Jake Howard ce3690384e
Make code header a solid bar instead
This is much easier to layout, and has the benefit of being able to fit
more in.

The transform was still leaving space allocated, which looked odd
2022-08-31 09:05:32 +01:00

22 lines
601 B

@use "bulma/sass/utilities/initial-variables" as *;
$container-max-width: $widescreen;
$pre-background: unset;
$family-code: "Fira Code", monospace;
$dropdown-content-radius: 0;
$dropdown-content-offset: 0;
$primary: #e85537;
$link: $primary;
$dark: #17181c;
// Navbar overrides
$navbar-item-color: $grey-light;
$navbar-background-color: $dark;
$navbar-item-hover-color: $grey-lighter;
$navbar-item-hover-background-color: $navbar-background-color;
$navbar-colors: (); // Disable other variants to keep the size down
$code-background: none;
$pre-background: none;
$code-padding: 0;
$code: inherit;