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2023-12-06 23:30:01 +00:00
2023-12-07 13:29:15 +00:00
URL configuration for yamdl_playground project.
2023-12-06 23:30:01 +00:00
The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
1. Add an import: from my_app import views
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls'))
from django.urls import path
from .core import views
2023-12-06 23:30:01 +00:00
urlpatterns = [
path("test/", views.test)
2023-12-06 23:30:01 +00:00