Jake Howard 151c5bc1d9
Decommission casey instance in vultr
The end of an era, my oldest server.
2022-01-30 21:00:38 +00:00

73 lines
1.5 KiB

resource "linode_instance" "casey" {
label = "casey"
image = "linode/arch"
region = "eu-west"
type = "g6-nanode-1"
private_ip = true
resource "linode_firewall" "casey" {
label = "casey"
linodes = []
outbound_policy = "ACCEPT"
inbound_policy = "DROP"
inbound {
label = "allow-ping"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "ICMP"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
inbound {
label = "allow-inbound-https"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "TCP"
ports = "443"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
inbound {
label = "allow-inbound-http"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "TCP"
ports = "80"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
inbound {
label = "allow-inbound-wireguard"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "UDP"
ports = "51820"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
inbound {
label = "allow-inbound-nebula"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "UDP"
ports = "6328"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
inbound {
label = "allow-inbound-matrix"
action = "ACCEPT"
protocol = "TCP"
ports = "8448"
ipv4 = [""]
ipv6 = ["::/0"]
resource "linode_rdns" "casey_reverse_ipv4" {
address = linode_instance.casey.ip_address
rdns = ""