Fork 0

57 lines
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from jinja2_simple_tags import StandaloneTag
import jinja2
from copy import deepcopy
from mkdocs.structure.files import File, Files
from mkdocs.plugins import event_priority, get_plugin_logger
import hashlib
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
logger = get_plugin_logger("static")
def transform_file_url(url: str, hash: str):
url_path = Path(url)
return str(url_path.with_stem(url_path.stem + "." + hash[:10]))
def hash_file(file: File) -> File:
logger.debug("Hashing %s", file.url)
hashed_file = deepcopy(file)
with open(file.abs_src_path, "rb") as f:
digest = hashlib.file_digest(f, "md5").hexdigest()
hashed_file.abs_dest_path = transform_file_url(hashed_file.abs_dest_path, digest)
hashed_file.dest_uri = transform_file_url(hashed_file.dest_uri, digest)
hashed_file.url = transform_file_url(hashed_file.url, digest)
return hashed_file
def on_files(files: Files, config):
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
for hashed_file in executor.map(hash_file, files.media_files()):
# HACK: Add a fake file with a `src_uri` of the hashed path so other integrations can find the right file
hashed_src_file = deepcopy(hashed_file)
hashed_src_file.src_uri = hashed_src_file.dest_uri
return files
def on_env(env: jinja2.Environment, config, files):
return env
def make_static_extension(files: Files):
class StaticExtension(StandaloneTag):
tags = {"static"}
def render(self, filename):
file = files.get_file_from_path(filename)
return file.url
return StaticExtension