extension, but it actually uses the [JSON with Comments](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/json#\_json-with-comments) syntax. However, we found that there are many third-party tools not recognize it correctly because of the confusing `.json` file extension. We decide to treat it as a JSON file for now to avoid the extra configuration step. To keep using the `"jsonc"` parser for your `tsconfig.json` files, add the following to your `.prettierrc` file ```json { "overrides": [ { "files": ["tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json"], "options": { "parser": "jsonc" } } ] } ``` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ``` ``` ### [`v3.2.4`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#Prettier-324) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.3...3.2.4) prettier --file-info tsconfig.json { "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" } ### [`v3.2.3`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#323) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.2...3.2.3) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.2...3.2.3) ##### Throw errors for invalid code ([#&#8203;15881](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15881) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker), [@&#8203;Josh-Cena](https://github.com/Josh-Cena), [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input 1++; // Prettier 3.2.2 1++; // Prettier 3.2.3 SyntaxError: Invalid left-hand side expression in unary operation (1:1) > 1 | 1++; | ^ ``` <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input try {} catch (error = 1){} // Prettier 3.2.2 try { } catch (error) {} // Prettier 3.2.3 SyntaxError: Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer. (1:23) > 1 | try {} catch (error = 1){} | ^ ``` ##### Fix parser inference ([#&#8203;15927](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15927) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```console // Prettier 3.2.2 prettier --file-info tsconfig.json { "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" } // Prettier 3.2.3 prettier --file-info tsconfig.json { "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" } ``` ### [`v3.2.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#322) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.1...3.2.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.1...3.2.2) ##### Fix crash when parsing template literal CSS in a JSX style tag using a spread attribute ([#&#8203;15896](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15896) by [@&#8203;eelco](https://github.com/eelco)) For example this code would crash before: <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx <style {...spread}>{`.{}`}</style> ``` ##### Fix formatting error on optional call expression and member chain ([#&#8203;15920](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15920) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input a(() => {}, c?.d()); // Prettier 3.2.1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') // Prettier 3.2.2 a(() => {}, c?.d()); ``` ### [`v3.2.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#321) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.0...3.2.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.2.0...3.2.1) ##### Fix formatting error on member chain ([#&#8203;15915](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15915) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input test().test2().test2(thing?.something); // Prettier 3.2.0 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type') // Prettier 3.2.1 test().test2().test2(thing?.something); ``` ### [`v3.2.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#320) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.1.1...3.2.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.1.1...3.2.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2024/01/12/3.2.0.html) ### [`v3.1.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#311) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.1.0...3.1.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.1.0...3.1.1) ##### Fix config file search ([#&#8203;15363](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15363) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) Previously, we start search for config files from the filePath as a directory, if it happened to be a directory and contains config file, it will be used by mistake. ```text ├─ .prettierrc └─ test.js (A directory) └─ .prettierrc ``` ```js // Prettier 3.1.0 await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url)); // <CWD>/test.js/.prettierrc // Prettier 3.1.1 await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url)); // <CWD>/.prettierrc ``` ##### Skip explicitly passed symbolic links with `--no-error-on-unmatched-pattern` ([#&#8203;15533](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15533) by [@&#8203;sanmai-NL](https://github.com/sanmai-NL)) Since Prettier v3, we stopped following symbolic links, however in some use cases, the symbolic link patterns can't be filtered out, and there is no way to prevent Prettier from throwing errors. In Prettier 3.1.1, you can use `--no-error-on-unmatched-pattern` to simply skip symbolic links. ##### Consistently use tabs in ternaries when `useTabs` is `true` ([#&#8203;15662](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15662) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb : ccccccccccccccc ? ddddddddddddddd : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ? fffffffffffffff : gggggggggggggggg; // Prettier 3.1.0 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb : ccccccccccccccc ? ddddddddddddddd : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ? fffffffffffffff : gggggggggggggggg; // Prettier 3.1.1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb : ccccccccccccccc ? ddddddddddddddd : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ? fffffffffffffff : gggggggggggggggg; ``` ##### Improve config file search ([#&#8203;15663](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15663) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) The Prettier config file search performance has been improved by more effective cache strategy. ##### Fix unstable and ugly formatting for comments in destructuring patterns ([#&#8203;15708](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15708) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input const { foo, // bar // baz }: Foo = expr; // Prettier 3.1.0 const { foo1, } // bar // baz : Foo = expr; // Prettier 3.1.0 second output const { foo1, // bar } // baz : Foo = expr; // Prettier 3.1.1 const { foo1, // bar // baz }: Foo = expr; ``` ##### Support "Import Attributes" ([#&#8203;15718](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15718) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) [TypeScript 5.3](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-3/#import-attributes) supports the latest updates to the [import attributes](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-attributes) proposal. ```tsx import something from "./something.json" with { type: "json" }; ``` ##### Fix false claim in docs that cursorOffset is incompatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd ([#&#8203;15750](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15750) by [@&#8203;ExplodingCabbage](https://github.com/ExplodingCabbage)) The cursorOffset option has in fact been compatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd for over 5 years, thanks to work by [@&#8203;ds300](https://github.com/ds300). However, Prettier's documentation (including the CLI `--help` text) continued to claim otherwise, falsely. The documentation is now fixed. ##### Keep curly braces and `from` keyword in empty `import` statements ([#&#8203;15756](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15756) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js // Input import { } from 'foo'; import { /* comment */ } from 'bar'; // Prettier 3.1.0 import {} from "foo"; import /* comment */ "bar"; // Prettier 3.1.1 import {} from "foo"; import {} from /* comment */ "bar"; ``` ##### Keep empty import attributes and assertions ([#&#8203;15757](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15757) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js // Input import foo from "foo" with {}; import bar from "bar" assert {}; // Prettier 3.1.0 import foo from "foo"; import bar from "bar"; // Prettier 3.1.1 import foo from "foo" with {}; import bar from "bar" assert {}; ``` ### [`v3.1.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#310) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.3...3.1.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.3...3.1.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2023/11/13/3.1.0.html) ### [`v3.0.3`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#303) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3) ##### Add `preferUnplugged: true` to `package.json` ([#&#8203;15169](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15169) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker) and [@&#8203;so1ve](https://github.com/so1ve)) Prettier v3 uses dynamic imports, user [will need to unplug Prettier](https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/pull/5411#issuecomment-1523502224) when Yarn's PnP mode is enabled, add [`preferUnplugged: true`](https://yarnpkg.com/configuration/manifest#preferUnplugged) to `package.json`, so Yarn will install Prettier as unplug by default. ##### Support shared config that forbids `require()` ([#&#8203;15233](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15233) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) If an external shared config package is used, and the package `exports` don't have `require` or `default` export. In Prettier 3.0.2 Prettier fails when attempt to `require()` the package, and throws an error. ```text Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in <packageName>/package.json ``` ##### Allow argument of `require()` to break ([#&#8203;15256](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15256) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input const plugin = require( global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..") ); // Prettier 3.0.2 const plugin = require(global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..")); // Prettier 3.0.3 const plugin = require( global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..") ); ``` ##### Do not print trailing commas in arrow function type parameter lists in `ts` code blocks ([#&#8203;15286](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15286) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ````md <!