Add packages

This commit is contained in:
Jake Howard 2018-09-11 20:43:16 +01:00
parent c802f42ca9
commit 391988597a
Signed by: jake
GPG key ID: 57AFB45680EDD477
4 changed files with 176 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ jobs:
- "/home/circleci/.local/share/virtualenvs" - "/home/circleci/.local/share/virtualenvs"
- run: pipenv run test - run: pipenv run test
- run: pipenv run check - run: pipenv run check
- run: pipenv run dryrun

View file

@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ python_version = "3.7"
[scripts] [scripts]
deploy = "sudo ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml" deploy = "sudo ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml"
check = "ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml -C" dryrun = "ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml -C"
check = "ansible-playbook -i hosts dotfiles.yml --syntax-check"
test = "yamllint -sc yamllint.yml yamllint.yml dotfiles.yml tasks/ vars.yml" test = "yamllint -sc yamllint.yml yamllint.yml dotfiles.yml tasks/ vars.yml"

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- ping: - ping:
- include_vars: - include_vars:
file: vars.yml file: vars.yml
- import_tasks: tasks/packages.yml
- import_tasks: tasks/common.yml - import_tasks: tasks/common.yml
- import_tasks: tasks/config.yml - import_tasks: tasks/config.yml
- import_tasks: tasks/vim.yml - import_tasks: tasks/vim.yml

tasks/packages.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
- user:
name: aur_builder
group: wheel
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/sudoers.d/11-install-aur_builder
line: 'aur_builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman'
create: true
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
- name: "Install yay"
skip_installed: true
name: yay
become: aur_builder
- name: "Install initial packages"
use: yay
skip_installed: true
name: "{{ item }}"
become: aur_builder
- 'i3-gaps'
- 'ttf-google-fonts-git'
- 'i3lock-color-git'
- name: "Install packages"
use: yay
skip_installed: true
upgrade: true
name: "{{ item }}"
become: aur_builder
- 'acpi'
- 'advanced-ssh-config'
- 'alacritty-git'
- 'android-tools'
- 'archstrike-keyring'
- 'arduino'
- 'bcm20702a1-firmware'
- 'betterlockscreen'
- 'bleachbit'
- 'blender'
- 'bluez-firmware'
- 'brave-bin'
- 'brightnessctl'
- 'calibre'
- 'caprine'
- 'caret-bin'
- 'catimg'
- 'climate'
- 'clamtk'
- 'corebird'
- 'compton'
- 'deluge'
- 'dex'
- 'dmenu'
- 'dunst'
- 'etcher'
- 'etcher-cli'
- 'exa'
- 'fasd'
- 'feedreader'
- 'feh'
- 'filezilla'
- 'firefox'
- 'firefox-developer-edition'
- 'fonts-meta-extended-lt'
- 'gimp'
- 'glogg'
- 'google-earth-pro'
- 'gparted'
- 'grub-customizer'
- 'grub2-theme-archlinux'
- 'gvim'
- 'handbrake'
- 'hexchat'
- 'htop'
- 'i3status'
- 'i3status-rust'
- 'ibus'
- 'ibus-uniemoji'
- 'inkscape'
- 'intellij-idea-ultimate-edition'
- 'intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre'
- 'intellij-jdk'
- 'jdk'
- 'jshon'
- 'kdenlive'
- 'keepassxc'
- 'keybase-bin'
- 'kodi'
- 'libinput'
- 'libinput-gestures'
- 'lightdm'
- 'lightdm-webkit2-greeter'
- 'lxpolkit-git'
- 'lxrandr'
- 'minecraft'
- 'mkchromecast'
- 'nextcloud-client'
- 'nnn'
- 'nodejs'
- 'numix-gtk-theme'
- 'nvm'
- 'obs-studio'
- 'oh-my-zsh-git'
- 'onlyoffice-bin'
- 'otf-fira-code'
- 'otf-font-awesome'
- 'pacaur'
- 'perl-file-mimeinfo'
- 'pigz'
- 'playerctl'
- 'postgresql'
- 'postman-bin'
- 'powertop'
- 'psensor'
- 'pulseaudio-bluetooth-a2dp-gdm-fix'
- 'pyenv'
- 'pyenv-virtualenv'
- 'python-pip'
- 'python-virtualenv'
- 'python2-pip'
- 'python2-virtualenv'
- 'qt5-styleplugins'
- 'redis'
- 'redshift'
- 'reptyr'
- 'rofi'
- 'scrcpy'
- 'screenfetch'
- 'sl'
- 'slack-desktop'
- 'slack-term'
- 'solaar'
- 'spotify'
- 'steam'
- 'sublime-text'
- 'sysstat'
- 'tbg'
- 'terminator'
- 'thefuck'
- 'thunderbird'
- 'tig'
- 'tmux'
- 'tor-browser-en'
- 'ttf-emojione'
- 'ttf-fira-code'
- 'ttf-font-awesome'
- 'ttf-ms-fonts'
- 'ttf-wps-fonts'
- 'turtl'
- 'tupload'
- 'universal-ctags-git'
- 'visual-studio-code-bin'
- 'virtualbox'
- 'vivaldi'
- 'vlc'
- 'whatsie'
- 'wps-office'
- 'wps-office-extension-english-uk-dictionary'
- 'yaourt'
- 'yubikey-manager'
- 'yubikey-personalization-gui'
- 'zeal'
- 'zsh'
- 'zsh-completions'
- 'zsh-doc'
- 'zsh-syntax-highlighting'