{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block htmltitle %}BSOD Enabler{% endblock %} {% block headercontent %}

BSOD Enabler

Ever wanted to call a Blue Screen of Death on demand? Well now you can!

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For those that use windows, the famous Blue Screen of Death is an annoyance that plagues computers, causing error, frustration, and even loss of work. Whilst trying to configute Nvidia surround on my main rig and it keep blue screening, I thought to myself This is really annoying, I wonder who else I can annoy with a BSOD

And thus the BSOD_Enabler was born!

After researching into it for a while, it turns out that there are a few different ways to cause a BSOD, unfortunately most of which are by doing things that are meant to cause a BSOD, and can therefore be dangereous to a computer, something I didn't really want. Then I stumbled upon this article, which shows that you can infact envoke a BSOD through completely natural methods, which won't cause damage to a computer. Now to write a program that toggles it.

Obviously there are many differnet ways, and probably far better ways of doing this, but I wanted something that was simple to use, fast, and could be done by anyone, no matter how technically illiterate. So I decided to write it in C#, and use a windows console interface.

Below you can find a download link to the application, as well as a link to the source code. I am hoping to upgrade the project in the future to allow for automated triggering, a much faster UI, with options, as well as a simple one-click setup and BSOD.

Download BSOD Enabler Here View on Github

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