-- Input --> ```ts const foo = <T>() => {} ``` <!-- Prettier 3.0.2 --> ```ts const foo = <T,>() => {} ``` <!-- Prettier 3.0.3 --> ```ts const foo = <T>() => {} ``` ```` ##### Support TypeScript 5.2 `using` / `await using` declaration ([#&#8203;15321](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15321) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) Support for the upcoming Explicit Resource Management feature in ECMAScript. [`using` / `await using` declaration](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-2/#using-declarations-and-explicit-resource-management) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx { using foo = new Foo(); await using bar = new Bar(); } ``` ### [`v3.0.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#302) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2) ##### Break after `=` of assignment if RHS is poorly breakable AwaitExpression or YieldExpression ([#&#8203;15204](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15204) by [@&#8203;seiyab](https://github.com/seiyab)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js // Input const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData); // Prettier 3.0.1 const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData( mainData, ); // Prettier 3.0.2 const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData); ``` ##### Do not add trailing comma for grouped scss comments ([#&#8203;15217](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15217) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```scss /* Input */ $foo: ( 'property': (), // comment 1 // comment 2 ) /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ $foo: ( "property": (), // comment 1 // comment 2, ); /* Prettier 3.0.2 */ $foo: ( "property": (), // comment 1 // comment 2 ); ``` ##### Print `declare` and `export` keywords for nested namespace ([#&#8203;15249](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15249) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input declare namespace abc1.def {} export namespace abc2.def {} // Prettier 3.0.1 namespace abc1.def {} namespace abc2.def {} // Prettier 3.0.2 declare namespace abc1.def {} export namespace abc2.def {} ``` ### [`v3.0.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#301) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1) ##### Fix cursor positioning for a special case ([#&#8203;14812](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14812) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js // <|> is the cursor position /* Input */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the prettier.py controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {<|> } from "fs" /* Prettier 3.0.0 */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the prettier.py <|>controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {} from "fs" /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the prettier.py controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {<|>} from "fs" ``` ##### Fix plugins/estree.d.ts to make it a module ([#&#8203;15018](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15018) by [@&#8203;kingyue737](https://github.com/kingyue737)) Add `export {}` in `plugins/estree.d.ts` to fix the "File is not a module" error ##### Add parenthesis around leading multiline comment in return statement ([#&#8203;15037](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15037) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input function fn() { return ( /** * @&#8203;type {...} */ expression ) } // Prettier 3.0.0 function fn() { return /** * @&#8203;type {...} */ expression; } // Prettier 3.0.1 function fn() { return ( /** * @&#8203;type {...} */ expression ); } ``` ##### Add support for Vue "Generic Components" ([#&#8203;15066](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15066) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) https://blog.vuejs.org/posts/vue-3-3#generic-components <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```vue <!-- Input --> <script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"></script> <!-- Prettier 3.0.0 --> <script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean" ></script> <!-- Prettier 3.0.1 --> <script setup lang="ts" generic=" T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean " ></script> ``` ##### Fix comments print in `IfStatement` ([#&#8203;15076](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15076) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```js function a(b) { if (b) return 1; // comment else return 2; } /* Prettier 3.0.0 */ Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error! /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ function a(b) { if (b) return 1; // comment else return 2; } ``` ##### Add missing type definition for `printer.preprocess` ([#&#8203;15123](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15123) by [@&#8203;so1ve](https://github.com/so1ve)) ```diff export interface Printer<T = any> { // ... + preprocess?: + | ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>) + | undefined; } ``` ##### Add missing `getVisitorKeys` method type definition for `Printer` ([#&#8203;15125](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15125) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) ```tsx