require("lite-youtube-embed"); const GLightbox = require("glightbox"); const clamp = require("lodash.clamp"); const SCROLL_INDICATOR = document.getElementById("scroll-indicator"); const CONTENT = document.querySelector(".container.content"); function handleScrollIndicator() { // How far down the page does the content start? const initialScroll = CONTENT.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY; const contentHeight = CONTENT.getBoundingClientRect().height; // How far down the page do we consider the content "read"? const scrollTarget = window.innerHeight * 0.75; const scrolled = (window.scrollY - initialScroll + scrollTarget) / contentHeight; const scrolledPercentage = clamp(scrolled * 100, 0, 100); = `${scrolledPercentage.toFixed(2)}%`; } window.addEventListener("load", () => { if (CONTENT && SCROLL_INDICATOR) { window.addEventListener("resize", handleScrollIndicator); window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScrollIndicator); // Initialize the indicator handleScrollIndicator(); } GLightbox({}); });