{% extends 'content_base.html' %} {% block pageTitle %}About my website{% endblock %} {% block content %}

My website is the culmination of all my knowledge, compiled into 1 place. It not only contains all my projects, but it in itself is a project. Making sure this website works properly is a tall order, especially considering it's self hosted. And making sure that it stays secure is also important, as it contains a large amount of personal information.

The Website

The website itself is written in python, using Django, and a PostgreSQL database. Now obviously for what I need this is massivly overkill, but it means I can use the skills and shortcuts I learn at work to make a very fast and good looking website. It also means that if I ever want to expand and add new features, then with python running the back end, it's going to be very easy!

I went with the Django framework because it's what I work with at work, so I have a lot of contact with it, so exposure to bugs or clean ways to write things happen on a daily basis. I also chose it because it's written in python, one of my favourite languages, and one i'm highly fluent in. I chose PostgreSQL as a database engine because it's again what we use at work, and I already had some files preconfigured with the required config.

The server

The website is hosted on my UK VPS. More information about it can be found here.

{% endblock %}