Update dependency esbuild to v0.25.1 #124

renovate wants to merge 1 commit from renovate/esbuild-0.x into master

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
esbuild dependencies minor 0.20.2 -> 0.25.1

Release Notes

evanw/esbuild (esbuild)


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  • Fix incorrect paths in inline source maps (#​4070, #​4075, #​4105)

    This fixes a regression from version 0.25.0 where esbuild didn't correctly resolve relative paths contained within source maps in inline sourceMappingURL data URLs. The paths were incorrectly being passed through as-is instead of being resolved relative to the source file containing the sourceMappingURL comment, which was due to the data URL not being a file URL. This regression has been fixed, and this case now has test coverage.

  • Fix invalid generated source maps (#​4080, #​4082, #​4104, #​4107)

    This release fixes a regression from version 0.24.1 that could cause esbuild to generate invalid source maps. Specifically under certain conditions, esbuild could generate a mapping with an out-of-bounds source index. It was introduced by code that attempted to improve esbuild's handling of "null" entries in source maps (i.e. mappings with a generated position but no original position). This regression has been fixed.

    This fix was contributed by @​jridgewell.

  • Fix a regression with non-file source map paths (#​4078)

    The format of paths in source maps that aren't in the file namespace was unintentionally changed in version 0.25.0. Path namespaces is an esbuild-specific concept that is optionally available for plugins to use to distinguish paths from file paths and from paths meant for other plugins. Previously the namespace was prepended to the path joined with a : character, but version 0.25.0 unintentionally failed to prepend the namespace. The previous behavior has been restored.

  • Fix a crash with switch optimization (#​4088)

    The new code in the previous release to optimize dead code in switch statements accidentally introduced a crash in the edge case where one or more switch case values include a function expression. This is because esbuild now visits the case values first to determine whether any cases are dead code, and then visits the case bodies once the dead code status is known. That triggered some internal asserts that guard against traversing the AST in an unexpected order. This crash has been fixed by changing esbuild to expect the new traversal ordering. Here's an example of affected code:

    switch (x) {
      case '':
        return y.map(z => z.value)
      case y.map(z => z.key).join(','):
        return []
  • Update Go from 1.23.5 to 1.23.7 (#​4076, #​4077)

    This should have no effect on existing code as this version change does not change Go's operating system support. It may remove certain reports from vulnerability scanners that detect which version of the Go compiler esbuild uses.

    This PR was contributed by @​MikeWillCook.


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This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.24.0 or ~0.24.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information.

  • Restrict access to esbuild's development server (GHSA-67mh-4wv8-2f99)

    This change addresses esbuild's first security vulnerability report. Previously esbuild set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to * to allow esbuild's development server to be flexible in how it's used for development. However, this allows the websites you visit to make HTTP requests to esbuild's local development server, which gives read-only access to your source code if the website were to fetch your source code's specific URL. You can read more information in the report.

    Starting with this release, CORS will now be disabled, and requests will now be denied if the host does not match the one provided to --serve=. The default host is, which refers to all of the IP addresses that represent the local machine (e.g. both and If you want to customize anything about esbuild's development server, you can put a proxy in front of esbuild and modify the incoming and/or outgoing requests.

    In addition, the serve() API call has been changed to return an array of hosts instead of a single host string. This makes it possible to determine all of the hosts that esbuild's development server will accept.

    Thanks to @​sapphi-red for reporting this issue.

  • Delete output files when a build fails in watch mode (#​3643)

    It has been requested for esbuild to delete files when a build fails in watch mode. Previously esbuild left the old files in place, which could cause people to not immediately realize that the most recent build failed. With this release, esbuild will now delete all output files if a rebuild fails. Fixing the build error and triggering another rebuild will restore all output files again.

  • Fix correctness issues with the CSS nesting transform (#​3620, #​3877, #​3933, #​3997, #​4005, #​4037, #​4038)

    This release fixes the following problems:

    • Naive expansion of CSS nesting can result in an exponential blow-up of generated CSS if each nesting level has multiple selectors. Previously esbuild sometimes collapsed individual nesting levels using :is() to limit expansion. However, this collapsing wasn't correct in some cases, so it has been removed to fix correctness issues.

      /* Original code */
      .parent {
        > .a,
        > .b1 > .b2 {
          color: red;
      /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      .parent > :is(.a, .b1 > .b2) {
        color: red;
      /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      .parent > .a,
      .parent > .b1 > .b2 {
        color: red;

      Thanks to @​tim-we for working on a fix.

    • The & CSS nesting selector can be repeated multiple times to increase CSS specificity. Previously esbuild ignored this possibility and incorrectly considered && to have the same specificity as &. With this release, this should now work correctly:

      /* Original code (color should be red) */
      div {
        && { color: red }
        & { color: blue }
      /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      div {
        color: red;
      div {
        color: blue;
      /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      div:is(div) {
        color: red;
      div {
        color: blue;

      Thanks to @​CPunisher for working on a fix.

    • Previously transforming nested CSS incorrectly removed leading combinators from within pseudoclass selectors such as :where(). This edge case has been fixed and how has test coverage.

      /* Original code */
      a b:has(> span) {
        a & {
          color: green;
      /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      a :is(a b:has(span)) {
        color: green;
      /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */
      a :is(a b:has(> span)) {
        color: green;

      This fix was contributed by @​NoremacNergfol.

    • The CSS minifier contains logic to remove the & selector when it can be implied, which happens when there is only one and it's the leading token. However, this logic was incorrectly also applied to selector lists inside of pseudo-class selectors such as :where(). With this release, the minifier will now avoid applying this logic in this edge case:

      /* Original code */
      .a {
        & .b { color: red }
        :where(& .b) { color: blue }
      /* Old output (with --minify) */
      /* New output (with --minify) */
      .a{.b{color:red}:where(& .b){color:#​00f}}
  • Fix some correctness issues with source maps (#​1745, #​3183, #​3613, #​3982)

    Previously esbuild incorrectly treated source map path references as file paths instead of as URLs. With this release, esbuild will now treat source map path references as URLs. This fixes the following problems with source maps:

    • File names in sourceMappingURL that contained a space previously did not encode the space as %20, which resulted in JavaScript tools (including esbuild) failing to read that path back in when consuming the generated output file. This should now be fixed.

    • Absolute URLs in sourceMappingURL that use the file:// scheme previously attempted to read from a folder called file:. These URLs should now be recognized and parsed correctly.

    • Entries in the sources array in the source map are now treated as URLs instead of file paths. The correct behavior for this is much more clear now that source maps has a formal specification. Many thanks to those who worked on the specification.

  • Fix incorrect package for @esbuild/netbsd-arm64 (#​4018)

    Due to a copy+paste typo, the binary published to @esbuild/netbsd-arm64 was not actually for arm64, and didn't run in that environment. This release should fix running esbuild in that environment (NetBSD on 64-bit ARM). Sorry about the mistake.

  • Fix a minification bug with bitwise operators and bigints (#​4065)

    This change removes an incorrect assumption in esbuild that all bitwise operators result in a numeric integer. That assumption was correct up until the introduction of bigints in ES2020, but is no longer correct because almost all bitwise operators now operate on both numbers and bigints. Here's an example of the incorrect minification:

    // Original code
    if ((a & b) !== 0) found = true
    // Old output (with --minify)
    // New output (with --minify)
  • Fix esbuild incorrectly rejecting valid TypeScript edge case (#​4027)

    The following TypeScript code is valid:

    export function open(async?: boolean): void {
      console.log(async as boolean)

    Before this version, esbuild would fail to parse this with a syntax error as it expected the token sequence async as ... to be the start of an async arrow function expression async as => .... This edge case should be parsed correctly by esbuild starting with this release.

  • Transform BigInt values into constructor calls when unsupported (#​4049)

    Previously esbuild would refuse to compile the BigInt literals (such as 123n) if they are unsupported in the configured target environment (such as with --target=es6). The rationale was that they cannot be polyfilled effectively because they change the behavior of JavaScript's arithmetic operators and JavaScript doesn't have operator overloading.

    However, this prevents using esbuild with certain libraries that would otherwise work if BigInt literals were ignored, such as with old versions of the buffer library before the library fixed support for running in environments without BigInt support. So with this release, esbuild will now turn BigInt literals into BigInt constructor calls (so 123n becomes BigInt(123)) and generate a warning in this case. You can turn off the warning with --log-override:bigint=silent or restore the warning to an error with --log-override:bigint=error if needed.

  • Change how console API dropping works (#​4020)

    Previously the --drop:console feature replaced all method calls off of the console global with undefined regardless of how long the property access chain was (so it applied to console.log() and console.log.call(console) and console.log.not.a.method()). However, it was pointed out that this breaks uses of console.log.bind(console). That's also incompatible with Terser's implementation of the feature, which is where this feature originally came from (it does support bind). So with this release, using this feature with esbuild will now only replace one level of method call (unless extended by call or apply) and will replace the method being called with an empty function in complex cases:

    // Original code
    const x = console.log('x')
    const y = console.log.call(console, 'y')
    const z = console.log.bind(console)('z')
    // Old output (with --drop-console)
    const x = void 0;
    const y = void 0;
    const z = (void 0)("z");
    // New output (with --drop-console)
    const x = void 0;
    const y = void 0;
    const z = (() => {

    This should more closely match Terser's existing behavior.

  • Allow BigInt literals as define values

    With this release, you can now use BigInt literals as define values, such as with --define:FOO=123n. Previously trying to do this resulted in a syntax error.

  • Fix a bug with resolve extensions in node_modules (#​4053)

    The --resolve-extensions= option lets you specify the order in which to try resolving implicit file extensions. For complicated reasons, esbuild reorders TypeScript file extensions after JavaScript ones inside of node_modules so that JavaScript source code is always preferred to TypeScript source code inside of dependencies. However, this reordering had a bug that could accidentally change the relative order of TypeScript file extensions if one of them was a prefix of the other. That bug has been fixed in this release. You can see the issue for details.

  • Better minification of statically-determined switch cases (#​4028)

    With this release, esbuild will now try to trim unused code within switch statements when the test expression and case expressions are primitive literals. This can arise when the test expression is an identifier that is substituted for a primitive literal at compile time. For example:

    // Original code
    switch (MODE) {
      case 'dev':
      case 'prod':
        throw new Error
    // Old output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"')
    switch("prod"){case"dev":installDevToolsConsole();break;case"prod":return;default:throw new Error}
    // New output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"')
  • Emit /* @​__KEY__ */ for string literals derived from property names (#​4034)

    Property name mangling is an advanced feature that shortens certain property names for better minification (I say "advanced feature" because it's very easy to break your code with it). Sometimes you need to store a property name in a string, such as obj.get('foo') instead of obj.foo. JavaScript minifiers such as esbuild and Terser have a convention where a /* @​__KEY__ */ comment before the string makes it behave like a property name. So obj.get(/* @​__KEY__ */ 'foo') allows the contents of the string 'foo' to be shortened.

    However, esbuild sometimes itself generates string literals containing property names when transforming code, such as when lowering class fields to ES6 or when transforming TypeScript decorators. Previously esbuild didn't generate its own /* @​__KEY__ */ comments in this case, which means that minifying your code by running esbuild again on its own output wouldn't work correctly (this does not affect people that both minify and transform their code in a single step).

    With this release, esbuild will now generate /* @​__KEY__ */ comments for property names in generated string literals. To avoid lots of unnecessary output for people that don't use this advanced feature, the generated comments will only be present when the feature is active. If you want to generate the comments but not actually mangle any property names, you can use a flag that has no effect such as --reserve-props=., which tells esbuild to not mangle any property names (but still activates this feature).

  • The text loader now strips the UTF-8 BOM if present (#​3935)

    Some software (such as Notepad on Windows) can create text files that start with the three bytes 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF, which is referred to as the "byte order mark". This prefix is intended to be removed before using the text. Previously esbuild's text loader included this byte sequence in the string, which turns into a prefix of \uFEFF in a JavaScript string when decoded from UTF-8. With this release, esbuild's text loader will now remove these bytes when they occur at the start of the file.

  • Omit legal comment output files when empty (#​3670)

    Previously configuring esbuild with --legal-comment=external or --legal-comment=linked would always generate a .LEGAL.txt output file even if it was empty. Starting with this release, esbuild will now only do this if the file will be non-empty. This should result in a more organized output directory in some cases.

  • Update Go from 1.23.1 to 1.23.5 (#​4056, #​4057)

    This should have no effect on existing code as this version change does not change Go's operating system support. It may remove certain reports from vulnerability scanners that detect which version of the Go compiler esbuild uses.

    This PR was contributed by @​MikeWillCook.