const printer: Printer = { print: () => [], getVisitorKeys(node, nonTraversableKeys) { return ["body"]; }, }; ``` ##### Add typing to support `readonly` array properties of AST Node ([#&#8203;15127](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15127) by [@&#8203;auvred](https://github.com/auvred)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray"); // Prettier 3.0.0 interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray"); // ^ Argument of type '"readonlyArray"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"regularArray"'. ts(2345) // Prettier 3.0.1 interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; path.map(() => "", "readonlyArray"); ``` ##### Add space before unary minus followed by a function call ([#&#8203;15129](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/15129) by [@&#8203;pamelalozano](https://github.com/pamelalozano)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```less // Input div { margin: - func(); } // Prettier 3.0.0 div { margin: -func(); } // Prettier 3.0.1 div { margin: - func(); } ``` ### [`v3.0.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#300) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.8...3.0.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/3.0.0-alpha.6...3.0.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2023/07/05/3.0.0.html) ### [`v2.8.8`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#288) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.7...2.8.8) This version is a republished version of v2.8.7. A bad version was accidentally published and [it can't be unpublished](https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/1686), apologies for the churn. ### [`v2.8.7`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#287) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.6...2.8.7) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.6...2.8.7) ##### Allow multiple decorators on same getter/setter ([#&#8203;14584](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14584) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input class A { @&#8203;decorator() get foo () {} @&#8203;decorator() set foo (value) {} } // Prettier 2.8.6 SyntaxError: Decorators cannot be applied to multiple get/set accessors of the same name. (5:3) 3 | get foo () {} 4 | > 5 | @&#8203;decorator() | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 | set foo (value) {} 7 | } // Prettier 2.8.7 class A { @&#8203;decorator() get foo() {} @&#8203;decorator() set foo(value) {} } ``` ### [`v2.8.6`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#286) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.5...2.8.6) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.5...2.8.6) ##### Allow decorators on private members and class expressions ([#&#8203;14548](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14548) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input class A { @&#8203;decorator() #privateMethod () {} } // Prettier 2.8.5 SyntaxError: Decorators are not valid here. (2:3) 1 | class A { > 2 | @&#8203;decorator() | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3 | #privateMethod () {} 4 | } // Prettier 2.8.6 class A { @&#8203;decorator() #privateMethod() {} } ``` ### [`v2.8.5`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#285) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.4...2.8.5) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.4...2.8.5) ##### Support TypeScript 5.0 ([#&#8203;14391](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14391) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker), [#&#8203;13819](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13819) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker), [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) TypeScript 5.0 introduces two new syntactic features: - `const` modifiers for type parameters - `export type *` declarations ##### Add missing parentheses for decorator ([#&#8203;14393](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14393) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input class Person { @&#8203;(myDecoratorArray[0]) greet() {} } // Prettier 2.8.4 class Person { @&#8203;myDecoratorArray[0] greet() {} } // Prettier 2.8.5 class Person { @&#8203;(myDecoratorArray[0]) greet() {} } ``` ##### Add parentheses for `TypeofTypeAnnotation` to improve readability ([#&#8203;14458](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14458) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input type A = (typeof node.children)[]; // Prettier 2.8.4 type A = typeof node.children[]; // Prettier 2.8.5 type A = (typeof node.children)[]; ``` ##### Support `max_line_length=off` when parsing `.editorconfig` ([#&#8203;14516](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14516) by [@&#8203;josephfrazier](https://github.com/josephfrazier)) If an .editorconfig file is in your project and it sets `max_line_length=off` for the file you're formatting, it will be interpreted as a `printWidth` of `Infinity` rather than being ignored (which previously resulted in the default `printWidth` of 80 being applied, if not overridden by Prettier-specific configuration). <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```html <!