using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Saviour_Backup_System { /// /// Provides detailed information about the host operating system. /// static public class OSInfo { #region BITS /// /// Determines if the current application is 32 or 64-bit. /// static public int Bits { get { return IntPtr.Size * 8; } } #endregion BITS #region EDITION static private string s_Edition; /// /// Gets the edition of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public string Edition { get { if (s_Edition != null) return s_Edition; //***** RETURN *****// string edition = String.Empty; OperatingSystem osVersion = Environment.OSVersion; OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFOEX(); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); if (GetVersionEx(ref osVersionInfo)) { int majorVersion = osVersion.Version.Major; int minorVersion = osVersion.Version.Minor; byte productType = osVersionInfo.wProductType; short suiteMask = osVersionInfo.wSuiteMask; #region VERSION 4 if (majorVersion == 4) { if (productType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { // Windows NT 4.0 Workstation edition = "Workstation"; } else if (productType == VER_NT_SERVER) { if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) != 0) { // Windows NT 4.0 Server Enterprise edition = "Enterprise Server"; } else { // Windows NT 4.0 Server edition = "Standard Server"; } } } #endregion VERSION 4 #region VERSION 5 else if (majorVersion == 5) { if (productType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) != 0) { // Windows XP Home Edition edition = "Home"; } else { // Windows XP / Windows 2000 Professional edition = "Professional"; } } else if (productType == VER_NT_SERVER) { if (minorVersion == 0) { if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) != 0) { // Windows 2000 Datacenter Server edition = "Datacenter Server"; } else if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) != 0) { // Windows 2000 Advanced Server edition = "Advanced Server"; } else { // Windows 2000 Server edition = "Server"; } } else { if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) != 0) { // Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition edition = "Datacenter"; } else if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) != 0) { // Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition edition = "Enterprise"; } else if ((suiteMask & VER_SUITE_BLADE) != 0) { // Windows Server 2003 Web Edition edition = "Web Edition"; } else { // Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition edition = "Standard"; } } } } #endregion VERSION 5 #region VERSION 6 else if (majorVersion == 6) { int ed; if (GetProductInfo(majorVersion, minorVersion, osVersionInfo.wServicePackMajor, osVersionInfo.wServicePackMinor, out ed)) { switch (ed) { case PRODUCT_BUSINESS: edition = "Business"; break; case PRODUCT_BUSINESS_N: edition = "Business N"; break; case PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER: edition = "HPC Edition"; break; case PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER: edition = "Datacenter Server"; break; case PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE: edition = "Datacenter Server (core installation)"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE: edition = "Enterprise"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_N: edition = "Enterprise N"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER: edition = "Enterprise Server"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE: edition = "Enterprise Server (core installation)"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE_V: edition = "Enterprise Server without Hyper-V (core installation)"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64: edition = "Enterprise Server for Itanium-based Systems"; break; case PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_V: edition = "Enterprise Server without Hyper-V"; break; case PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC: edition = "Home Basic"; break; case PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC_N: edition = "Home Basic N"; break; case PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM: edition = "Home Premium"; break; case PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM_N: edition = "Home Premium N"; break; case PRODUCT_HYPERV: edition = "Microsoft Hyper-V Server"; break; case PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MANAGEMENT: edition = "Windows Essential Business Management Server"; break; case PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MESSAGING: edition = "Windows Essential Business Messaging Server"; break; case PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_SECURITY: edition = "Windows Essential Business Security Server"; break; case PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS: edition = "Windows Essential Server Solutions"; break; case PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS_V: edition = "Windows Essential Server Solutions without Hyper-V"; break; case PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER: edition = "Windows Small Business Server"; break; case PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER: edition = "Standard Server"; break; case PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE: edition = "Standard Server (core installation)"; break; case PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE_V: edition = "Standard Server without Hyper-V (core installation)"; break; case PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_V: edition = "Standard Server without Hyper-V"; break; case PRODUCT_STARTER: edition = "Starter"; break; case PRODUCT_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER: edition = "Enterprise Storage Server"; break; case PRODUCT_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER: edition = "Express Storage Server"; break; case PRODUCT_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER: edition = "Standard Storage Server"; break; case PRODUCT_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER: edition = "Workgroup Storage Server"; break; case PRODUCT_UNDEFINED: edition = "Unknown product"; break; case PRODUCT_ULTIMATE: edition = "Ultimate"; break; case PRODUCT_ULTIMATE_N: edition = "Ultimate N"; break; case PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER: edition = "Web Server"; break; case PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER_CORE: edition = "Web Server (core installation)"; break; } } } #endregion VERSION 6 } s_Edition = edition; return edition; } } #endregion EDITION #region NAME static private string s_Name; /// /// Gets the name of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public string Name { get { if (s_Name != null) return s_Name; //***** RETURN *****// string name = "unknown"; OperatingSystem osVersion = Environment.OSVersion; OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFOEX(); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); if (GetVersionEx(ref osVersionInfo)) { int majorVersion = osVersion.Version.Major; int minorVersion = osVersion.Version.Minor; switch (osVersion.Platform) { case PlatformID.Win32Windows: { if (majorVersion == 4) { string csdVersion = osVersionInfo.szCSDVersion; switch (minorVersion) { case 0: if (csdVersion == "B" || csdVersion == "C") name = "Windows 