- name: Install krunner plugins kewlfft.aur.aur: name: "{{ item }}" become: true become_user: aur_builder loop: - plasma-runner-vscode-git - name: Copy config files template: src: ./files/kde/{{ item }} dest: "{{ home }}/.config/{{ item }}" mode: 0644 owner: "{{ user }}" group: users loop: - krunnerrc - name: Update animation speed realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: KDE key: AnimationDurationFactor value: 0.5 - name: Set dark mode realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: KDE key: LookAndFeelPackage value: org.kde.breezedark.desktop - name: Set accent colour to orange realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General key: AccentColor value: 233,100,58 - name: Reduce size of borders realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: file: kwinrc group: org.kde.kdecoration2 key: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" loop: - {key: BorderSize, value: None} - {key: BorderSizeAuto, value: false} loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" # Why is this not the default?! - name: Click to select realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: KDE key: SingleClick value: false - name: Enable night colour realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: NightColor file: kwinrc key: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" loop: - {key: Active, value: true} - {key: Mode, value: Constant} - {key: NightTemperature, value: 4500} loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Enable 'magic lamp' effect on window restore realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: Plugins file: kwinrc key: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" loop: - {key: kwin4_effect_squashEnabled, value: false} - {key: magiclampEnabled, value: true} loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Enable automatic screen lock realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: Daemon file: kscreenlockerrc key: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" loop: - {key: LockGrace, value: 0} # Require password, even for quick locks - {key: Timeout, value: 10} # minutes loop_control: label: "{{ item.key }}" - name: Use picture of the day (from NASA) for lockscreen realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: Greeter file: kscreenlockerrc key: WallpaperPlugin value: org.kde.potd - name: Don't restart session on login realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General file: ksmserverrc key: loginMode value: emptySession - name: Shut down computer by default realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General file: ksmserverrc key: shutdownType value: 2 - name: Index directories realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General file: ksmserverrc key: folders value: "{{ home }}/Documents/,{{ home }}/Projects/" - name: Don't index file content realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General file: ksmserverrc key: only basic indexing value: true - name: Set do not disturb shortcut realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: plasmashell file: kglobalshortcutsrc key: toggle do not disturb value: Meta+N,,Toggle do not disturb - name: Send basic system information realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: Global file: PlasmaUserFeedback key: FeedbackLevel value: 16 - name: Don't persist clipboard realorangeone.kconfig.kconfig: group: General file: klipperrc key: KeepClipboardContents value: false