- set_fact: keys: - '1EDDE2CDFC025D17F6DA9EC0ADAE6AD28A8F901A' # Sublime Text - 'EF6E286DDA85EA2A4BA7DE684E2C6E8793298290' # Tor Browser - '9D5F1C051D146843CDA4858BDE64825E7CBC0D51' # ArchStrike - '748231EBCBD808A14F5E85D28C004C2F93481F6B' # Opensnitch - name: "Get installed pacman keys" shell: "pacman-key --list-keys" register: pacman_keys - name: "Add keys to pacman" shell: "pacman-key -r {{ item }}" when: "item not in pacman_keys.stdout" with_items: "{{ keys }}" - name: "Sign keys in pacman" shell: "pacman-key --lsign-key {{ item }}" when: "item not in pacman_keys.stdout" with_items: "{{ keys }}" - name: Install pacman config copy: src: ./files/pacman.conf dest: /etc/pacman.conf mode: 0644 - name: Create aur_builder user user: name: aur_builder group: wheel password_lock: true shell: /bin/false - name: Allow aur_builder user to run pacman as root lineinfile: path: /etc/sudoers.d/11-install-aur_builder line: 'aur_builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman' create: true validate: 'visudo -cf %s' - name: "Get installed packages" shell: "pacman -Qq" become: true become_user: aur_builder register: installed_packages - name: "Install yay" aur: skip_installed: true name: yay become: true become_user: aur_builder - name: "Install additional repo keyrings" aur: skip_installed: true name: "{{ item }}" become: true become_user: aur_builder when: "item not in installed_packages.stdout_lines" with_items: - 'archstrike-keyring' - name: Use ccache in makepkg lineinfile: path: /etc/makepkg.conf state: present regexp: '^BUILDENV=' line: 'BUILDENV=(!distcc color ccache check !sign)' - name: "Install additional mirrorlists" aur: skip_installed: true name: "{{ item }}" become: true become_user: aur_builder when: "item not in installed_packages.stdout_lines" with_items: - 'archstrike-mirrorlist' - name: Download UK mirrorlist get_url: url: 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=GB&protocol=http&protocol=https&ip_version=4&ip_version=6&use_mirror_status=on' dest: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist force: true - name: Un-comment mirrorlist servers replace: path: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist regexp: '^#Server = (.+)$' replace: 'Server = \1'