-- Input --> <div className='HelloWorld' title={`You are visitor number ${ num }`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver}/> <!-- Prettier 2.8.4 --> <div className="HelloWorld" title={`You are visitor number ${num}`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} />; <!-- Prettier 2.8.5 --> <div className="HelloWorld" title={`You are visitor number ${num}`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver} />; ``` ### [`v2.8.4`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#284) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.3...2.8.4) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.3...2.8.4) ##### Fix leading comments in mapped types with `readonly` ([#&#8203;13427](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13427) by [@&#8203;thorn0](https://github.com/thorn0), [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input type Type = { // comment readonly [key in Foo]; }; // Prettier 2.8.3 type Type = { readonly // comment [key in Foo]; }; // Prettier 2.8.4 type Type = { // comment readonly [key in Foo]; }; ``` ##### Group params in opening block statements ([#&#8203;14067](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14067) by [@&#8203;jamescdavis](https://github.com/jamescdavis)) This is a follow-up to [#&#8203;13930](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/13930) to establish wrapping consistency between opening block statements and else blocks by grouping params in opening blocks. This causes params to break to a new line together and not be split across lines unless the length of params exceeds the print width. This also updates the else block wrapping to behave exactly the same as opening blocks. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```hbs {{! Input }} {{#block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam|}} Hello {{else block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam|}} There {{/block}} {{! Prettier 2.8.3 }} {{#block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam| }} Hello {{else block param param param param param param param param param param}} There {{/block}} {{! Prettier 2.8.4 }} {{#block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam| }} Hello {{else block param param param param param param param param param param as |blockParam| }} There {{/block}} ``` ##### Ignore files in `.sl/` ([#&#8203;14206](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14206) by [@&#8203;bolinfest](https://github.com/bolinfest)) In [Sapling SCM](https://sapling-scm.com/), `.sl/` is the folder where it stores its state, analogous to `.git/` in Git. It should be ignored in Prettier like the other SCM folders. ##### Recognize `@satisfies` in Closure-style type casts ([#&#8203;14262](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14262) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337}); const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337}); // Prettier 2.8.3 const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ { hello: 1337 }; const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({ hello: 1337 }); // Prettier 2.8.4 const a = /** @&#8203;satisfies {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337}); const b = /** @&#8203;type {Record<string, string>} */ ({hello: 1337}); ``` ##### Fix parens in inferred function return types with `extends` ([#&#8203;14279](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14279) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```ts // Input type Foo<T> = T extends ((a) => a is infer R extends string) ? R : never; // Prettier 2.8.3 (First format) type Foo<T> = T extends (a) => a is infer R extends string ? R : never; // Prettier 2.8.3 (Second format) SyntaxError: '?' expected. // Prettier 2.8.4 type Foo<T> = T extends ((a) => a is infer R extends string) ? R : never; ``` ### [`v2.8.3`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#283) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.2...2.8.3) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.2...2.8.3) ##### Allow self-closing tags on custom elements ([#&#8203;14170](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14170) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) See [Angular v15.1.0 release note](https://github.com/angular/angular/releases/tag/15.1.0) for details. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```html // Input <app-test/> // Prettier 2.8.2 SyntaxError: Only void and foreign elements can be self closed "app-test" (1:1) > 1 | <app-test/> | ^^^^^^^^^ 2 | // Prettier 2.8.3 <app-test /> ``` ### [`v2.8.2`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#282) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.1...2.8.2) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.1...2.8.2) ##### Don't lowercase link references ([#&#8203;13155](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13155) by [@&#8203;DerekNonGeneric](https://github.com/DerekNonGeneric) & [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```markdown <!-- Input --> We now don't strictly follow the release notes format suggested by [Keep a Changelog]. [Keep a Changelog]: https://example.com/ <!-- Prettier 2.8.1 --> We now don't strictly follow the release notes format suggested by [Keep a Changelog]. [keep a changelog]: https://example.com/ <!-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lowercased --> <!