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from typing import Any, Optional
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
from import TrigramSimilarity
2022-06-19 20:55:37 +01:00
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.functions import Cast
2022-06-19 21:03:05 +01:00
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from modelcluster.fields import ParentalManyToManyField
2022-06-19 20:55:37 +01:00
from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
from wagtail.models import PageQuerySet
2022-10-31 20:58:02 +00:00
from import index
2022-08-28 16:18:31 +01:00
from wagtailautocomplete.edit_handlers import AutocompletePanel
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
from website.common.models import BaseContentPage, BaseListingPage
from website.common.utils import TocEntry
from website.contrib.singleton_page.utils import SingletonPageCache
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
class BlogPostListPage(BaseListingPage):
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
max_count = 1
subpage_types = [
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
def show_table_of_contents(self) -> bool:
return False
def get_listing_pages(self) -> models.QuerySet:
return (
2022-08-28 16:18:31 +01:00
2022-08-28 16:51:27 +01:00
2022-08-28 16:18:31 +01:00
.order_by("-date", "title")
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
2022-10-29 13:22:21 +01:00
def tag_list_page_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
return SingletonPageCache.get_url(BlogPostTagListPage)
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
class BlogPostPage(BaseContentPage):
2022-06-19 19:24:29 +01:00
subpage_types: list[Any] = []
parent_page_types = [BlogPostListPage, "blog.BlogPostCollectionPage"]
2022-06-19 20:55:37 +01:00
tags = ParentalManyToManyField("blog.BlogPostTagPage", blank=True)
2022-06-19 21:03:05 +01:00
date = models.DateField(
2022-06-19 20:55:37 +01:00
promote_panels = BaseContentPage.promote_panels + [
2022-08-28 16:18:31 +01:00
2022-10-31 20:58:02 +00:00
search_fields = BaseContentPage.search_fields + [
index.RelatedFields("tags", [index.SearchField("title", boost=1)])
def tag_list_page_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
return SingletonPageCache.get_url(BlogPostTagListPage)
def tags_list(self) -> models.QuerySet:
Use this to get a page's tags.
tags = self.tags.order_by("slug")
# In drafts, `django-modelcluster` doesn't support these filters
if isinstance(tags, PageQuerySet):
return tags.public().live()
return tags
def blog_post_list_page_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
return SingletonPageCache.get_url(BlogPostListPage)
def get_similar_posts(self) -> models.QuerySet:
listing_pages = BlogPostListPage.objects.get().get_listing_pages()
except BlogPostListPage.DoesNotExist:
return BlogPostPage.objects.none()
similar_posts = listing_pages.exclude(
title_similarity=TrigramSimilarity("title", self.title),
# If this page has no subtitle, ignore it as part of similarity
subtitle_similarity=TrigramSimilarity("subtitle", self.subtitle)
if self.subtitle
else models.Value(1),
2024-01-27 19:53:28 +00:00
page_tags = list(self.tags.public().live().values_list("id", flat=True))
similar_posts = similar_posts.alias(
# If this page has no tags, ignore it as part of similarity
# NB: Cast to a float, because `COUNT` returns a `bigint`.
models.Count("tags", filter=models.Q(tags__in=page_tags)),
/ len(page_tags)
if page_tags
else models.Value(1)
similar_posts = similar_posts.annotate(
similarity=(models.F("tag_similarity") * 2)
2023-06-02 17:35:31 +01:00
+ (models.F("title_similarity") * 10)
+ (models.F("subtitle_similarity"))
return similar_posts
class BlogPostTagListPage(BaseListingPage):
max_count = 1
parent_page_types = [BlogPostListPage]
subpage_types = ["blog.BlogPostTagPage"]
def table_of_contents(self) -> list[TocEntry]:
return [
TocEntry(page.title, page.slug, 0, []) for page in self.get_listing_pages()
class BlogPostTagPage(BaseListingPage):
subpage_types: list[Any] = []
parent_page_types = [BlogPostTagListPage]
2022-08-27 13:12:45 +01:00
def html_title(self) -> str:
return f"Pages tagged with '{super().html_title}'"
def get_listing_pages(self) -> models.QuerySet:
2022-08-28 16:51:27 +01:00
blog_list_page = BlogPostListPage.objects.get()
return blog_list_page.get_listing_pages().filter(tags=self)
class BlogPostCollectionListPage(BaseListingPage):
subpage_types: list[Any] = []
parent_page_types = [BlogPostListPage]
max_count = 1
def table_of_contents(self) -> list[TocEntry]:
return [
TocEntry(page.title, page.slug, 0, []) for page in self.get_listing_pages()
def get_listing_pages(self) -> models.QuerySet:
2022-08-28 20:22:55 +01:00
blog_list_page = BlogPostListPage.objects.get()
2022-08-28 16:51:27 +01:00
return BlogPostCollectionPage.objects.child_of(blog_list_page).live().public()
class BlogPostCollectionPage(BaseListingPage):
parent_page_types = [BlogPostListPage]
subpage_types = [BlogPostPage]
def get_listing_pages(self) -> models.QuerySet:
return (
2022-08-28 16:18:31 +01:00
2022-08-28 16:51:27 +01:00
.order_by("-date", "title")