  • Allow passing a port of 0 to the development server (#​3692)

    Unix sockets interpret a port of 0 to mean "pick a random unused port in the ephemeral port range". However, esbuild's default behavior when the port is not specified is to pick the first unused port starting from 8000 and upward. This is more convenient because port 8000 is typically free, so you can for example restart the development server and reload your app in the browser without needing to change the port in the URL. Since esbuild is written in Go (which does not have optional fields like JavaScript), not specifying the port in Go means it defaults to 0, so previously passing a port of 0 to esbuild caused port 8000 to be picked.

    Starting with this release, passing a port of 0 to esbuild when using the CLI or the JS API will now pass port 0 to the OS, which will pick a random ephemeral port. To make this possible, the Port option in the Go API has been changed from uint16 to int (to allow for additional sentinel values) and passing a port of -1 in Go now picks a random port. Both the CLI and JS APIs now remap an explicitly-provided port of 0 into -1 for the internal Go API.

    Another option would have been to change Port in Go from uint16 to *uint16 (Go's closest equivalent of number | undefined). However, that would make the common case of providing an explicit port in Go very awkward as Go doesn't support taking the address of integer constants. This tradeoff isn't worth it as picking a random ephemeral port is a rare use case. So the CLI and JS APIs should now match standard Unix behavior when the port is 0, but you need to use -1 instead with Go API.

  • Minification now avoids inlining constants with direct eval (#​4055)

    Direct eval can be used to introduce a new variable like this:

    const variable = false
    ;(function () {
      eval("var variable = true")

    Previously esbuild inlined variable here (which became false), which changed the behavior of the code. This inlining is now avoided, but please keep in mind that direct eval breaks many assumptions that JavaScript tools hold about normal code (especially when bundling) and I do not recommend using it. There are usually better alternatives that have a more localized impact on your code. You can read more about this here: https://esbuild.github.io/link/direct-eval/


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  • Fix regression with --define and import.meta (#​4010, #​4012, #​4013)

    The previous change in version 0.24.1 to use a more expression-like parser for define values to allow quoted property names introduced a regression that removed the ability to use --define:import.meta=.... Even though import is normally a keyword that can't be used as an identifier, ES modules special-case the import.meta expression to behave like an identifier anyway. This change fixes the regression.

    This fix was contributed by @​sapphi-red.


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  • Allow es2024 as a target in tsconfig.json (#​4004)

    TypeScript recently added es2024 as a compilation target, so esbuild now supports this in the target field of tsconfig.json files, such as in the following configuration file:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "ES2024"

    As a reminder, the only thing that esbuild uses this field for is determining whether or not to use legacy TypeScript behavior for class fields. You can read more in the documentation.

    This fix was contributed by @​billyjanitsch.

  • Allow automatic semicolon insertion after get/set

    This change fixes a grammar bug in the parser that incorrectly treated the following code as a syntax error:

    class Foo {
      *x() {}
      *y() {}

    The above code will be considered valid starting with this release. This change to esbuild follows a similar change to TypeScript which will allow this syntax starting with TypeScript 5.7.

  • Allow quoted property names in --define and --pure (#​4008)

    The define and pure API options now accept identifier expressions containing quoted property names. Previously all identifiers in the identifier expression had to be bare identifiers. This change now makes --define and --pure consistent with --global-name, which already supported quoted property names. For example, the following is now possible:

    // The following code now transforms to "return true;\n"
      `return process.env['SOME-TEST-VAR']`,
      { define: { 'process.env["SOME-TEST-VAR"]': 'true' } },

    Note that if you're passing values like this on the command line using esbuild's --define flag, then you'll need to know how to escape quote characters for your shell. You may find esbuild's JavaScript API more ergonomic and portable than writing shell code.

  • Minify empty try/catch/finally blocks (#​4003)

    With this release, esbuild will now attempt to minify empty try blocks:

    // Original code
    try {} catch { foo() } finally { bar() }
    // Old output (with --minify)
    // New output (with --minify)

    This can sometimes expose additional minification opportunities.

  • Include entryPoint metadata for the copy loader (#​3985)

    Almost all entry points already include a entryPoint field in the outputs map in esbuild's build metadata. However, this wasn't the case for the copy loader as that loader is a special-case that doesn't behave like other loaders. This release adds the entryPoint field in this case.

  • Source mappings may now contain null entries (#​3310, #​3878)

    With this change, sources that result in an empty source map may now emit a null source mapping (i.e. one with a generated position but without a source index or original position). This change improves source map accuracy by fixing a problem where minified code from a source without any source mappings could potentially still be associated with a mapping from another source file earlier in the generated output on the same minified line. It manifests as nonsensical files in source mapped stack traces. Now the null mapping "resets" the source map so that any lookups into the minified code without any mappings resolves to null (which appears as the output file in stack traces) instead of the incorrect source file.

    This change shouldn't affect anything in most situations. I'm only mentioning it in the release notes in case it introduces a bug with source mapping. It's part of a work-in-progress future feature that will let you omit certain unimportant files from the generated source map to reduce source map size.

  • Avoid using the parent directory name for determinism (#​3998)

    To make generated code more readable, esbuild includes the name of the source file when generating certain variable names within the file. Specifically bundling a CommonJS file generates a variable to store the lazily-evaluated module initializer. However, if a file is named index.js (or with a different extension), esbuild will use the name of the parent directory instead for a better name (since many packages have files all named index.js but have unique directory names).

    This is problematic when the bundle entry point is named index.js and the parent directory name is non-deterministic (e.g. a temporary directory created by a build script). To avoid non-determinism in esbuild's output, esbuild will now use index instead of the parent directory in this case. Specifically this will happen if the parent directory is equal to esbuild's outbase API option, which defaults to the lowest common ancestor of all user-specified entry point paths.

  • Experimental support for esbuild on NetBSD (#​3974)

    With this release, esbuild now has a published binary executable for NetBSD in the @esbuild/netbsd-arm64 npm package, and esbuild's installer has been modified to attempt to use it when on NetBSD. Hopefully this makes installing esbuild via npm work on NetBSD. This change was contributed by @​bsiegert.

    ⚠️ Note: NetBSD is not one of Node's supported platforms, so installing esbuild may or may not work on NetBSD depending on how Node has been patched. This is not a problem with esbuild. ⚠️


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This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.23.0 or ~0.23.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information.

  • Drop support for older platforms (#​3902)

    This release drops support for the following operating system:

    • macOS 10.15 Catalina

    This is because the Go programming language dropped support for this operating system version in Go 1.23, and this release updates esbuild from Go 1.22 to Go 1.23. Go 1.23 now requires macOS 11 Big Sur or later.

    Note that this only affects the binary esbuild executables that are published to the esbuild npm package. It's still possible to compile esbuild's source code for these older operating systems. If you need to, you can compile esbuild for yourself using an older version of the Go compiler (before Go version 1.23). That might look something like this:

    git clone https://github.com/evanw/esbuild.git
    cd esbuild
    go build ./cmd/esbuild
    ./esbuild --version
  • Fix class field decorators in TypeScript if useDefineForClassFields is false (#​3913)

    Setting the useDefineForClassFields flag to false in tsconfig.json means class fields use the legacy TypeScript behavior instead of the standard JavaScript behavior. Specifically they use assign semantics instead of define semantics (e.g. setters are triggered) and fields without an initializer are not initialized at all. However, when this legacy behavior is combined with standard JavaScript decorators, TypeScript switches to always initializing all fields, even those without initializers. Previously esbuild incorrectly continued to omit field initializers for this edge case. These field initializers in this case should now be emitted starting with this release.

  • Avoid incorrect cycle warning with tsconfig.json multiple inheritance (#​3898)

    TypeScript 5.0 introduced multiple inheritance for tsconfig.json files where extends can be an array of file paths. Previously esbuild would incorrectly treat files encountered more than once when processing separate subtrees of the multiple inheritance hierarchy as an inheritance cycle. With this release, tsconfig.json files containing this edge case should work correctly without generating a warning.

  • Handle Yarn Plug'n'Play stack overflow with tsconfig.json (#​3915)

    Previously a tsconfig.json file that extends another file in a package with an exports map could cause a stack overflow when Yarn's Plug'n'Play resolution was active. This edge case should work now starting with this release.

  • Work around more issues with Deno 1.31+ (#​3917)

    This version of Deno broke the stdin and stdout properties on command objects for inherited streams, which matters when you run esbuild's Deno module as the entry point (i.e. when import.meta.main is true). Previously esbuild would crash in Deno 1.31+ if you ran esbuild like that. This should be fixed starting with this release.

    This fix was contributed by @​Joshix-1.


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  • Allow using the node: import prefix with es* targets (#​3821)

    The node: prefix on imports is an alternate way to import built-in node modules. For example, import fs from "fs" can also be written import fs from "node:fs". This only works with certain newer versions of node, so esbuild removes it when you target older versions of node such as with --target=node14 so that your code still works. With the way esbuild's platform-specific feature compatibility table works, this was added by saying that only newer versions of node support this feature. However, that means that a target such as --target=node18,es2022 removes the node: prefix because none of the es* targets are known to support this feature. This release adds the support for the node: flag to esbuild's internal compatibility table for es* to allow you to use compound targets like this:

    // Original code
    import fs from 'node:fs'
    // Old output (with --bundle --format=esm --platform=node --target=node18,es2022)
    import fs from "fs";
    // New output (with --bundle --format=esm --platform=node --target=node18,es2022)
    import fs from "node:fs";
  • Fix a panic when using the CLI with invalid build flags if --analyze is present (#​3834)

    Previously esbuild's CLI could crash if it was invoked with flags that aren't valid for a "build" API call and the --analyze flag is present. This was caused by esbuild's internals attempting to add a Go plugin (which is how --analyze is implemented) to a null build object. The panic has been fixed in this release.

  • Fix incorrect location of certain error messages (#​3845)

    This release fixes a regression that caused certain errors relating to variable declarations to be reported at an incorrect location. The regression was introduced in version 0.18.7 of esbuild.

  • Print comments before case clauses in switch statements (#​3838)

    With this release, esbuild will attempt to print comments that come before case clauses in switch statements. This is similar to what esbuild already does for comments inside of certain types of expressions. Note that these types of comments are not printed if minification is enabled (specifically whitespace minification).

  • Fix a memory leak with pluginData (#​3825)

    With this release, the build context's internal pluginData cache will now be cleared when starting a new build. This should fix a leak of memory from plugins that return pluginData objects from onResolve and/or onLoad callbacks.


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This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.22.0 or ~0.22.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information.

  • Revert the recent change to avoid bundling dependencies for node (#​3819)

    This release reverts the recent change in version 0.22.0 that made --packages=external the default behavior with --platform=node. The default is now back to --packages=bundle.

    I've just been made aware that Amazon doesn't pin their dependencies in their "AWS CDK" product, which means that whenever esbuild publishes a new release, many people (potentially everyone?) using their SDK around the world instantly starts using it without Amazon checking that it works first. This change in version 0.22.0 happened to break their SDK. I'm amazed that things haven't broken before this point. This revert attempts to avoid these problems for Amazon's customers. Hopefully Amazon will pin their dependencies in the future.

    In addition, this is probably a sign that esbuild is used widely enough that it now needs to switch to a more complicated release model. I may have esbuild use a beta channel model for further development.

  • Fix preserving collapsed JSX whitespace (#​3818)

    When transformed, certain whitespace inside JSX elements is ignored completely if it collapses to an empty string. However, the whitespace should only be ignored if the JSX is being transformed, not if it's being preserved. This release fixes a bug where esbuild was previously incorrectly ignoring collapsed whitespace with --jsx=preserve. Here is an example:

    // Original code
      <Bar />
    // Old output (with --jsx=preserve)
    <Foo><Bar /></Foo>;
    // New output (with --jsx=preserve)
      <Bar />


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This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes. To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of esbuild in your package.json file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as ^0.21.0 or ~0.21.0. See npm's documentation about semver for more information.

  • Omit packages from bundles by default when targeting node (#​1874, #​2830, #​2846, #​2915, #​3145, #​3294, #​3323, #​3582, #​3809, #​3815)

    This breaking change is an experiment. People are commonly confused when using esbuild to bundle code for node (i.e. for --platform=node) because some packages may not be intended for bundlers, and may use node-specific features that don't work with a bundler. Even though esbuild's "getting started" instructions say to use --packages=external to work around this problem, many people don't read the documentation and don't do this, and are then confused when it doesn't work. So arguably this is a bad default behavior for esbuild to have if people keep tripping over this.

    With this release, esbuild will now omit packages from the bundle by default when the platform is node (i.e. the previous behavior of --packages=external is now the default in this case). Note that your dependencies must now be present on the file system when your bundle is run. If you don't want this behavior, you can do --packages=bundle to allow packages to be included in the bundle (i.e. the previous default behavior). Note that --packages=bundle doesn't mean all packages are bundled, just that packages are allowed to be bundled. You can still exclude individual packages from the bundle using --external: even when --packages=bundle is present.

