- My website is the culmination of all my knowledge, compiled into 1 place. It not only contains all my projects, but is itself is a project. + In the interest of privacy, there's very little personal information here.
- The site is primarily built with Pelican, a static site generator. This allows me to write nice clean, DRY content, and have it come out as clean, minified HTML. -
-- The Javascript is built using Browserify, and the CSS is built using node-SCSS. Both are run as a build step when pelican builds. + The information that is here is eitther not personal enough to bother protecting, or has been selectively chosen as nothing bad.
- The website is hosted on part of my dedicated server from SoYouStart, running an Ubuntu Server VM with Dokku installed. + These are all the accounts I run, all to do with various things. Take a look!
-- The prebuilt static files are served using a custom Express server, to make the site as fast and effective as possible. -