diff --git a/content/robotics/_index.md b/content/robotics/_index.md
index 59dd9b1..3a03c30 100644
--- a/content/robotics/_index.md
+++ b/content/robotics/_index.md
@@ -17,6 +17,3 @@ Being at college for 2 years, meant I was able to enter 2 years of competitions,
### Post 2015
Unfortunately, after I left college, I also left behind entering Student Robotics as a competitor. Fortunately however, [they're always looking for volunteers](https://studentrobotics.org/volunteer/) to help run the competition itself, as a _Blue Shirt_. The college kept on working, and keep [their website](http://robotics.collycomp.uk/) updated.
-## Smallpeice
-[Smallpeice](/robotics/smallpeice) is a competition run in part by members of Student Robotics. It's basically the entire Student Robotics year, compressed into just 5 days! Details on this can be found on the [Smallpeice](/robotics/smallpeice) page.
diff --git a/content/robotics/smallpeice/_index.md b/content/robotics/smallpeice/_index.md
index a63c294..1f7c865 100644
--- a/content/robotics/smallpeice/_index.md
+++ b/content/robotics/smallpeice/_index.md
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ show_images: true
Smallpeice is a compressed version of Student Robotics run by the Smallpeice Trust and University of Southampton. Rather than being run over 6 months like Student Robotics, Smallpeice is run over just 5 days.
diff --git a/layouts/robotics/list.html b/layouts/robotics/list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab13ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/robotics/list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{{ define "main" }}
+ {{ partial "content.html" . }}
+ {{ if .Content }}
{{ end }}
+ {{ $parent := . }}
+ {{ $sorted_pages := sort .Site.Pages (default "Title" .Params.sort_by) (default "asc" .Params.sort_order)}}
+ {{ $valid_pages := where $sorted_pages ".Parent" "!=" nil }}
+ {{ $valid_pages := where $valid_pages ".Params.hide_in_list" "!=" "true" }}
+ {{ range where $valid_pages ".Parent.UniqueID" $parent.UniqueID }}
+ {{ partial "list_item.html" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ if eq .CurrentSection (.Site.GetPage "section" "robotics") }}
+ {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "robotics/smallpeice"}}
+ {{ partial "content.html" . }}
+ {{ $parent := . }}
+ {{ $sorted_pages := sort .Site.Pages (default "Title" .Params.sort_by) (default "asc" .Params.sort_order)}}
+ {{ $valid_pages := where $sorted_pages ".Parent" "!=" nil }}
+ {{ $valid_pages := where $valid_pages ".Params.hide_in_list" "!=" "true" }}
+ {{ range where $valid_pages ".Parent.UniqueID" $parent.UniqueID }}
+ {{ partial "list_item.html" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}