# markdown-spellcheck spelling configuration file # Format - lines beginning # are comments # global dictionary is at the start, file overrides afterwards # one word per line, to define a file override use ' - filename' # where filename is relative to this configuration file _enabler _link _list _path _title 120mm 16-core A.L.I.C.E AiO astrill backends bsod-enabler catalog centers collyer's config dabapps desktop.txt dotfiles easter ethernet everyones facepalm fastmail firefox gists gittime header.jpg hipchat hotmail iframe img Inspiron jakesidsmith javascript jetpack jQuery jsfuckify kickstart LanSchool lenovo linux morese-code-decoder morse morse-code notsureif olds OpenVPN openvpn-compatable owncloud PCPartPicker plugin protonmail pygame querystring qwerks rackspace runbox screenfetch sitemap.xml spec swiss TekSyndicate til txt wat wikipedia stacktrace iGPU nodejs securityheaders.io nsp npm.click Django dependancy-check pypiup seositecheckup nextcloud switcheroo eg glitching dokku letsencrypt d.c. smallpiece timezones busse Sourcebots gopro codeacademy pycharm edu tstatic nginx systemd