    The --packages= setting considers all import paths that "look like" package imports in the original source code to be package imports. Specifically import paths that don't start with a path segment of / or . or .. are considered to be package imports. The only two exceptions to this rule are subpath imports (which start with a # character) and TypeScript path remappings via paths and/or baseUrl in tsconfig.json (which are applied first).

  • Drop support for older platforms (#​3802)

    This release drops support for the following operating systems:

    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows Server 2012

    This is because the Go programming language dropped support for these operating system versions in Go 1.21, and this release updates esbuild from Go 1.20 to Go 1.22.

    Note that this only affects the binary esbuild executables that are published to the esbuild npm package. It's still possible to compile esbuild's source code for these older operating systems. If you need to, you can compile esbuild for yourself using an older version of the Go compiler (before Go version 1.21). That might look something like this:

    git clone https://github.com/evanw/esbuild.git
    cd esbuild
    go build ./cmd/esbuild
    ./esbuild.exe --version

    In addition, this release increases the minimum required node version for esbuild's JavaScript API from node 12 to node 18. Node 18 is the oldest version of node that is still being supported (see node's release schedule for more information). This increase is because of an incompatibility between the JavaScript that the Go compiler generates for the esbuild-wasm package and versions of node before node 17.4 (specifically the crypto.getRandomValues function).

  • Update await using behavior to match TypeScript

    TypeScript 5.5 subtly changes the way await using behaves. This release updates esbuild to match these changes in TypeScript. You can read more about these changes in microsoft/TypeScript#58624.

  • Allow es2024 as a target environment

    The ECMAScript 2024 specification was just approved, so it has been added to esbuild as a possible compilation target. You can read more about the features that it adds here: https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html. The only addition that's relevant for esbuild is the regular expression /v flag. With --target=es2024, regular expressions that use the /v flag will now be passed through untransformed instead of being transformed into a call to new RegExp.

  • Publish binaries for OpenBSD on 64-bit ARM (#​3665, #​3674)

    With this release, you should now be able to install the esbuild npm package in OpenBSD on 64-bit ARM, such as on an Apple device with an M1 chip.

    This was contributed by @​ikmckenz.

  • Publish binaries for WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) preview 1 (#​3300, #​3779)

    The upcoming WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) standard is going to be a way to run WebAssembly outside of a JavaScript host environment. In this scenario you only need a .wasm file without any supporting JavaScript code. Instead of JavaScript providing the APIs for the host environment, the WASI standard specifies a "system interface" that WebAssembly code can access directly (e.g. for file system access).

    Development versions of the WASI specification are being released using preview numbers. The people behind WASI are currently working on preview 2 but the Go compiler has released support for preview 1, which from what I understand is now considered an unsupported legacy release. However, some people have requested that esbuild publish binary executables that support WASI preview 1 so they can experiment with them.

    This release publishes esbuild precompiled for WASI preview 1 to the @esbuild/wasi-preview1 package on npm (specifically the file @esbuild/wasi-preview1/esbuild.wasm). This binary executable has not been tested and won't be officially supported, as it's for an old preview release of a specification that has since moved in another direction. If it works for you, great! If not, then you'll likely have to wait for the ecosystem to evolve before using esbuild with WASI. For example, it sounds like perhaps WASI preview 1 doesn't include support for opening network sockets so esbuild's local development server is unlikely to work with WASI preview 1.

  • Warn about onResolve plugins not setting a path (#​3790)

    Plugins that return values from onResolve without resolving the path (i.e. without setting either path or external: true) will now cause a warning. This is because esbuild only uses return values from onResolve if it successfully resolves the path, and it's not good for invalid input to be silently ignored.

  • Add a new Go API for running the CLI with plugins (#​3539)

    With esbuild's Go API, you can now call cli.RunWithPlugins(args, plugins) to pass an array of esbuild plugins to be used during the build process. This allows you to create a CLI that behaves similarly to esbuild's CLI but with additional Go plugins enabled.

    This was contributed by @​edewit.


Compare Source

  • Fix Symbol.metadata on classes without a class decorator (#​3781)

    This release fixes a bug with esbuild's support for the decorator metadata proposal. Previously esbuild only added the Symbol.metadata property to decorated classes if there was a decorator on the class element itself. However, the proposal says that the Symbol.metadata property should be present on all classes that have any decorators at all, not just those with a decorator on the class element itself.

  • Allow unknown import attributes to be used with the copy loader (#​3792)

    Import attributes (the with keyword on import statements) are allowed to alter how that path is loaded. For example, esbuild cannot assume that it knows how to load ./bagel.js as type bagel:

    // This is an error with "--bundle" without also using "--external:./bagel.js"
    import tasty from "./bagel.js" with { type: "bagel" }

    Because of that, bundling this code with esbuild is an error unless the file ./bagel.js is external to the bundle (such as with --bundle --external:./bagel.js).

    However, there is an additional case where it's ok for esbuild to allow this: if the file is loaded using the copy loader. That's because the copy loader behaves similarly to --external in that the file is left external to the bundle. The difference is that the copy loader copies the file into the output folder and rewrites the import path while --external doesn't. That means the following will now work with the copy loader (such as with --bundle --loader:.bagel=copy):

    // This is no longer an error with "--bundle" and "--loader:.bagel=copy"
    import tasty from "./tasty.bagel" with { type: "bagel" }
  • Support import attributes with glob-style imports (#​3797)

    This release adds support for import attributes (the with option) to glob-style imports (dynamic imports with certain string literal patterns as paths). These imports previously didn't support import attributes due to an oversight. So code like this will now work correctly:

    async function loadLocale(locale: string): Locale {
      const data = await import(`./locales/${locale}.data`, { with: { type: 'json' } })
      return unpackLocale(locale, data)

    Previously this didn't work even though esbuild normally supports forcing the JSON loader using an import attribute. Attempting to do this used to result in the following error:

    ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".data" files: locales/en-US.data
          2 │   const data = await import(`./locales/${locale}.data`, { with: { type: 'json' } })
            ╵                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    In addition, this change means plugins can now access the contents of with for glob-style imports.

  • Support ${configDir} in tsconfig.json files (#​3782)

    This adds support for a new feature from the upcoming TypeScript 5.5 release. The character sequence ${configDir} is now respected at the start of baseUrl and paths values, which are used by esbuild during bundling to correctly map import paths to file system paths. This feature lets base tsconfig.json files specified via extends refer to the directory of the top-level tsconfig.json file. Here is an example:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "paths": {
          "js/*": ["${configDir}/dist/js/*"]

    You can read more in TypeScript's blog post about their upcoming 5.5 release. Note that this feature does not make use of template literals (you need to use "${configDir}/dist/js/*" not `${configDir}/dist/js/*`). The syntax for tsconfig.json is still just JSON with comments, and JSON syntax does not allow template literals. This feature only recognizes ${configDir} in strings for certain path-like properties, and only at the beginning of the string.

  • Fix internal error with --supported:object-accessors=false (#​3794)

    This release fixes a regression in 0.21.0 where some code that was added to esbuild's internal runtime library of helper functions for JavaScript decorators fails to parse when you configure esbuild with --supported:object-accessors=false. The reason is that esbuild introduced code that does { get [name]() {} } which uses both the object-extensions feature for the [name] and the object-accessors feature for the get, but esbuild was incorrectly only checking for object-extensions and not for object-accessors. Additional tests have been added to avoid this type of issue in the future. A workaround for this issue in earlier releases is to also add --supported:object-extensions=false.


Compare Source

  • Update support for import assertions and import attributes in node (#​3778)

    Import assertions (the assert keyword) have been removed from node starting in v22.0.0. So esbuild will now strip them and generate a warning with --target=node22 or above:

    ▲ [WARNING] The "assert" keyword is not supported in the configured target environment ("node22") [assert-to-with]
          1 │ import json from "esbuild/package.json" assert { type: "json" }
            │                                         ~~~~~~
            ╵                                         with
      Did you mean to use "with" instead of "assert"?

    Import attributes (the with keyword) have been backported to node 18 starting in v18.20.0. So esbuild will no longer strip them with --target=node18.N if N is 20 or greater.

  • Fix for await transform when a label is present

    This release fixes a bug where the for await transform, which wraps the loop in a try statement, previously failed to also move the loop's label into the try statement. This bug only affects code that uses both of these features in combination. Here's an example of some affected code:

    // Original code
    async function test() {
      outer: for await (const x of [Promise.resolve([0, 1])]) {
        for (const y of x) if (y) break outer
        throw 'fail'
    // Old output (with --target=es6)
    function test() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        outer: try {
          for (var iter = __forAwait([Promise.resolve([0, 1])]), more, temp, error; more = !(temp = yield iter.next()).done; more = false) {
            const x = temp.value;
            for (const y of x) if (y) break outer;
            throw "fail";
        } catch (temp) {
          error = [temp];
        } finally {
          try {
            more && (temp = iter.return) && (yield temp.call(iter));
          } finally {
            if (error)
              throw error[0];
    // New output (with --target=es6)
    function test() {
      return __async(this, null, function* () {
        try {
          outer: for (var iter = __forAwait([Promise.resolve([0, 1])]), more, temp, error; more = !(temp = yield iter.next()).done; more = false) {
            const x = temp.value;
            for (const y of x) if (y) break outer;
            throw "fail";
        } catch (temp) {
          error = [temp];
        } finally {
          try {
            more && (temp = iter.return) && (yield temp.call(iter));
          } finally {
            if (error)
              throw error[0];
  • Do additional constant folding after cross-module enum inlining (#​3416, #​3425)

    This release adds a few more cases where esbuild does constant folding after cross-module enum inlining.

    // Original code: enum.ts
    export enum Platform {
      WINDOWS = 'windows',
      MACOS = 'macos',
      LINUX = 'linux',
    // Original code: main.ts
    import { Platform } from './enum';
    declare const PLATFORM: string;
    export function logPlatform() {
      if (PLATFORM == Platform.WINDOWS) console.log('Windows');
      else if (PLATFORM == Platform.MACOS) console.log('macOS');
      else if (PLATFORM == Platform.LINUX) console.log('Linux');
      else console.log('Other');
    // Old output (with --bundle '--define:PLATFORM="macos"' --minify --format=esm)
    function n(){"windows"=="macos"?console.log("Windows"):"macos"=="macos"?console.log("macOS"):"linux"=="macos"?console.log("Linux"):console.log("Other")}export{n as logPlatform};
    // New output (with --bundle '--define:PLATFORM="macos"' --minify --format=esm)
    function n(){console.log("macOS")}export{n as logPlatform};
  • Pass import attributes to on-resolve plugins (#​3384, #​3639, #​3646)

    With this release, on-resolve plugins will now have access to the import attributes on the import via the with property of the arguments object. This mirrors the with property of the arguments object that's already passed to on-load plugins. In addition, you can now pass with to the resolve() API call which will then forward that value on to all relevant plugins. Here's an example of a plugin that can now be written:

    const examplePlugin = {
      name: 'Example plugin',
      setup(build) {
        build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, args => {
          if (args.with.type === 'external')
            return { external: true }
      stdin: {
        contents: `
          import foo from "./foo" with { type: "external" }
      bundle: true,
      format: 'esm',
      write: false,
      plugins: [examplePlugin],
    }).then(result => {
  • Formatting support for the @position-try rule (#​3773)

    Chrome shipped this new CSS at-rule in version 125 as part of the CSS anchor positioning API. With this release, esbuild now knows to expect a declaration list inside of the @position-try body block and will format it appropriately.

  • Always allow internal string import and export aliases (#​3343)

    Import and export names can be string literals in ES2022+. Previously esbuild forbid any usage of these aliases when the target was below ES2022. Starting with this release, esbuild will only forbid such usage when the alias would otherwise end up in output as a string literal. String literal aliases that are only used internally in the bundle and are "compiled away" are no longer errors. This makes it possible to use string literal aliases with esbuild's inject feature even when the target is earlier than ES2022.


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  • Implement the decorator metadata proposal (#​3760)

    This release implements the decorator metadata proposal, which is a sub-proposal of the decorators proposal. Microsoft shipped the decorators proposal in TypeScript 5.0 and the decorator metadata proposal in TypeScript 5.2, so it's important that esbuild also supports both of these features. Here's a quick example:

    // Shim the "Symbol.metadata" symbol
    Symbol.metadata ??= Symbol('Symbol.metadata')
    const track = (_, context) => {
      (context.metadata.names ||= []).push(context.name)
    class Foo {
      @&#8203;track foo = 1
      @&#8203;track bar = 2
    // Prints ["foo", "bar"]

    ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️

    This proposal has been marked as "stage 3" which means "recommended for implementation". However, it's still a work in progress and isn't a part of JavaScript yet, so keep in mind that any code that uses JavaScript decorator metadata may need to be updated as the feature continues to evolve. If/when that happens, I will update esbuild's implementation to match the specification. I will not be supporting old versions of the specification.