95 OSR2"; else name = "Windows 95"; break; case 10: if (csdVersion == "A") name = "Windows 98 Second Edition"; else name = "Windows 98"; break; case 90: name = "Windows Me"; break; } } break; } case PlatformID.Win32NT: { byte productType = osVersionInfo.wProductType; switch (majorVersion) { case 3: name = "Windows NT 3.51"; break; case 4: switch (productType) { case 1: name = "Windows NT 4.0"; break; case 3: name = "Windows NT 4.0 Server"; break; } break; case 5: switch (minorVersion) { case 0: name = "Windows 2000"; break; case 1: name = "Windows XP"; break; case 2: name = "Windows Server 2003"; break; } break; case 6: switch (productType) { case 1: name = "Windows Vista"; break; case 3: name = "Windows Server 2008"; break; } break; } break; } } } s_Name = name; return name; } } #endregion NAME #region PINVOKE #region GET #region PRODUCT INFO [DllImport("Kernel32.dll")] internal static extern bool GetProductInfo( int osMajorVersion, int osMinorVersion, int spMajorVersion, int spMinorVersion, out int edition); #endregion PRODUCT INFO #region VERSION [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] private static extern bool GetVersionEx(ref OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo); #endregion VERSION #endregion GET #region OSVERSIONINFOEX [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct OSVERSIONINFOEX { public int dwOSVersionInfoSize; public int dwMajorVersion; public int dwMinorVersion; public int dwBuildNumber; public int dwPlatformId; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)] public string szCSDVersion; public short wServicePackMajor; public short wServicePackMinor; public short wSuiteMask; public byte wProductType; public byte wReserved; } #endregion OSVERSIONINFOEX #region PRODUCT private const int PRODUCT_UNDEFINED = 0x00000000; private const int PRODUCT_ULTIMATE = 0x00000001; private const int PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC = 0x00000002; private const int PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM = 0x00000003; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE = 0x00000004; private const int PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC_N = 0x00000005; private const int PRODUCT_BUSINESS = 0x00000006; private const int PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER = 0x00000007; private const int PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER = 0x00000008; private const int PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER = 0x00000009; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER = 0x0000000A; private const int PRODUCT_STARTER = 0x0000000B; private const int PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE = 0x0000000C; private const int PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE = 0x0000000D; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE = 0x0000000E; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64 = 0x0000000F; private const int PRODUCT_BUSINESS_N = 0x00000010; private const int PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER = 0x00000011; private const int PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER = 0x00000012; private const int PRODUCT_HOME_SERVER = 0x00000013; private const int PRODUCT_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER = 0x00000014; private const int PRODUCT_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER = 0x00000015; private const int PRODUCT_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER = 0x00000016; private const int PRODUCT_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER = 0x00000017; private const int PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS = 0x00000018; private const int PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM = 0x00000019; private const int PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM_N = 0x0000001A; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_N = 0x0000001B; private const int PRODUCT_ULTIMATE_N = 0x0000001C; private const int PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER_CORE = 0x0000001D; private const int PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MANAGEMENT = 0x0000001E; private const int PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_SECURITY = 0x0000001F; private const int PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MESSAGING = 0x00000020; private const int PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS_V = 0x00000023; private const int PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_V = 0x00000024; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_V = 0x00000026; private const int PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE_V = 0x00000028; private const int PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE_V = 0x00000029; private const int PRODUCT_HYPERV = 0x0000002A; #endregion PRODUCT #region VERSIONS private const int VER_NT_WORKSTATION = 1; private const int VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER = 2; private const int VER_NT_SERVER = 3; private const int VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS = 1; private const int VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE = 2; private const int VER_SUITE_TERMINAL = 16; private const int VER_SUITE_DATACENTER = 128; private const int VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS = 256; private const int VER_SUITE_PERSONAL = 512; private const int VER_SUITE_BLADE = 1024; #endregion VERSIONS #endregion PINVOKE #region SERVICE PACK /// /// Gets the service pack information of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public string ServicePack { get { string servicePack = String.Empty; OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo = new OSVERSIONINFOEX(); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); if (GetVersionEx(ref osVersionInfo)) { servicePack = osVersionInfo.szCSDVersion; } return servicePack; } } #endregion SERVICE PACK #region VERSION #region BUILD /// /// Gets the build version number of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public int BuildVersion { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Build; } } #endregion BUILD #region FULL #region STRING /// /// Gets the full version string of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public string VersionString { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString(); } } #endregion STRING #region VERSION /// /// Gets the full version of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public Version Version { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version; } } #endregion VERSION #endregion FULL #region MAJOR /// /// Gets the major version number of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public int MajorVersion { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major; } } #endregion MAJOR #region MINOR /// /// Gets the minor version number of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public int MinorVersion { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor; } } #endregion MINOR #region REVISION /// /// Gets the revision version number of the operating system running on this computer. /// static public int RevisionVersion { get { return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Revision; } } #endregion REVISION #endregion VERSION } }