
22 lines
333 B
Raw Normal View History

2016-11-19 22:49:34 +00:00
cmap w!! w !sudo tee >/dev/null %
:set mouse=a
2019-01-04 22:47:25 +00:00
syntax on
2016-11-19 22:49:34 +00:00
filetype plugin indent on
2019-01-04 22:47:25 +00:00
if !has('gui_running')
set t_Co=256
set background=dark
" Tab inserts 4 spaces
set expandtab
set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4
" Autocomplete in command mode (Tab to invoke)
set wildmenu
" Set the 'default but not default' colour scheme
colo default