  • Fix bundled decorators in derived classes (#​3768)

    In certain cases, bundling code that uses decorators in a derived class with a class body that references its own class name could previously generate code that crashes at run-time due to an incorrect variable name. This problem has been fixed. Here is an example of code that was compiled incorrectly before this fix:

    class Foo extends Object {
      @&#8203;(x => x) foo() {
        return Foo
    console.log(new Foo().foo())
  • Fix tsconfig.json files inside symlinked directories (#​3767)

    This release fixes an issue with a scenario involving a tsconfig.json file that extends another file from within a symlinked directory that uses the paths feature. In that case, the implicit baseURL value should be based on the real path (i.e. after expanding all symbolic links) instead of the original path. This was already done for other files that esbuild resolves but was not yet done for tsconfig.json because it's special-cased (the regular path resolver can't be used because the information inside tsconfig.json is involved in path resolution). Note that this fix no longer applies if the --preserve-symlinks setting is enabled.


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  • Correct this in field and accessor decorators (#​3761)

    This release changes the value of this in initializers for class field and accessor decorators from the module-level this value to the appropriate this value for the decorated element (either the class or the instance). It was previously incorrect due to lack of test coverage. Here's an example of a decorator that doesn't work without this change:

    const dec = () => function() { this.bar = true }
    class Foo { @&#8203;dec static foo }
    console.log(Foo.bar) // Should be "true"
  • Allow es2023 as a target environment (#​3762)

    TypeScript recently added es2023 as a compilation target, so esbuild now supports this too. There is no difference between a target of es2022 and es2023 as far as esbuild is concerned since the 2023 edition of JavaScript doesn't introduce any new syntax features.


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  • Fix a regression with --keep-names (#​3756)

    The previous release introduced a regression with the --keep-names setting and object literals with get/set accessor methods, in which case the generated code contained syntax errors. This release fixes the regression:

    // Original code
    x = { get y() {} }
    // Output from version 0.21.0 (with --keep-names)
    x = { get y: /* @&#8203;__PURE__ */ __name(function() {
    }, "y") };
    // Output from this version (with --keep-names)
    x = { get y() {
    } };


Compare Source

This release doesn't contain any deliberately-breaking changes. However, it contains a very complex new feature and while all of esbuild's tests pass, I would not be surprised if an important edge case turns out to be broken. So I'm releasing this as a breaking change release to avoid causing any trouble. As usual, make sure to test your code when you upgrade.

  • Implement the JavaScript decorators proposal (#​104)

    With this release, esbuild now contains an implementation of the upcoming JavaScript decorators proposal. This is the same feature that shipped in TypeScript 5.0 and has been highly-requested on esbuild's issue tracker. You can read more about them in that blog post and in this other (now slightly outdated) extensive blog post here: https://2ality.com/2022/10/javascript-decorators.html. Here's a quick example:

    const log = (fn, context) => function() {
      console.log(`before ${context.name}`)
      const it = fn.apply(this, arguments)
      console.log(`after ${context.name}`)
      return it
    class Foo {
      @&#8203;log static foo() {
        console.log('in foo')
    // Logs "before foo", "in foo", "after foo"

    Note that this feature is different than the existing "TypeScript experimental decorators" feature that esbuild already implements. It uses similar syntax but behaves very differently, and the two are not compatible (although it's sometimes possible to write decorators that work with both). TypeScript experimental decorators will still be supported by esbuild going forward as they have been around for a long time, are very widely used, and let you do certain things that are not possible with JavaScript decorators (such as decorating function parameters). By default esbuild will parse and transform JavaScript decorators, but you can tell esbuild to parse and transform TypeScript experimental decorators instead by setting "experimentalDecorators": true in your tsconfig.json file.

    Probably at least half of the work for this feature went into creating a test suite that exercises many of the proposal's edge cases: https://github.com/evanw/decorator-tests. It has given me a reasonable level of confidence that esbuild's initial implementation is acceptable. However, I don't have access to a significant sample of real code that uses JavaScript decorators. If you're currently using JavaScript decorators in a real code base, please try out esbuild's implementation and let me know if anything seems off.

    ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️

    This proposal has been in the works for a very long time (work began around 10 years ago in 2014) and it is finally getting close to becoming part of the JavaScript language. However, it's still a work in progress and isn't a part of JavaScript yet, so keep in mind that any code that uses JavaScript decorators may need to be updated as the feature continues to evolve. The decorators proposal is pretty close to its final form but it can and likely will undergo some small behavioral adjustments before it ends up becoming a part of the standard. If/when that happens, I will update esbuild's implementation to match the specification. I will not be supporting old versions of the specification.

  • Optimize the generated code for private methods

    Previously when lowering private methods for old browsers, esbuild would generate one WeakSet for each private method. This mirrors similar logic for generating one WeakSet for each private field. Using a separate WeakMap for private fields is necessary as their assignment can be observable:

    let it
    class Bar {
      constructor() {
        it = this
    class Foo extends Bar {
      #x = 1
      #y = null.foo
      static check() {
        console.log(#x in it, #y in it)
    try { new Foo } catch {}

    This prints true false because this partially-initialized instance has #x but not #y. In other words, it's not true that all class instances will always have all of their private fields. However, the assignment of private methods to a class instance is not observable. In other words, it's true that all class instances will always have all of their private methods. This means esbuild can lower private methods into code where all methods share a single WeakSet, which is smaller, faster, and uses less memory. Other JavaScript processing tools such as the TypeScript compiler already make this optimization. Here's what this change looks like:

    // Original code
    class Foo {
      #x() { return this.#x() }
      #y() { return this.#y() }
      #z() { return this.#z() }
    // Old output (--supported:class-private-method=false)
    var _x, x_fn, _y, y_fn, _z, z_fn;
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _x);
        __privateAdd(this, _y);
        __privateAdd(this, _z);
    _x = new WeakSet();
    x_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _x, x_fn).call(this);
    _y = new WeakSet();
    y_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _y, y_fn).call(this);
    _z = new WeakSet();
    z_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _z, z_fn).call(this);
    // New output (--supported:class-private-method=false)
    var _Foo_instances, x_fn, y_fn, z_fn;
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __privateAdd(this, _Foo_instances);
    _Foo_instances = new WeakSet();
    x_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, x_fn).call(this);
    y_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, y_fn).call(this);
    z_fn = function() {
      return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, z_fn).call(this);
  • Fix an obscure bug with lowering class members with computed property keys

    When class members that use newer syntax features are transformed for older target environments, they sometimes need to be relocated. However, care must be taken to not reorder any side effects caused by computed property keys. For example, the following code must evaluate a() then b() then c():

    class Foo {
      [a()]() {}
      static { c() }

    Previously esbuild did this by shifting the computed property key forward to the next spot in the evaluation order. Classes evaluate all computed keys first and then all static class elements, so if the last computed key needs to be shifted, esbuild previously inserted a static block at start of the class body, ensuring it came before all other static class elements:

    var _a;
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __publicField(this, _a);
      static {
        _a = b();
      [a()]() {
      static {

    However, this could cause esbuild to accidentally generate a syntax error if the computed property key contains code that isn't allowed in a static block, such as an await expression. With this release, esbuild fixes this problem by shifting the computed property key backward to the previous spot in the evaluation order instead, which may push it into the extends clause or even before the class itself:

    // Original code
    class Foo {
      [a()]() {}
      [await b()];
      static { c() }
    // Old output (with --supported:class-field=false)
    var _a;
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __publicField(this, _a);
      static {
        _a = await b();
      [a()]() {
      static {
    // New output (with --supported:class-field=false)
    var _a, _b;
    class Foo {
      constructor() {
        __publicField(this, _a);
      [(_b = a(), _a = await b(), _b)]() {
      static {
  • Fix some --keep-names edge cases

    The NamedEvaluation syntax-directed operation in the JavaScript specification gives certain anonymous expressions a name property depending on where they are in the syntax tree. For example, the following initializers convey a name value:

    var foo = function() {}
    var bar = class {}
    console.log(foo.name, bar.name)

    When you enable esbuild's --keep-names setting, esbuild generates additional code to represent this NamedEvaluation operation so that the value of the name property persists even when the identifiers are renamed (e.g. due to minification).

    However, I recently learned that esbuild's implementation of NamedEvaluation is missing a few cases. Specifically esbuild was missing property definitions, class initializers, logical-assignment operators. These cases should now all be handled:

    var obj = { foo: function() {} }
    class Foo0 { foo = function() {} }
    class Foo1 { static foo = function() {} }
    class Foo2 { accessor foo = function() {} }
    class Foo3 { static accessor foo = function() {} }
    foo ||= function() {}
    foo &&= function() {}
    foo ??= function() {}


