# Referencing Referencing is powered by `pandoc-citeproc`, so any format supported by it is supported. A list of supported formats can be found [here](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc/blob/master/man/pandoc-citeproc.1.md). __Remember__: To use YAML, your file must end `.yaml` rather than `.yml`! ## CSL Files There are many different ways of referencing, both inline, and in a bibliography. `md-pdf` supports _all_ of them. The configuration used for this is stored in `csl` files, which can be downloaded through `md-pdf`. See the usage instructions on how to download these. There's a full list of available `csl` files [here](https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/). ## Example Assuming youre using the same bibliography as the example, an input of: ```markdown @item1 says blah. ``` Will render as: ``` Doe (2005) says blah. ``` ### Advanced Citation You can also use more advanced referencing to be more specific: ```markdown A citation group [see @item1 p. 34-35; also @item3 chap. 3]. ``` will result in: ``` A citation group (see Doe 2005, 34–35; also Doe and Roe 2007, chap. 3) ```