DOTFILES=$(PWD) install: apt bash bin config gnome yaourt chmod +x $(DOTFILES)/ bin: chmod +x $(DOTFILES)/bin/* bash: yaourt ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/bash/.bashrc ~/.bashrc mkdir -p ~/.nvm/ ln -sfP /usr/share/nvm/ ~/.nvm/ config: mkdir -p ~/.config/terminator ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/config/terminator.conf ~/.config/terminator/config sudo ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/config/libinput-gestures.conf /etc/libinput-gestures.conf gnome: yaourt rm -rf ~/Templates/* ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/gnome/Templates/* ~/Templates/ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface show-battery-percentage true yaourt: pacman yaourt -Syau # Install any updates before extra packages yaourt -S `cat $(DOTFILES)/yaourt/packages.conf` --needed ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/yaourt/.yaourtrc ~/.yaourtrc pacman: gpg --recv-keys F7E48EDB # Add custom key for ncurses sudo ln -sfP $(DOTFILES)/yaourt/pacman.conf /etc/pacman.conf sudo pacman-key -r 962DDE58 sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 962DDE58 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2E1AC68ED40814E0 # gotta be a way to add to pacman, not my GPG hot-fix: sudo ln -sfP /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python # Set the default python version to be python 2 .PHONY: apt bash bin config gnome yaourt pacman hot-fix