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [esbuild](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild) | dependencies | minor | [`0.20.2` -> `0.25.1`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/esbuild/0.20.2/0.25.1) | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>evanw/esbuild (esbuild)</summary> ### [`v0.25.1`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#0251) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.25.0...v0.25.1) - Fix incorrect paths in inline source maps ([#&#8203;4070](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4070), [#&#8203;4075](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4075), [#&#8203;4105](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4105)) This fixes a regression from version 0.25.0 where esbuild didn't correctly resolve relative paths contained within source maps in inline `sourceMappingURL` data URLs. The paths were incorrectly being passed through as-is instead of being resolved relative to the source file containing the `sourceMappingURL` comment, which was due to the data URL not being a file URL. This regression has been fixed, and this case now has test coverage. - Fix invalid generated source maps ([#&#8203;4080](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4080), [#&#8203;4082](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4082), [#&#8203;4104](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4104), [#&#8203;4107](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4107)) This release fixes a regression from version 0.24.1 that could cause esbuild to generate invalid source maps. Specifically under certain conditions, esbuild could generate a mapping with an out-of-bounds source index. It was introduced by code that attempted to improve esbuild's handling of "null" entries in source maps (i.e. mappings with a generated position but no original position). This regression has been fixed. This fix was contributed by [@&#8203;jridgewell](https://github.com/jridgewell). - Fix a regression with non-file source map paths ([#&#8203;4078](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4078)) The format of paths in source maps that aren't in the `file` namespace was unintentionally changed in version 0.25.0. Path namespaces is an esbuild-specific concept that is optionally available for plugins to use to distinguish paths from `file` paths and from paths meant for other plugins. Previously the namespace was prepended to the path joined with a `:` character, but version 0.25.0 unintentionally failed to prepend the namespace. The previous behavior has been restored. - Fix a crash with `switch` optimization ([#&#8203;4088](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4088)) The new code in the previous release to optimize dead code in switch statements accidentally introduced a crash in the edge case where one or more switch case values include a function expression. This is because esbuild now visits the case values first to determine whether any cases are dead code, and then visits the case bodies once the dead code status is known. That triggered some internal asserts that guard against traversing the AST in an unexpected order. This crash has been fixed by changing esbuild to expect the new traversal ordering. Here's an example of affected code: ```js switch (x) { case '': return y.map(z => z.value) case y.map(z => z.key).join(','): return [] } ``` - Update Go from 1.23.5 to 1.23.7 ([#&#8203;4076](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4076), [#&#8203;4077](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/4077)) This should have no effect on existing code as this version change does not change Go's operating system support. It may remove certain reports from vulnerability scanners that detect which version of the Go compiler esbuild uses. This PR was contributed by [@&#8203;MikeWillCook](https://github.com/MikeWillCook). ### [`v0.25.0`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md#0250) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.24.2...v0.25.0) **This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes.** To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of `esbuild` in your `package.json` file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as `^0.24.0` or `~0.24.0`. See npm's documentation about [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver/) for more information. - Restrict access to esbuild's development server ([GHSA-67mh-4wv8-2f99](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/security/advisories/GHSA-67mh-4wv8-2f99)) This change addresses esbuild's first security vulnerability report. Previously esbuild set the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header to `*` to allow esbuild's development server to be flexible in how it's used for development. However, this allows the websites you visit to make HTTP requests to esbuild's local development server, which gives read-only access to your source code if the website were to fetch your source code's specific URL. You can read more information in [the report](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/security/advisories/GHSA-67mh-4wv8-2f99). Starting with this release, [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) will now be disabled, and requests will now be denied if the host does not match the one provided to `--serve=`. The default host is ``, which refers to all of the IP addresses that represent the local machine (e.g. both `` and ``). If you want to customize anything about esbuild's development server, you can [put a proxy in front of esbuild](https://esbuild.github.io/api/#serve-proxy) and modify the incoming and/or outgoing requests. In addition, the `serve()` API call has been changed to return an array of `hosts` instead of a single `host` string. This makes it possible to determine all of the hosts that esbuild's development server will accept. Thanks to [@&#8203;sapphi-red](https://github.com/sapphi-red) for reporting this issue. - Delete output files when a build fails in watch mode ([#&#8203;3643](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3643)) It has been requested for esbuild to delete files when a build fails in watch mode. Previously esbuild left the old files in place, which could cause people to not immediately realize that the most recent build failed. With this release, esbuild will now delete all output files if a rebuild fails. Fixing the build error and triggering another rebuild will restore all output files again. - Fix correctness issues with the CSS nesting transform ([#&#8203;3620](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3620), [#&#8203;3877](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3877), [#&#8203;3933](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3933), [#&#8203;3997](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3997), [#&#8203;4005](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4005), [#&#8203;4037](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/4037), [#&#8203;4038](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/4038)) This release fixes the following problems: - Naive expansion of CSS nesting can result in an exponential blow-up of generated CSS if each nesting level has multiple selectors. Previously esbuild sometimes collapsed individual nesting levels using `:is()` to limit expansion. However, this collapsing wasn't correct in some cases, so it has been removed to fix correctness issues. ```css /* Original code */ .parent { > .a, > .b1 > .b2 { color: red; } } /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ .parent > :is(.a, .b1 > .b2) { color: red; } /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ .parent > .a, .parent > .b1 > .b2 { color: red; } ``` Thanks to [@&#8203;tim-we](https://github.com/tim-we) for working on a fix. - The `&` CSS nesting selector can be repeated multiple times to increase CSS specificity. Previously esbuild ignored this possibility and incorrectly considered `&&` to have the same specificity as `&`. With this release, this should now work correctly: ```css /* Original code (color should be red) */ div { && { color: red } & { color: blue } } /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ div { color: red; } div { color: blue; } /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ div:is(div) { color: red; } div { color: blue; } ``` Thanks to [@&#8203;CPunisher](https://github.com/CPunisher) for working on a fix. - Previously transforming nested CSS incorrectly removed leading combinators from within pseudoclass selectors such as `:where()`. This edge case has been fixed and how has test coverage. ```css /* Original code */ a b:has(> span) { a & { color: green; } } /* Old output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ a :is(a b:has(span)) { color: green; } /* New output (with --supported:nesting=false) */ a :is(a b:has(> span)) { color: green; } ``` This fix was contributed by [@&#8203;NoremacNergfol](https://github.com/NoremacNergfol). - The CSS minifier contains logic to remove the `&` selector when it can be implied, which happens when there is only one and it's the leading token. However, this logic was incorrectly also applied to selector lists inside of pseudo-class selectors such as `:where()`. With this release, the minifier will now avoid applying this logic in this edge case: ```css /* Original code */ .a { & .b { color: red } :where(& .b) { color: blue } } /* Old output (with --minify) */ .a{.b{color:red}:where(.b){color:#&#8203;00f}} /* New output (with --minify) */ .a{.b{color:red}:where(& .b){color:#&#8203;00f}} ``` - Fix some correctness issues with source maps ([#&#8203;1745](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/1745), [#&#8203;3183](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3183), [#&#8203;3613](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3613), [#&#8203;3982](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3982)) Previously esbuild incorrectly treated source map path references as file paths instead of as URLs. With this release, esbuild will now treat source map path references as URLs. This fixes the following problems with source maps: - File names in `sourceMappingURL` that contained a space previously did not encode the space as `%20`, which resulted in JavaScript tools (including esbuild) failing to read that path back in when consuming the generated output file. This should now be fixed. - Absolute URLs in `sourceMappingURL` that use the `file://` scheme previously attempted to read from a folder called `file:`. These URLs should now be recognized and parsed correctly. - Entries in the `sources` array in the source map are now treated as URLs instead of file paths. The correct behavior for this is much more clear now that source maps has a [formal specification](https://tc39.es/ecma426/). Many thanks to those who worked on the specification. - Fix incorrect package for `@esbuild/netbsd-arm64` ([#&#8203;4018](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4018)) Due to a copy+paste typo, the binary published to `@esbuild/netbsd-arm64` was not actually for `arm64`, and didn't run in that environment. This release should fix running esbuild in that environment (NetBSD on 64-bit ARM). Sorry about the mistake. - Fix a minification bug with bitwise operators and bigints ([#&#8203;4065](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4065)) This change removes an incorrect assumption in esbuild that all bitwise operators result in a numeric integer. That assumption was correct up until the introduction of bigints in ES2020, but is no longer correct because almost all bitwise operators now operate on both numbers and bigints. Here's an example of the incorrect minification: ```js // Original code if ((a & b) !== 0) found = true // Old output (with --minify) a&b&&(found=!0); // New output (with --minify) (a&b)!==0&&(found=!0); ``` - Fix esbuild incorrectly rejecting valid TypeScript edge case ([#&#8203;4027](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4027)) The following TypeScript code is valid: ```ts export function open(async?: boolean): void { console.log(async as boolean) } ``` Before this version, esbuild would fail to parse this with a syntax error as it expected the token sequence `async as ...` to be the start of an async arrow function expression `async as => ...`. This edge case should be parsed correctly by esbuild starting with this release. - Transform BigInt values into constructor calls when unsupported ([#&#8203;4049](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4049)) Previously esbuild would refuse to compile the BigInt literals (such as `123n`) if they are unsupported in the configured target environment (such as with `--target=es6`). The rationale was that they cannot be polyfilled effectively because they change the behavior of JavaScript's arithmetic operators and JavaScript doesn't have operator overloading. However, this prevents using esbuild with certain libraries that would otherwise work if BigInt literals were ignored, such as with old versions of the [`buffer` library](https://github.com/feross/buffer) before the library fixed support for running in environments without BigInt support. So with this release, esbuild will now turn BigInt literals into BigInt constructor calls (so `123n` becomes `BigInt(123)`) and generate a warning in this case. You can turn off the warning with `--log-override:bigint=silent` or restore the warning to an error with `--log-override:bigint=error` if needed. - Change how `console` API dropping works ([#&#8203;4020](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4020)) Previously the `--drop:console` feature replaced all method calls off of the `console` global with `undefined` regardless of how long the property access chain was (so it applied to `console.log()` and `console.log.call(console)` and `console.log.not.a.method()`). However, it was pointed out that this breaks uses of `console.log.bind(console)`. That's also incompatible with Terser's implementation of the feature, which is where this feature originally came from (it does support `bind`). So with this release, using this feature with esbuild will now only replace one level of method call (unless extended by `call` or `apply`) and will replace the method being called with an empty function in complex cases: ```js // Original code const x = console.log('x') const y = console.log.call(console, 'y') const z = console.log.bind(console)('z') // Old output (with --drop-console) const x = void 0; const y = void 0; const z = (void 0)("z"); // New output (with --drop-console) const x = void 0; const y = void 0; const z = (() => { }).bind(console)("z"); ``` This should more closely match Terser's existing behavior. - Allow BigInt literals as `define` values With this release, you can now use BigInt literals as define values, such as with `--define:FOO=123n`. Previously trying to do this resulted in a syntax error. - Fix a bug with resolve extensions in `node_modules` ([#&#8203;4053](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4053)) The `--resolve-extensions=` option lets you specify the order in which to try resolving implicit file extensions. For complicated reasons, esbuild reorders TypeScript file extensions after JavaScript ones inside of `node_modules` so that JavaScript source code is always preferred to TypeScript source code inside of dependencies. However, this reordering had a bug that could accidentally change the relative order of TypeScript file extensions if one of them was a prefix of the other. That bug has been fixed in this release. You can see the issue for details. - Better minification of statically-determined `switch` cases ([#&#8203;4028](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4028)) With this release, esbuild will now try to trim unused code within `switch` statements when the test expression and `case` expressions are primitive literals. This can arise when the test expression is an identifier that is substituted for a primitive literal at compile time. For example: ```js // Original code switch (MODE) { case 'dev': installDevToolsConsole() break case 'prod': return default: throw new Error } // Old output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"') switch("prod"){case"dev":installDevToolsConsole();break;case"prod":return;default:throw new Error} // New output (with --minify '--define:MODE="prod"') return; ``` - Emit `/* @&#8203;__KEY__ */` for string literals derived from property names ([#&#8203;4034](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4034)) Property name mangling is an advanced feature that shortens certain property names for better minification (I say "advanced feature" because it's very easy to break your code with it). Sometimes you need to store a property name in a string, such as `obj.get('foo')` instead of `obj.foo`. JavaScript minifiers such as esbuild and [Terser](https://terser.org/) have a convention where a `/* @&#8203;__KEY__ */` comment before the string makes it behave like a property name. So `obj.get(/* @&#8203;__KEY__ */ 'foo')` allows the contents of the string `'foo'` to be shortened. However, esbuild sometimes itself generates string literals containing property names when transforming code, such as when lowering class fields to ES6 or when transforming TypeScript decorators. Previously esbuild didn't generate its own `/* @&#8203;__KEY__ */` comments in this case, which means that minifying your code by running esbuild again on its own output wouldn't work correctly (this does not affect people that both minify and transform their code in a single step). With this release, esbuild will now generate `/* @&#8203;__KEY__ */` comments for property names in generated string literals. To avoid lots of unnecessary output for people that don't use this advanced feature, the generated comments will only be present when the feature is active. If you want to generate the comments but not actually mangle any property names, you can use a flag that has no effect such as `--reserve-props=.