-- Prettier 2.8.2 --> <Same as input> ``` ##### Preserve self-closing tags ([#&#8203;13691](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13691) by [@&#8203;dcyriller](https://github.com/dcyriller)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```hbs {{! Input }} <div /> <div></div> <custom-component /> <custom-component></custom-component> <i /> <i></i> <Component /> <Component></Component> {{! Prettier 2.8.1 }} <div></div> <div></div> <custom-component></custom-component> <custom-component></custom-component> <i></i> <i></i> <Component /> <Component /> {{! Prettier 2.8.2 }} <div /> <div></div> <custom-component /> <custom-component></custom-component> <i /> <i></i> <Component /> <Component /> ``` ##### Allow custom "else if"-like blocks with block params ([#&#8203;13930](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13930) by [@&#8203;jamescdavis](https://github.com/jamescdavis)) [#&#8203;13507](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/13507) added support for custom block keywords used with `else`, but failed to allow block params. This updates printer-glimmer to allow block params with custom "else if"-like blocks. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```hbs {{! Input }} {{#when isAtWork as |work|}} Ship that {{work}}! {{else when isReading as |book|}} You can finish {{book}} eventually... {{else}} Go to bed! {{/when}} {{! Prettier 2.8.1 }} {{#when isAtWork as |work|}} Ship that {{work}}! {{else when isReading}} You can finish {{book}} eventually... {{else}} Go to bed! {{/when}} {{! Prettier 2.8.2 }} {{#when isAtWork as |work|}} Ship that {{work}}! {{else when isReading as |book|}} You can finish {{book}} eventually... {{else}} Go to bed! {{/when}} ``` ##### Preserve empty lines between nested SCSS maps ([#&#8203;13931](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13931) by [@&#8203;jneander](https://github.com/jneander)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```scss /* Input */ $map: ( 'one': ( 'key': 'value', ), 'two': ( 'key': 'value', ), ) /* Prettier 2.8.1 */ $map: ( 'one': ( 'key': 'value', ), 'two': ( 'key': 'value', ), ) /* Prettier 2.8.2 */ $map: ( 'one': ( 'key': 'value', ), 'two': ( 'key': 'value', ), ) ``` ##### Fix missing parentheses when an expression statement starts with `let[` ([#&#8203;14000](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14000), [#&#8203;14044](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14044) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker), [@&#8203;thorn0](https://github.com/thorn0)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input (let[0] = 2); // Prettier 2.8.1 let[0] = 2; // Prettier 2.8.1 (second format) SyntaxError: Unexpected token (1:5) > 1 | let[0] = 2; | ^ 2 | // Prettier 2.8.2 (let)[0] = 2; ``` ##### Fix semicolon duplicated at the end of LESS file ([#&#8203;14007](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14007) by [@&#8203;mvorisek](https://github.com/mvorisek)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```less // Input @&#8203;variable: { field: something; }; // Prettier 2.8.1 @&#8203;variable: { field: something; }; ; // Prettier 2.8.2 @&#8203;variable: { field: something; }; ``` ##### Fix no space after unary minus when followed by opening parenthesis in LESS ([#&#8203;14008](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14008) by [@&#8203;mvorisek](https://github.com/mvorisek)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```less // Input .unary_minus_single { margin: -(@&#8203;a); } .unary_minus_multi { margin: 0 -(@&#8203;a); } .binary_minus { margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a); } // Prettier 2.8.1 .unary_minus_single { margin: - (@&#8203;a); } .unary_minus_multi { margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a); } .binary_minus { margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a); } // Prettier 2.8.2 .unary_minus_single { margin: -(@&#8203;a); } .unary_minus_multi { margin: 0 -(@&#8203;a); } .binary_minus { margin: 0 - (@&#8203;a); } ``` ##### Do not change case of property name if inside a variable declaration in LESS ([#&#8203;14034](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14034) by [@&#8203;mvorisek](https://github.com/mvorisek)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```less // Input @&#8203;var: { preserveCase: 0; }; // Prettier 2.8.1 @&#8203;var: { preservecase: 0; }; // Prettier 2.8.2 @&#8203;var: { preserveCase: 0; }; ``` ##### Fix formatting for auto-accessors with comments ([#&#8203;14038](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14038) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input class A { @&#8203;dec() // comment accessor b; } // Prettier 2.8.1 class A { @&#8203;dec() accessor // comment b; } // Prettier 2.8.1 (second format) class A { @&#8203;dec() accessor; // comment b; } // Prettier 2.8.2 class A { @&#8203;dec() // comment accessor b; } ``` ##### Add parentheses for TSTypeQuery to improve readability ([#&#8203;14042](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14042) by [@&#8203;onishi-kohei](https://github.com/onishi-kohei)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx // Input a as (typeof node.children)[number] a as (typeof node.children)[] a as ((typeof node.children)[number])[] // Prettier 2.8.1 a as typeof node.children[number]; a as typeof node.children[]; a as typeof node.children[number][]; // Prettier 2.8.2 a as (typeof node.children)[number]; a as (typeof node.children)[]; a as (typeof node.children)[number][]; ``` ##### Fix displacing of comments in default switch case ([#&#8203;14047](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14047) by [@&#8203;thorn0](https://github.com/thorn0)) It was a regression in Prettier 2.6.0. