import json, requests, os, base64, printr from glob import glob from lxml import html from collections import namedtuple ASSET_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) LOCAL_FILES = glob('assets/*.png') + glob('assets/*.gif') Emoticon = namedtuple('Emoticon', ['ident', 'url']) def get_filename(path): return path.replace('assets/', '') def get_icon_name(path): return get_filename(path).replace('.png', '').replace('.gif', '') print("Collecting Page Elements...") page = requests.get("") html_tree = html.fromstring(page.text) emoticon_paths = html_tree.xpath("//div[@class='emoticon-block']/img/@src") emoticon_names = html_tree.xpath("//div[@class='emoticon-block']/div/text()") emoticons = [] for i in range(len(emoticon_names) - 1): emoticons.append(Emoticon(emoticon_names[i][1:-1], emoticon_paths[i])) print("Downloading offline emoticons...") DOWNLOAD_FILES = [] printer = printr.ItterPrintr('{c}/{m} Files Downloaded', len(emoticons), 1) for emoticon in emoticons: ext = 'gif' if emoticon.url.endswith('gif') else 'png' path = ASSET_DIR + "/{0}.{1}".format(emoticon.ident, ext) DOWNLOAD_FILES.append(path) if os.path.isfile(path): continue with open(path, 'wb') as handle: response = requests.get(emoticon.url, stream=True) if not response.ok: print("Something went wrong getting " + emoticon.ident) continue for block in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(block) printer.update() # print("{}/{} Files Downloaded\r".format(len(DOWNLOAD_FILES), len(emoticons)), end='' if len(DOWNLOAD_FILES) != len(emoticons) else '\n') print() for filename in LOCAL_FILES: emoticons.append(Emoticon(get_icon_name(filename), filename)) images = [] print("Converting Files...") for emoticon in emoticons: ext = ext = 'gif' if emoticon.url.endswith('gif') else 'png' path = ASSET_DIR + "/{0}.{1}".format(emoticon.ident, ext) file = base64.b64encode(open(path, 'rb').read()).decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '') data = "data:image/{0};base64,{1}".format(ext, file) images.append({emoticon.ident: data}) print("Exporting JSON...") image_decoder = {"images": images} image_decoder_json = json.dumps(image_decoder, indent=2, sort_keys=True) js_file = None with open('src/global.js', "r") as file: js_file = js_file = js_file.replace("%image_decoder%", image_decoder_json) with open('build/global.js', 'w') as file: file.write(js_file) print("Deleting Temporary Files...") for file in DOWNLOAD_FILES: os.remove(file)