`, which tells esbuild to not mangle any property names (but still activates this feature). - The `text` loader now strips the UTF-8 BOM if present ([#&#8203;3935](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3935)) Some software (such as Notepad on Windows) can create text files that start with the three bytes `0xEF 0xBB 0xBF`, which is referred to as the "byte order mark". This prefix is intended to be removed before using the text. Previously esbuild's `text` loader included this byte sequence in the string, which turns into a prefix of `\uFEFF` in a JavaScript string when decoded from UTF-8. With this release, esbuild's `text` loader will now remove these bytes when they occur at the start of the file. - Omit legal comment output files when empty ([#&#8203;3670](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3670)) Previously configuring esbuild with `--legal-comment=external` or `--legal-comment=linked` would always generate a `.LEGAL.txt` output file even if it was empty. Starting with this release, esbuild will now only do this if the file will be non-empty. This should result in a more organized output directory in some cases. - Update Go from 1.23.1 to 1.23.5 ([#&#8203;4056](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4056), [#&#8203;4057](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/4057)) This should have no effect on existing code as this version change does not change Go's operating system support. It may remove certain reports from vulnerability scanners that detect which version of the Go compiler esbuild uses. This PR was contributed by [@&#8203;MikeWillCook](https://github.com/MikeWillCook). - Allow passing a port of 0 to the development server ([#&#8203;3692](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3692)) Unix sockets interpret a port of 0 to mean "pick a random unused port in the [ephemeral port](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephemeral_port) range". However, esbuild's default behavior when the port is not specified is to pick the first unused port starting from 8000 and upward. This is more convenient because port 8000 is typically free, so you can for example restart the development server and reload your app in the browser without needing to change the port in the URL. Since esbuild is written in Go (which does not have optional fields like JavaScript), not specifying the port in Go means it defaults to 0, so previously passing a port of 0 to esbuild caused port 8000 to be picked. Starting with this release, passing a port of 0 to esbuild when using the CLI or the JS API will now pass port 0 to the OS, which will pick a random ephemeral port. To make this possible, the `Port` option in the Go API has been changed from `uint16` to `int` (to allow for additional sentinel values) and passing a port of -1 in Go now picks a random port. Both the CLI and JS APIs now remap an explicitly-provided port of 0 into -1 for the internal Go API. Another option would have been to change `Port` in Go from `uint16` to `*uint16` (Go's closest equivalent of `number | undefined`). However, that would make the common case of providing an explicit port in Go very awkward as Go doesn't support taking the address of integer constants. This tradeoff isn't worth it as picking a random ephemeral port is a rare use case. So the CLI and JS APIs should now match standard Unix behavior when the port is 0, but you need to use -1 instead with Go API. - Minification now avoids inlining constants with direct `eval` ([#&#8203;4055](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4055)) Direct `eval` can be used to introduce a new variable like this: ```js const variable = false ;(function () { eval("var variable = true") console.log(variable) })() ``` Previously esbuild inlined `variable` here (which became `false`), which changed the behavior of the code. This inlining is now avoided, but please keep in mind that direct `eval` breaks many assumptions that JavaScript tools hold about normal code (especially when bundling) and I do not recommend using it. There are usually better alternatives that have a more localized impact on your code. You can read more about this here: https://esbuild.github.io/link/direct-eval/ ### [`v0.24.2`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.24.2) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.24.1...v0.24.2) - Fix regression with `--define` and `import.meta` ([#&#8203;4010](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4010), [#&#8203;4012](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4012), [#&#8203;4013](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/4013)) The previous change in version 0.24.1 to use a more expression-like parser for `define` values to allow quoted property names introduced a regression that removed the ability to use `--define:import.meta=...`. Even though `import` is normally a keyword that can't be used as an identifier, ES modules special-case the `import.meta` expression to behave like an identifier anyway. This change fixes the regression. This fix was contributed by [@&#8203;sapphi-red](https://github.com/sapphi-red). ### [`v0.24.1`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.24.1) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.24.0...v0.24.1) - Allow `es2024` as a target in `tsconfig.json` ([#&#8203;4004](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4004)) TypeScript recently [added `es2024`](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-7/#support-for---target-es2024-and---lib-es2024) as a compilation target, so esbuild now supports this in the `target` field of `tsconfig.json` files, such as in the following configuration file: ```json { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES2024" } } ``` As a reminder, the only thing that esbuild uses this field for is determining whether or not to use legacy TypeScript behavior for class fields. You can read more in [the documentation](https://esbuild.github.io/content-types/#tsconfig-json). This fix was contributed by [@&#8203;billyjanitsch](https://github.com/billyjanitsch). - Allow automatic semicolon insertion after `get`/`set` This change fixes a grammar bug in the parser that incorrectly treated the following code as a syntax error: ```ts class Foo { get *x() {} set *y() {} } ``` The above code will be considered valid starting with this release. This change to esbuild follows a [similar change to TypeScript](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/60225) which will allow this syntax starting with TypeScript 5.7. - Allow quoted property names in `--define` and `--pure` ([#&#8203;4008](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4008)) The `define` and `pure` API options now accept identifier expressions containing quoted property names. Previously all identifiers in the identifier expression had to be bare identifiers. This change now makes `--define` and `--pure` consistent with `--global-name`, which already supported quoted property names. For example, the following is now possible: ```js // The following code now transforms to "return true;\n" console.log(esbuild.transformSync( `return process.env['SOME-TEST-VAR']`, { define: { 'process.env["SOME-TEST-VAR"]': 'true' } }, )) ``` Note that if you're passing values like this on the command line using esbuild's `--define` flag, then you'll need to know how to escape quote characters for your shell. You may find esbuild's JavaScript API more ergonomic and portable than writing shell code. - Minify empty `try`/`catch`/`finally` blocks ([#&#8203;4003](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/4003)) With this release, esbuild will now attempt to minify empty `try` blocks: ```js // Original code try {} catch { foo() } finally { bar() } // Old output (with --minify) try{}catch{foo()}finally{bar()} // New output (with --minify) bar(); ``` This can sometimes expose additional minification opportunities. - Include `entryPoint` metadata for the `copy` loader ([#&#8203;3985](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3985)) Almost all entry points already include a `entryPoint` field in the `outputs` map in esbuild's build metadata. However, this wasn't the case for the `copy` loader as that loader is a special-case that doesn't behave like other loaders. This release adds the `entryPoint` field in this case. - Source mappings may now contain `null` entries ([#&#8203;3310](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3310), [#&#8203;3878](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3878)) With this change, sources that result in an empty source map may now emit a `null` source mapping (i.e. one with a generated position but without a source index or original position). This change improves source map accuracy by fixing a problem where minified code from a source without any source mappings could potentially still be associated with a mapping from another source file earlier in the generated output on the same minified line. It manifests as nonsensical files in source mapped stack traces. Now the `null` mapping "resets" the source map so that any lookups into the minified code without any mappings resolves to `null` (which appears as the output file in stack traces) instead of the incorrect source file. This change shouldn't affect anything in most situations. I'm only mentioning it in the release notes in case it introduces a bug with source mapping. It's part of a work-in-progress future feature that will let you omit certain unimportant files from the generated source map to reduce source map size. - Avoid using the parent directory name for determinism ([#&#8203;3998](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3998)) To make generated code more readable, esbuild includes the name of the source file when generating certain variable names within the file. Specifically bundling a CommonJS file generates a variable to store the lazily-evaluated module initializer. However, if a file is named `index.js` (or with a different extension), esbuild will use the name of the parent directory instead for a better name (since many packages have files all named `index.js` but have unique directory names). This is problematic when the bundle entry point is named `index.js` and the parent directory name is non-deterministic (e.g. a temporary directory created by a build script). To avoid non-determinism in esbuild's output, esbuild will now use `index` instead of the parent directory in this case. Specifically this will happen if the parent directory is equal to esbuild's `outbase` API option, which defaults to the [lowest common ancestor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowest_common_ancestor) of all user-specified entry point paths. - Experimental support for esbuild on NetBSD ([#&#8203;3974](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3974)) With this release, esbuild now has a published binary executable for [NetBSD](https://www.netbsd.org/) in the [`@esbuild/netbsd-arm64`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@&#8203;esbuild/netbsd-arm64) npm package, and esbuild's installer has been modified to attempt to use it when on NetBSD. Hopefully this makes installing esbuild via npm work on NetBSD. This change was contributed by [@&#8203;bsiegert](https://github.com/bsiegert). ⚠️ Note: NetBSD is not one of [Node's supported platforms](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_platform), so installing esbuild may or may not work on NetBSD depending on how Node has been patched. This is not a problem with esbuild. ⚠️ ### [`v0.24.0`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.24.0) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.23.1...v0.24.0) ***This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes.*** To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of `esbuild` in your `package.json` file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as `^0.23.0` or `~0.23.0`. See npm's documentation about [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver/) for more information. - Drop support for older platforms ([#&#8203;3902](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3902)) This release drops support for the following operating system: - macOS 10.15 Catalina This is because the Go programming language dropped support for this operating system version in Go 1.23, and this release updates esbuild from Go 1.22 to Go 1.23. Go 1.23 now requires macOS 11 Big Sur or later. Note that this only affects the binary esbuild executables that are published to the esbuild npm package. It's still possible to compile esbuild's source code for these older operating systems. If you need to, you can compile esbuild for yourself using an older version of the Go compiler (before Go version 1.23). That might look something like this: git clone https://github.com/evanw/esbuild.git cd esbuild go build ./cmd/esbuild ./esbuild --version - Fix class field decorators in TypeScript if `useDefineForClassFields` is `false` ([#&#8203;3913](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3913)) Setting the `useDefineForClassFields` flag to `false` in `tsconfig.json` means class fields use the legacy TypeScript behavior instead of the standard JavaScript behavior. Specifically they use assign semantics instead of define semantics (e.g. setters are triggered) and fields without an initializer are not initialized at all. However, when this legacy behavior is combined with standard JavaScript decorators, TypeScript switches to always initializing all fields, even those without initializers. Previously esbuild incorrectly continued to omit field initializers for this edge case. These field initializers in this case should now be emitted starting with this release. - Avoid incorrect cycle warning with `tsconfig.json` multiple inheritance ([#&#8203;3898](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3898)) TypeScript 5.0 introduced multiple inheritance for `tsconfig.json` files where `extends` can be an array of file paths. Previously esbuild would incorrectly treat files encountered more than once when processing separate subtrees of the multiple inheritance hierarchy as an inheritance cycle. With this release, `tsconfig.json` files containing this edge case should work correctly without generating a warning. - Handle Yarn Plug'n'Play stack overflow with `tsconfig.json` ([#&#8203;3915](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3915)) Previously a `tsconfig.json` file that `extends` another file in a package with an `exports` map could cause a stack overflow when Yarn's Plug'n'Play resolution was active. This edge case should work now starting with this release. - Work around more issues with Deno 1.31+ ([#&#8203;3917](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3917)) This version of Deno broke the `stdin` and `stdout` properties on command objects for inherited streams, which matters when you run esbuild's Deno module as the entry point (i.e. when `import.meta.main` is `true`). Previously esbuild would crash in Deno 1.31+ if you ran esbuild like that. This should be fixed starting with this release. This fix was contributed by [@&#8203;Joshix-1](https://github.com/Joshix-1). ### [`v0.23.1`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.23.1) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.23.0...v0.23.1) - Allow using the `node:` import prefix with `es*` targets ([#&#8203;3821](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3821)) The [`node:` prefix on imports](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#node-imports) is an alternate way to import built-in node modules. For example, `import fs from "fs"` can also be written `import fs from "node:fs"`. This only works with certain newer versions of node, so esbuild removes it when you target older versions of node such as with `--target=node14` so that your code still works. With the way esbuild's platform-specific feature compatibility table works, this was added by saying that only newer versions of node support this feature. However, that means that a target such as `--target=node18,es2022` removes the `node:` prefix because none of the `es*` targets are known to support this feature. This release adds the support for the `node:` flag to esbuild's internal compatibility table for `es*` to allow you to use compound targets like this: ```js // Original code import fs from 'node:fs' fs.open // Old output (with --bundle --format=esm --platform=node --target=node18,es2022) import fs from "fs"; fs.open; // New output (with --bundle --format=esm --platform=node --target=node18,es2022) import fs from "node:fs"; fs.open; ``` - Fix a panic when using the CLI with invalid build flags if `--analyze` is present ([#&#8203;3834](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3834)) Previously esbuild's CLI could crash if it was invoked with flags that aren't valid for a "build" API call and the `--analyze` flag is present. This was caused by esbuild's internals attempting to add a Go plugin (which is how `--analyze` is implemented) to a null build object. The panic has been fixed in this release. - Fix incorrect location of certain error messages ([#&#8203;3845](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3845)) This release fixes a regression that caused certain errors relating to variable declarations to be reported at an incorrect location. The regression was introduced in version 0.18.7 of esbuild. - Print comments before case clauses in switch statements ([#&#8203;3838](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3838)) With this release, esbuild will attempt to print comments that come before case clauses in switch statements. This is similar to what esbuild already does for comments inside of certain types of expressions. Note that these types of comments are not printed if minification is enabled (specifically whitespace minification). - Fix a memory leak with `pluginData` ([#&#8203;3825](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3825)) With this release, the build context's internal `pluginData` cache will now be cleared when starting a new build. This should fix a leak of memory from plugins that return `pluginData` objects from `onResolve` and/or `onLoad` callbacks. ### [`v0.23.0`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.23.0) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.22.0...v0.23.0) ***This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes.*** To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of `esbuild` in your `package.json` file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as `^0.22.0` or `~0.22.0`. See npm's documentation about [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver/) for more information. - Revert the recent change to avoid bundling dependencies for node ([#&#8203;3819](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3819)) This release reverts the recent change in version 0.22.0 that made `--packages=external` the default behavior with `--platform=node`. The default is now back to `--packages=bundle`. I've just been made aware that Amazon doesn't pin their dependencies in their "AWS CDK" product, which means that whenever esbuild publishes a new release, many people (potentially everyone?) using their SDK around the world instantly starts using it without Amazon checking that it works first. This change in version 0.22.0 happened to break their SDK. I'm amazed that things haven't broken before this point. This revert attempts to avoid these problems for Amazon's customers. Hopefully Amazon will pin their dependencies in the future. In addition, this is probably a sign that esbuild is used widely enough that it now needs to switch to a more complicated release model. I may have esbuild use a beta channel model for further development. - Fix preserving collapsed JSX whitespace ([#&#8203;3818](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3818)) When transformed, certain whitespace inside JSX elements is ignored completely if it collapses to an empty string. However, the whitespace should only be ignored if the JSX is being transformed, not if it's being preserved. This release fixes a bug where esbuild was previously incorrectly ignoring collapsed whitespace with `--jsx=preserve`. Here is an example: ```jsx // Original code <Foo> <Bar /> </Foo> // Old output (with --jsx=preserve) <Foo><Bar /></Foo>; // New output (with --jsx=preserve) <Foo> <Bar /> </Foo>; ``` ### [`v0.22.0`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.22.0) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.5...v0.22.0) **This release deliberately contains backwards-incompatible changes.** To avoid automatically picking up releases like this, you should either be pinning the exact version of `esbuild` in your `package.json` file (recommended) or be using a version range syntax that only accepts patch upgrades such as `^0.21.0` or `~0.21.0`. See npm's documentation about [semver](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v6/using-npm/semver/) for more information. - Omit packages from bundles by default when targeting node ([#&#8203;1874](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/1874), [#&#8203;2830](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/2830), [#&#8203;2846](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/2846), [#&#8203;2915](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/2915), [#&#8203;3145](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3145), [#&#8203;3294](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3294), [#&#8203;3323](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3323), [#&#8203;3582](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3582), [#&#8203;3809](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3809), [#&#8203;3815](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3815)) This breaking change is an experiment. People are commonly confused when using esbuild to bundle code for node (i.e. for `--platform=node`) because some packages may not be intended for bundlers, and may use node-specific features that don't work with a bundler. Even though esbuild's "getting started" instructions say to use `--packages=external` to work around this problem, many people don't read the documentation and don't do this, and are then confused when it doesn't work. So arguably this is a bad default behavior for esbuild to have if people keep tripping over this. With this release, esbuild will now omit packages from the bundle by default when the platform is `node` (i.e. the previous behavior of `--packages=external` is now the default in this case). *Note that your dependencies must now be present on the file system when your bundle is run.* If you don't want this behavior, you can do `--packages=bundle` to allow packages to be included in the bundle (i.e. the previous default behavior). Note that `--packages=bundle` doesn't mean all packages are bundled, just that packages are allowed to be bundled. You can still exclude individual packages from the bundle using `--external:` even when `--packages=bundle` is present. The `--packages=` setting considers all import paths that "look like" package imports in the original source code to be package imports. Specifically import paths that don't start with a path segment of `/` or `.` or `..` are considered to be package imports. The only two exceptions to this rule are [subpath imports](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#subpath-imports) (which start with a `#` character) and TypeScript path remappings via `paths` and/or `baseUrl` in `tsconfig.json` (which are applied first). - Drop support for older platforms ([#&#8203;3802](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3802)) This release drops support for the following operating systems: - Windows 7 - Windows 8 - Windows Server 2008 - Windows Server 2012 This is because the Go programming language dropped support for these operating system versions in [Go 1.21](https://go.dev/doc/go1.21#windows), and this release updates esbuild from Go 1.20 to Go 1.22. Note that this only affects the binary esbuild executables that are published to the `esbuild` npm package. It's still possible to compile esbuild's source code for these older operating systems. If you need to, you can compile esbuild for yourself using an older version of the Go compiler (before Go version 1.21). That might look something like this: git clone https://github.com/evanw/esbuild.git cd esbuild go build ./cmd/esbuild ./esbuild.exe --version In addition, this release increases the minimum required node version for esbuild's JavaScript API from node 12 to node 18. Node 18 is the oldest version of node that is still being supported (see node's [release schedule](https://nodejs.org/en/about/previous-releases) for more information). This increase is because of an incompatibility between the JavaScript that the Go compiler generates for the `esbuild-wasm` package and versions of node before node 17.4 (specifically the `crypto.getRandomValues` function). - Update `await using` behavior to match TypeScript TypeScript 5.5 subtly changes the way `await using` behaves. This release updates esbuild to match these changes in TypeScript. You can read more about these changes in [microsoft/TypeScript#58624](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/58624). - Allow `es2024` as a target environment The ECMAScript 2024 specification was just approved, so it has been added to esbuild as a possible compilation target. You can read more about the features that it adds here: <https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html>. The only addition that's relevant for esbuild is the regular expression `/v` flag. With `--target=es2024`, regular expressions that use the `/v` flag will now be passed through untransformed instead of being transformed into a call to `new RegExp`. - Publish binaries for OpenBSD on 64-bit ARM ([#&#8203;3665](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3665), [#&#8203;3674](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3674)) With this release, you should now be able to install the `esbuild` npm package in OpenBSD on 64-bit ARM, such as on an Apple device with an M1 chip. This was contributed by [@&#8203;ikmckenz](https://github.com/ikmckenz). - Publish binaries for WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) preview 1 ([#&#8203;3300](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3300), [#&#8203;3779](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3779)) The upcoming WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) standard is going to be a way to run WebAssembly outside of a JavaScript host environment. In this scenario you only need a `.wasm` file without any supporting JavaScript code. Instead of JavaScript providing the APIs for the host environment, the WASI standard specifies a "system interface" that WebAssembly code can access directly (e.g. for file system access). Development versions of the WASI specification are being released using preview numbers. The people behind WASI are currently working on preview 2 but the Go compiler has [released support for preview 1](https://go.dev/blog/wasi), which from what I understand is now considered an unsupported legacy release. However, some people have requested that esbuild publish binary executables that support WASI preview 1 so they can experiment with them. This release publishes esbuild precompiled for WASI preview 1 to the `@esbuild/wasi-preview1` package on npm (specifically the file `@esbuild/wasi-preview1/esbuild.wasm`). This binary executable has not been tested and won't be officially supported, as it's for an old preview release of a specification that has since moved in another direction. If it works for you, great! If not, then you'll likely have to wait for the ecosystem to evolve before using esbuild with WASI. For example, it sounds like perhaps WASI preview 1 doesn't include support for opening network sockets so esbuild's local development server is unlikely to work with WASI preview 1. - Warn about `onResolve` plugins not setting a path ([#&#8203;3790](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3790)) Plugins that return values from `onResolve` without resolving the path (i.e. without setting either `path` or `external: true`) will now cause a warning. This is because esbuild only uses return values from `onResolve` if it successfully resolves the path, and it's not good for invalid input to be silently ignored. - Add a new Go API for running the CLI with plugins ([#&#8203;3539](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/pull/3539)) With esbuild's Go API, you can now call `cli.RunWithPlugins(args, plugins)` to pass an array of esbuild plugins to be used during the build process. This allows you to create a CLI that behaves similarly to esbuild's CLI but with additional Go plugins enabled. This was contributed by [@&#8203;edewit](https://github.com/edewit). ### [`v0.21.5`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.5) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.4...v0.21.5) - Fix `Symbol.metadata` on classes without a class decorator ([#&#8203;3781](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3781)) This release fixes a bug with esbuild's support for the [decorator metadata proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorator-metadata). Previously esbuild only added the `Symbol.metadata` property to decorated classes if there was a decorator on the class element itself. However, the proposal says that the `Symbol.metadata` property should be present on all classes that have any decorators at all, not just those with a decorator on the class element itself. - Allow unknown import attributes to be used with the `copy` loader ([#&#8203;3792](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3792)) Import attributes (the `with` keyword on `import` statements) are allowed to alter how that path is loaded. For example, esbuild cannot assume that it knows how to load `./bagel.js` as type `bagel`: ```js // This is an error with "--bundle" without also using "--external:./bagel.js" import tasty from "./bagel.js" with { type: "bagel" } ``` Because of that, bundling this code with esbuild is an error unless the file `./bagel.js` is external to the bundle (such as with `--bundle --external:./bagel.js`). However, there is an additional case where it's ok for esbuild to allow this: if the file is loaded using the `copy` loader. That's because the `copy` loader behaves similarly to `--external` in that the file is left external to the bundle. The difference is that the `copy` loader copies the file into the output folder and rewrites the import path while `--external` doesn't. That means the following will now work with the `copy` loader (such as with `--bundle --loader:.bagel=copy`): ```js // This is no longer an error with "--bundle" and "--loader:.bagel=copy" import tasty from "./tasty.bagel" with { type: "bagel" } ``` - Support import attributes with glob-style imports ([#&#8203;3797](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3797)) This release adds support for import attributes (the `with` option) to glob-style imports (dynamic imports with certain string literal patterns as paths). These imports previously didn't support import attributes due to an oversight. So code like this will now work correctly: ```ts async function loadLocale(locale: string): Locale { const data = await import(`./locales/${locale}.data`, { with: { type: 'json' } }) return unpackLocale(locale, data) } ``` Previously this didn't work even though esbuild normally supports forcing the JSON loader using an import attribute. Attempting to do this used to result in the following error: ✘ [ERROR] No loader is configured for ".data" files: locales/en-US.data example.ts:2:28: 2 │ const data = await import(`./locales/${locale}.data`, { with: { type: 'json' } }) ╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition, this change means plugins can now access the contents of `with` for glob-style imports. - Support `${configDir}` in `tsconfig.json` files ([#&#8203;3782](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3782)) This adds support for a new feature from the upcoming TypeScript 5.5 release. The character sequence `${configDir}` is now respected at the start of `baseUrl` and `paths` values, which are used by esbuild during bundling to correctly map import paths to file system paths. This feature lets base `tsconfig.json` files specified via `extends` refer to the directory of the top-level `tsconfig.json` file. Here is an example: ```json { "compilerOptions": { "paths": { "js/*": ["${configDir}/dist/js/*"] } } } ``` You can read more in [TypeScript's blog post about their upcoming 5.5 release](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-5-rc/#the-configdir-template-variable-for-configuration-files). Note that this feature does not make use of template literals (you need to use `"${configDir}/dist/js/*"` not `` `${configDir}/dist/js/*` ``). The syntax for `tsconfig.json` is still just JSON with comments, and JSON syntax does not allow template literals. This feature only recognizes `${configDir}` in strings for certain path-like properties, and only at the beginning of the string. - Fix internal error with `--supported:object-accessors=false` ([#&#8203;3794](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3794)) This release fixes a regression in 0.21.0 where some code that was added to esbuild's internal runtime library of helper functions for JavaScript decorators fails to parse when you configure esbuild with `--supported:object-accessors=false`. The reason is that esbuild introduced code that does `{ get [name]() {} }` which uses both the `object-extensions` feature for the `[name]` and the `object-accessors` feature for the `get`, but esbuild was incorrectly only checking for `object-extensions` and not for `object-accessors`. Additional tests have been added to avoid this type of issue in the future. A workaround for this issue in earlier releases is to also add `--supported:object-extensions=false`. ### [`v0.21.4`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.4) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.3...v0.21.4) - Update support for import assertions and import attributes in node ([#&#8203;3778](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3778)) Import assertions (the `assert` keyword) have been removed from node starting in v22.0.0. So esbuild will now strip them and generate a warning with `--target=node22` or above: ▲ [WARNING] The "assert" keyword is not supported in the configured target environment ("node22") [assert-to-with] example.mjs:1:40: 1 │ import json from "esbuild/package.json" assert { type: "json" } │ ~~~~~~ ╵ with Did you mean to use "with" instead of "assert"? Import attributes (the `with` keyword) have been backported to node 18 starting in v18.20.0. So esbuild will no longer strip them with `--target=node18.N` if `N` is 20 or greater. - Fix `for await` transform when a label is present This release fixes a bug where the `for await` transform, which wraps the loop in a `try` statement, previously failed to also move the loop's label into the `try` statement. This bug only affects code that uses both of these features in combination. Here's an example of some affected code: ```js // Original code async function test() { outer: for await (const x of [Promise.resolve([0, 1])]) { for (const y of x) if (y) break outer throw 'fail' } } // Old output (with --target=es6) function test() { return __async(this, null, function* () { outer: try { for (var iter = __forAwait([Promise.resolve([0, 1])]), more, temp, error; more = !(temp = yield iter.next()).done; more = false) { const x = temp.value; for (const y of x) if (y) break outer; throw "fail"; } } catch (temp) { error = [temp]; } finally { try { more && (temp = iter.return) && (yield temp.call(iter)); } finally { if (error) throw error[0]; } } }); } // New output (with --target=es6) function test() { return __async(this, null, function* () { try { outer: for (var iter = __forAwait([Promise.resolve([0, 1])]), more, temp, error; more = !