from typing import NamedTuple import re from io import StringIO import sys import tomllib from pathlib import Path from typing import TypedDict from collections import defaultdict from urllib.request import urlopen import argparse import json import subprocess TRAEFIK_RULE_RE = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z]+)\(`(.+?)`\)") SUBDOMAIN_WILDCARD_PREFIX = "{subdomain:[a-z]+}" class Route(NamedTuple): name: str destination: str hostname: str class Source(TypedDict): type: str url: str destination: str class Config(TypedDict): source: list[Source] def parse_traefik_rule(rule: str) -> list[str]: rules = defaultdict(list) for (rule_fn, rule_arg) in TRAEFIK_RULE_RE.findall(rule): rules[rule_fn].append(rule_arg) if host_rules := rules.get("Host"): return host_rules[0] elif regex_rules := rules.get("HostRegexp"): regex_rule = regex_rules[0] if regex_rule.startswith(f"{SUBDOMAIN_WILDCARD_PREFIX}."): return regex_rule.replace(SUBDOMAIN_WILDCARD_PREFIX, "*", 1) return None def get_traefik_routes(traefik_host: str, traefik_route: str): with urlopen(f"{traefik_host}/api/http/routers") as response: api_response = json.load(response) routes = set() for router in api_response: host = parse_traefik_rule(router["rule"]) if not host: print(f"Failed to find host for {router['rule']}", file=sys.stderr) continue routes.add(Route( router["service"], traefik_route, host )) return routes def get_dokku_routes(dokku_exporter_url: str, dokku_route: str): with urlopen(dokku_exporter_url) as response: api_response = json.load(response) routes = set() for app in api_response: for vhost in app["vhosts"]: routes.add(Route( app["app"], dokku_route, vhost )) return routes def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--config", "-c", default="./config.toml", type=Path, help="Config file. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", type=Path, default="./map.txt", help="Output file. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument("--reload", action="store_true", help="Reload nginx on completion") args = parser.parse_args() config: Config = tomllib.loads(args.config.read_text()) routes = [] for source in config["source"]: match source["type"]: case "traefik": routes.extend(get_traefik_routes(source["url"], source["destination"])) case "dokku": routes.extend(get_dokku_routes(source["url"], source["destination"])) if len(routes) != len(set(routes)): raise ValueError("Conflict found!") grouped_routes = defaultdict(set) for route in routes: grouped_routes[route.hostname, route.destination].add( print("Found", len(routes), "routes, grouped into", len(grouped_routes), "groups") output = StringIO() for (hostname, destination), names in sorted(grouped_routes.items()): output.write(f"{hostname}\t{destination}; # {', '.join(names)}\n") if args.output.is_file(): current_output = args.output.read_text() if current_output == output.getvalue(): print("Output identical - aborting") return args.output.write_text(output.getvalue()) if args.reload: print("Reloading nginx") subprocess.check_call( [ "nginx", "-s", "reload" ], ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()