
50 lines
1.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
export B2_ACCOUNT_ID="{{ restic_b2_account_id }}"
export B2_ACCOUNT_KEY="{{ restic_b2_account_key }}"
export RESTIC_PASSWORD="{{ restic_key }}"
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="b2:{{ restic_b2_bucket }}"
export RESTIC_LOG_DIR="$HOME/log"
export RESTIC_LOG_FILE="$RESTIC_LOG_DIR/$(date -Iseconds).log"
mkdir -p "$RESTIC_LOG_DIR"
# Run backup, and capture logs to file
cron_backup() {
curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null {{ healthchecks_host }}/{{ healthchecks_id }}/start
restic --verbose backup {{ restic_backup_locations|join(' ') }} | tee -a $RESTIC_LOG_FILE
curl -fsS -m 10 --retry 5 -o /dev/null {{ healthchecks_host }}/{{ healthchecks_id }}/$exit_code --data-binary "@$RESTIC_LOG_FILE"
echo "Exit code: $exit_code"
# Run backup, but show all the progress
backup() {
restic --verbose backup {{ restic_backup_locations|join(' ') }}
# Forget legacy snapshots
forget() {
set -x
restic forget --keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 2 $@
# Prune orphaned files
prune() {
set -x
restic --verbose prune $@
# Run restic, but with environment variables set
exec () {
set -x
restic $@
# Run the things