(temp = yield iter.next()).done; more = false) { const x = temp.value; for (const y of x) if (y) break outer; throw "fail"; } } catch (temp) { error = [temp]; } finally { try { more && (temp = iter.return) && (yield temp.call(iter)); } finally { if (error) throw error[0]; } } }); } ``` - Do additional constant folding after cross-module enum inlining ([#&#8203;3416](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3416), [#&#8203;3425](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3425)) This release adds a few more cases where esbuild does constant folding after cross-module enum inlining. ```ts // Original code: enum.ts export enum Platform { WINDOWS = 'windows', MACOS = 'macos', LINUX = 'linux', } // Original code: main.ts import { Platform } from './enum'; declare const PLATFORM: string; export function logPlatform() { if (PLATFORM == Platform.WINDOWS) console.log('Windows'); else if (PLATFORM == Platform.MACOS) console.log('macOS'); else if (PLATFORM == Platform.LINUX) console.log('Linux'); else console.log('Other'); } // Old output (with --bundle '--define:PLATFORM="macos"' --minify --format=esm) function n(){"windows"=="macos"?console.log("Windows"):"macos"=="macos"?console.log("macOS"):"linux"=="macos"?console.log("Linux"):console.log("Other")}export{n as logPlatform}; // New output (with --bundle '--define:PLATFORM="macos"' --minify --format=esm) function n(){console.log("macOS")}export{n as logPlatform}; ``` - Pass import attributes to on-resolve plugins ([#&#8203;3384](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3384), [#&#8203;3639](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3639), [#&#8203;3646](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3646)) With this release, on-resolve plugins will now have access to the import attributes on the import via the `with` property of the arguments object. This mirrors the `with` property of the arguments object that's already passed to on-load plugins. In addition, you can now pass `with` to the `resolve()` API call which will then forward that value on to all relevant plugins. Here's an example of a plugin that can now be written: ```js const examplePlugin = { name: 'Example plugin', setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, args => { if (args.with.type === 'external') return { external: true } }) } } require('esbuild').build({ stdin: { contents: ` import foo from "./foo" with { type: "external" } foo() `, }, bundle: true, format: 'esm', write: false, plugins: [examplePlugin], }).then(result => { console.log(result.outputFiles[0].text) }) ``` - Formatting support for the `@position-try` rule ([#&#8203;3773](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3773)) Chrome shipped this new CSS at-rule in version 125 as part of the [CSS anchor positioning API](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/anchor-positioning-api). With this release, esbuild now knows to expect a declaration list inside of the `@position-try` body block and will format it appropriately. - Always allow internal string import and export aliases ([#&#8203;3343](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3343)) Import and export names can be string literals in ES2022+. Previously esbuild forbid any usage of these aliases when the target was below ES2022. Starting with this release, esbuild will only forbid such usage when the alias would otherwise end up in output as a string literal. String literal aliases that are only used internally in the bundle and are "compiled away" are no longer errors. This makes it possible to use string literal aliases with esbuild's `inject` feature even when the target is earlier than ES2022. ### [`v0.21.3`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.3) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.2...v0.21.3) - Implement the decorator metadata proposal ([#&#8203;3760](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3760)) This release implements the [decorator metadata proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorator-metadata), which is a sub-proposal of the [decorators proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorators). Microsoft shipped the decorators proposal in [TypeScript 5.0](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/#decorators) and the decorator metadata proposal in [TypeScript 5.2](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-2/#decorator-metadata), so it's important that esbuild also supports both of these features. Here's a quick example: ```js // Shim the "Symbol.metadata" symbol Symbol.metadata ??= Symbol('Symbol.metadata') const track = (_, context) => { (context.metadata.names ||= []).push(context.name) } class Foo { @&#8203;track foo = 1 @&#8203;track bar = 2 } // Prints ["foo", "bar"] console.log(Foo[Symbol.metadata].names) ``` **⚠️ WARNING ⚠️** This proposal has been marked as "stage 3" which means "recommended for implementation". However, it's still a work in progress and isn't a part of JavaScript yet, so keep in mind that any code that uses JavaScript decorator metadata may need to be updated as the feature continues to evolve. If/when that happens, I will update esbuild's implementation to match the specification. I will not be supporting old versions of the specification. - Fix bundled decorators in derived classes ([#&#8203;3768](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3768)) In certain cases, bundling code that uses decorators in a derived class with a class body that references its own class name could previously generate code that crashes at run-time due to an incorrect variable name. This problem has been fixed. Here is an example of code that was compiled incorrectly before this fix: ```js class Foo extends Object { @&#8203;(x => x) foo() { return Foo } } console.log(new Foo().foo()) ``` - Fix `tsconfig.json` files inside symlinked directories ([#&#8203;3767](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3767)) This release fixes an issue with a scenario involving a `tsconfig.json` file that `extends` another file from within a symlinked directory that uses the `paths` feature. In that case, the implicit `baseURL` value should be based on the real path (i.e. after expanding all symbolic links) instead of the original path. This was already done for other files that esbuild resolves but was not yet done for `tsconfig.json` because it's special-cased (the regular path resolver can't be used because the information inside `tsconfig.json` is involved in path resolution). Note that this fix no longer applies if the `--preserve-symlinks` setting is enabled. ### [`v0.21.2`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.2) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.1...v0.21.2) - Correct `this` in field and accessor decorators ([#&#8203;3761](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3761)) This release changes the value of `this` in initializers for class field and accessor decorators from the module-level `this` value to the appropriate `this` value for the decorated element (either the class or the instance). It was previously incorrect due to lack of test coverage. Here's an example of a decorator that doesn't work without this change: ```js const dec = () => function() { this.bar = true } class Foo { @&#8203;dec static foo } console.log(Foo.bar) // Should be "true" ``` - Allow `es2023` as a target environment ([#&#8203;3762](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3762)) TypeScript recently [added `es2023`](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/58140) as a compilation target, so esbuild now supports this too. There is no difference between a target of `es2022` and `es2023` as far as esbuild is concerned since the 2023 edition of JavaScript doesn't introduce any new syntax features. ### [`v0.21.1`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.1) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.21.0...v0.21.1) - Fix a regression with `--keep-names` ([#&#8203;3756](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/3756)) The previous release introduced a regression with the `--keep-names` setting and object literals with `get`/`set` accessor methods, in which case the generated code contained syntax errors. This release fixes the regression: ```js // Original code x = { get y() {} } // Output from version 0.21.0 (with --keep-names) x = { get y: /* @&#8203;__PURE__ */ __name(function() { }, "y") }; // Output from this version (with --keep-names) x = { get y() { } }; ``` ### [`v0.21.0`](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/releases/tag/v0.21.0) [Compare Source](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/compare/v0.20.2...v0.21.0) This release doesn't contain any deliberately-breaking changes. However, it contains a very complex new feature and while all of esbuild's tests pass, I would not be surprised if an important edge case turns out to be broken. So I'm releasing this as a breaking change release to avoid causing any trouble. As usual, make sure to test your code when you upgrade. - Implement the JavaScript decorators proposal ([#&#8203;104](https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/104)) With this release, esbuild now contains an implementation of the upcoming [JavaScript decorators proposal](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decorators). This is the same feature that shipped in [TypeScript 5.0](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0/#decorators) and has been highly-requested on esbuild's issue tracker. You can read more about them in that blog post and in this other (now slightly outdated) extensive blog post here: https://2ality.com/2022/10/javascript-decorators.html. Here's a quick example: ```js const log = (fn, context) => function() { console.log(`before ${context.name}`) const it = fn.apply(this, arguments) console.log(`after ${context.name}`) return it } class Foo { @&#8203;log static foo() { console.log('in foo') } } // Logs "before foo", "in foo", "after foo" Foo.foo() ``` Note that this feature is different than the existing "TypeScript experimental decorators" feature that esbuild already implements. It uses similar syntax but behaves very differently, and the two are not compatible (although it's sometimes possible to write decorators that work with both). TypeScript experimental decorators will still be supported by esbuild going forward as they have been around for a long time, are very widely used, and let you do certain things that are not possible with JavaScript decorators (such as decorating function parameters). By default esbuild will parse and transform JavaScript decorators, but you can tell esbuild to parse and transform TypeScript experimental decorators instead by setting `"experimentalDecorators": true` in your `tsconfig.json` file. Probably at least half of the work for this feature went into creating a test suite that exercises many of the proposal's edge cases: https://github.com/evanw/decorator-tests. It has given me a reasonable level of confidence that esbuild's initial implementation is acceptable. However, I don't have access to a significant sample of real code that uses JavaScript decorators. If you're currently using JavaScript decorators in a real code base, please try out esbuild's implementation and let me know if anything seems off. **⚠️ WARNING ⚠️** This proposal has been in the works for a very long time (work began around 10 years ago in 2014) and it is finally getting close to becoming part of the JavaScript language. However, it's still a work in progress and isn't a part of JavaScript yet, so keep in mind that any code that uses JavaScript decorators may need to be updated as the feature continues to evolve. The decorators proposal is pretty close to its final form but it can and likely will undergo some small behavioral adjustments before it ends up becoming a part of the standard. If/when that happens, I will update esbuild's implementation to match the specification. I will not be supporting old versions of the specification. - Optimize the generated code for private methods Previously when lowering private methods for old browsers, esbuild would generate one `WeakSet` for each private method. This mirrors similar logic for generating one `WeakSet` for each private field. Using a separate `WeakMap` for private fields is necessary as their assignment can be observable: ```js let it class Bar { constructor() { it = this } } class Foo extends Bar { #x = 1 #y = null.foo static check() { console.log(#x in it, #y in it) } } try { new Foo } catch {} Foo.check() ``` This prints `true false` because this partially-initialized instance has `#x` but not `#y`. In other words, it's not true that all class instances will always have all of their private fields. However, the assignment of private methods to a class instance is not observable. In other words, it's true that all class instances will always have all of their private methods. This means esbuild can lower private methods into code where all methods share a single `WeakSet`, which is smaller, faster, and uses less memory. Other JavaScript processing tools such as the TypeScript compiler already make this optimization. Here's what this change looks like: ```js // Original code class Foo { #x() { return this.#x() } #y() { return this.#y() } #z() { return this.#z() } } // Old output (--supported:class-private-method=false) var _x, x_fn, _y, y_fn, _z, z_fn; class Foo { constructor() { __privateAdd(this, _x); __privateAdd(this, _y); __privateAdd(this, _z); } } _x = new WeakSet(); x_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _x, x_fn).call(this); }; _y = new WeakSet(); y_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _y, y_fn).call(this); }; _z = new WeakSet(); z_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _z, z_fn).call(this); }; // New output (--supported:class-private-method=false) var _Foo_instances, x_fn, y_fn, z_fn; class Foo { constructor() { __privateAdd(this, _Foo_instances); } } _Foo_instances = new WeakSet(); x_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, x_fn).call(this); }; y_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, y_fn).call(this); }; z_fn = function() { return __privateMethod(this, _Foo_instances, z_fn).call(this); }; ``` - Fix an obscure bug with lowering class members with computed property keys When class members that use newer syntax features are transformed for older target environments, they sometimes need to be relocated. However, care must be taken to not reorder any side effects caused by computed property keys. For example, the following code must evaluate `a()` then `b()` then `c()`: ```js class Foo { [a()]() {} [b()]; static { c() } } ``` Previously esbuild did this by shifting the computed property key *forward* to the next spot in the evaluation order. Classes evaluate all computed keys first and then all static class elements, so if the last computed key needs to be shifted, esbuild previously inserted a static block at start of the class body, ensuring it came before all other static class elements: ```js var _a; class Foo { constructor() { __publicField(this, _a); } static { _a = b(); } [a()]() { } static { c(); } } ``` However, this could cause esbuild to accidentally generate a syntax error if the computed property key contains code that isn't allowed in a static block, such as an `await` expression. With this release, esbuild fixes this problem by shifting the computed property key *backward* to the previous spot in the evaluation order instead, which may push it into the `extends` clause or even before the class itself: ```js // Original code class Foo { [a()]() {} [await b()]; static { c() } } // Old output (with --supported:class-field=false) var _a; class Foo { constructor() { __publicField(this, _a); } static { _a = await b(); } [a()]() { } static { c(); } } // New output (with --supported:class-field=false) var _a, _b; class Foo { constructor() { __publicField(this, _a); } [(_b = a(), _a = await b(), _b)]() { } static { c(); } } ``` - Fix some `--keep-names` edge cases The [`NamedEvaluation` syntax-directed operation](https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-runtime-semantics-namedevaluation) in the JavaScript specification gives certain anonymous expressions a `name` property depending on where they are in the syntax tree. For example, the following initializers convey a `name` value: ```js var foo = function() {} var bar = class {} console.log(foo.name, bar.name) ``` When you enable esbuild's `--keep-names` setting, esbuild generates additional code to represent this `NamedEvaluation` operation so that the value of the `name` property persists even when the identifiers are renamed (e.g. due to minification). However, I recently learned that esbuild's implementation of `NamedEvaluation` is missing a few cases. Specifically esbuild was missing property definitions, class initializers, logical-assignment operators. These cases should now all be handled: ```js var obj = { foo: function() {} } class Foo0 { foo = function() {} } class Foo1 { static foo = function() {} } class Foo2 { accessor foo = function() {} } class Foo3 { static accessor foo = function() {} } foo ||= function() {} foo &&= function() {} foo ??= function() {} ``` </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. 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docker: Error response from daemon: <html>
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
time="2024-05-12T21:04:51Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF"

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renovate force-pushed renovate/esbuild-0.x from 769271a5ba to fbe17f5871 2024-05-07 18:04:46 +01:00 Compare
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docker: Error response from daemon: <html>
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
time="2025-03-10T08:04:37Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: unexpected EOF"

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renovate changed title from Update dependency esbuild to v0.22.0 to Update dependency esbuild to v0.23.0 2024-07-02 08:04:38 +01:00
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renovate force-pushed renovate/esbuild-0.x from 7c1bee4739 to caab2a2e98 2024-09-22 08:04:32 +01:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/esbuild-0.x from caab2a2e98 to 314a791b54 2024-12-20 08:05:12 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/esbuild-0.x from 5867a1e734 to c75d04c686 2025-02-08 08:05:08 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from Update dependency esbuild to v0.24.2 to Update dependency esbuild to v0.25.0 2025-02-08 08:05:10 +00:00
renovate changed title from Update dependency esbuild to v0.25.0 to Update dependency esbuild to v0.25.1 2025-03-10 08:04:41 +00:00
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