#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "> Deploying to GitHub..." set -e echo ">> Removing any existing..." rm -rf /tmp/existing-dotfiles || "No Existing Found" echo ">> Downloading existing dotfiles..." git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:RealOrangeOne/dotfiles.git /tmp/existing-dotfiles echo ">> Remove existing files..." cd /tmp/existing-dotfiles git rm -rf . cd - echo ">> Copying existing..." rsync -rtv . /tmp/existing-dotfiles/ echo ">> Getting Atom Data..." cd /tmp/existing-dotfiles/ mkdir -p atom git clone --depth=1 git@gist.github.com:9f9a4dd799ad01aa0502a09f06cbf454.git atom/ rm -rf atom/.git mv atom/Atom\ Settings.md atom/README.md echo ">> Preparing Git..." git config user.name "Jake Howard" git config user.email "git@theorangeone.net" git add . git reset HEAD . echo ">> Ready!" echo "1. Add and commit files." echo "2. git push -f origin master" echo "3. rm -rf $PWD"