- name: "Install input packages" aur: skip_installed: true name: "{{ item }}" become: true become_user: aur_builder when: "item not in installed_packages.stdout_lines" loop: - 'gpointing-device-settings' - 'ibus' - 'ibus-uniemoji' - 'libinput' - 'libinput-gestures' - 'solaar' - 'xorg-xev' - name: Install mouse config copy: src: ./files/touchpad.conf dest: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf mode: 0644 owner: "{{ user }}" - name: Install keyboard config copy: src: ./files/keyboard.conf dest: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf mode: 0644 owner: "{{ user }}" - name: Install libinput-gestures config copy: src: ./files/libinput-gestures.conf dest: /etc/libinput-gestures.conf mode: 0644 owner: "{{ user }}" - name: "Create uniemoji config directory" file: path: '{{ home }}/.config/uniemoji/' state: directory owner: "{{ user }}" mode: 0755 - name: "Create uniemoji config" copy: src: './files/uniemoji.json' dest: '{{ home }}/.config/uniemoji/custom.json' mode: 0644 owner: "{{ user }}" - name: Enable GB locale locale_gen: name: en_GB.UTF-8 - name: Enable US locale locale_gen: name: en_US.UTF-8 - name: Make the FN key work the correct way on Apple keyboards lineinfile: path: /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf line: options hid_apple fnmode=2 create: true