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input switch (state) { default: result = state; // no change break; } // Prettier 2.8.1 switch (state) { default: // no change result = state; break; } // Prettier 2.8.2 switch (state) { default: result = state; // no change break; } ``` ##### Support type annotations on auto accessors via `babel-ts` ([#&#8203;14049](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14049) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) [The bug that `@babel/parser` cannot parse auto accessors with type annotations](https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/15205) has been fixed. So we now support it via `babel-ts` parser. <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx class Foo { accessor prop: number; } ``` ##### Fix formatting of empty type parameters ([#&#8203;14073](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14073) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input const foo: bar</* comment */> = () => baz; // Prettier 2.8.1 Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error! // Prettier 2.8.2 const foo: bar</* comment */> = () => baz; ``` ##### Add parentheses to head of `ExpressionStatement` instead of the whole statement ([#&#8203;14077](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14077) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input ({}).toString.call(foo) === "[object Array]" ? foo.forEach(iterateArray) : iterateObject(foo); // Prettier 2.8.1 ({}.toString.call(foo) === "[object Array]" ? foo.forEach(iterateArray) : iterateObject(foo)); // Prettier 2.8.2 ({}).toString.call(foo.forEach) === "[object Array]" ? foo.forEach(iterateArray) : iterateObject(foo); ``` ##### Fix comments after directive ([#&#8203;14081](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14081) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input "use strict" /* comment */; // Prettier 2.8.1 (with other js parsers except `babel`) Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error! // Prettier 2.8.2 <Same as input> ``` ##### Fix formatting for comments inside JSX attribute ([#&#8203;14082](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14082) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input function MyFunctionComponent() { <button label=/*old*/"new">button</button> } // Prettier 2.8.1 Error: Comment "old" was not printed. Please report this error! // Prettier 2.8.2 function MyFunctionComponent() { <button label=/*old*/ "new">button</button>; } ``` ##### Quote numeric keys for json-stringify parser ([#&#8203;14083](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14083) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```jsx // Input {0: 'value'} // Prettier 2.8.1 { 0: "value" } // Prettier 2.8.2 { "0": "value" } ``` ##### Fix removing commas from function arguments in maps ([#&#8203;14089](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14089) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```scss /* Input */ $foo: map-fn( ( "#{prop}": inner-fn($first, $second), ) ); /* Prettier 2.8.1 */ $foo: map-fn(("#{prop}": inner-fn($first $second))); /* Prettier 2.8.2 */ $foo: map-fn( ( "#{prop}": inner-fn($first, $second), ) ); ``` ##### Do not insert space in LESS property access ([#&#8203;14103](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/14103) by [@&#8203;fisker](https://github.com/fisker)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```less // Input a { color: @&#8203;colors[@&#8203;white]; } // Prettier 2.8.1 a { color: @&#8203;colors[ @&#8203;white]; } // Prettier 2.8.2 <Same as input> ``` ### [`v2.8.1`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#281) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1) ##### Fix SCSS map in arguments ([#&#8203;9184](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/9184) by [@&#8203;agamkrbit](https://github.com/agamkrbit)) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```scss // Input $display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge( ( "print-only": "only print", "screen-only": "only screen", "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, "sm")-1})", ), $display-breakpoints ); // Prettier 2.8.0 $display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge( ( "print-only": "only print", "screen-only": "only screen", "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, " sm ")-1})", ), $display-breakpoints ); // Prettier 2.8.1 $display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge( ( "print-only": "only print", "screen-only": "only screen", "xs-only": "only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, "sm")-1})", ), $display-breakpoints ); ``` ##### Support auto accessors syntax ([#&#8203;13919](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/pull/13919) by [@&#8203;sosukesuzuki](https://github.com/sosukesuzuki)) Support for [Auto Accessors Syntax](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-9/#auto-accessors-in-classes) landed in TypeScript 4.9. (Doesn't work well with `babel-ts` parser) <!-- prettier-ignore --> ```tsx class Foo { accessor foo: number = 3; } ``` ### [`v2.8.0`](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#280) [Compare Source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.7.1...2.8.0) [diff](https://github.com/prettier/prettier/compare/2.7.1...2.8.0) 🔗 [Release Notes](https://prettier.io/blog/2022/11/23/2.8.0.html) </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate). <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNS4xNTguMCIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjQ0MC43IiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFzdGVyIn0=-->
