use html::{sciter_start, get_html, get_head}; use sciter::Element; use config::Config; use assets; fn create_css_element(style: String) -> Element { let mut style_tag = Element::with_text("style", &style).unwrap(); style_tag.set_attribute("type", "text/css").expect( &format!("Failed to set CSS mimetype for {}", style) ); style_tag.set_attribute("media", "all").expect( &format!("Failed to set CSS media type for {}", style) ); return style_tag; } pub fn static_files(_: Config, input: String) -> Result { let mut root = sciter_start(input); let mut head = get_head(&mut root); head.append(&create_css_element(assets::get("style.css"))).expect("Failed to inject CSS file"); return Ok(get_html(root)); }