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renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 40c00b8f8e to b7c5b2f56c 2023-12-10 10:00:51 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from b7c5b2f56c to 6bf2a3da99 2023-12-14 18:01:18 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 6bf2a3da99 to 5cb7489a83 2023-12-14 20:01:11 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 5cb7489a83 to aa8542e8a5 2023-12-28 22:01:41 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from aa8542e8a5 to fc1578631e 2024-01-12 18:01:03 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from fc1578631e to 758291226d 2024-01-12 20:01:23 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 758291226d to 209d2a14a3 2024-01-14 08:00:59 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 209d2a14a3 to 23c7761b0e 2024-01-17 08:00:54 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 23c7761b0e to 9deee01c74 2024-01-17 12:00:53 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 9deee01c74 to d5d829d3a6 2024-02-04 08:00:48 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from d5d829d3a6 to 54499e7b26 2024-06-01 20:04:48 +01:00 Compare

⚠️ Artifact update problem

Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.

♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens:

  • any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or
  • the branch becomes conflicted, or
  • you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or
  • you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually

The artifact failure details are included below:

File name: package-lock.json
docker: Error response from daemon: <html>
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
time="2025-03-03T08:04:45Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF"

### ⚠️ Artifact update problem Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is. ♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens: - any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or - the branch becomes conflicted, or - you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or - you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually The artifact failure details are included below: ##### File name: package-lock.json ``` docker: Error response from daemon: <html> <head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head> <body> <center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html>. time="2025-03-03T08:04:45Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF" ```
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 54499e7b26 to 2036484ca4 2024-06-05 12:04:44 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 2036484ca4 to 5d69f8abf0 2024-06-11 08:04:39 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 5d69f8abf0 to 0e5f01d876 2024-07-14 14:09:20 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 0e5f01d876 to e70f2fd7b8 2024-11-26 08:05:00 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from e70f2fd7b8 to 47cc29bf57 2024-11-26 14:04:56 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 47cc29bf57 to 950f302028 2024-12-04 08:09:07 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 950f302028 to 2453801e19 2025-02-09 12:04:48 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 2453801e19 to 6d95ad0358 2025-02-13 14:04:48 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 6d95ad0358 to 15653293a3 2025-02-22 08:05:11 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/prettier-3.x from 15653293a3 to ae16a64826 2025-03-03 08:04:50 +00:00 Compare
Some checks failed
renovate/artifacts Artifact file update failure
This pull request can be merged automatically.
You are not authorized to merge this pull request.
View command line instructions


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin renovate/prettier-3.x:renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout renovate/prettier-3.x


Merge the changes and update on Forgejo.

Warning: The "Autodetect manual merge" setting is not enabled for this repository, you will have to mark this pull request as manually merged afterwards.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout renovate/prettier-3.x
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout renovate/prettier-3.x
git rebase master
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout master
git merge --squash renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only renovate/prettier-3.x
git checkout master
git merge renovate/prettier-3.x
git push origin master
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