# Hipchat Emoticons for all! # Cross-platform browser extension allowing use of hipchat emoticons on a variety of different websites. Using both client-side decoding, and markdown embedding. ## Download and Installation ## * Download for Firefox: [Visit AMO]() __(Coming Soon)__ * Download for Chrome: [Visit Chrome app store]() __(Coming Soon)__ Alternatively, you can [Build it yourself](https://github.com/RealOrangeOne/hipchat-emoticons-for-all/wiki/Building-for-yourself) using these instructions! Once installed into your browser, [Click here](https://github.com/RealOrangeOne/hipchat-emoticons-for-all/wiki/Test-the-plugin-works-correctly) to make sure it's working perfectly! ## More Info ## More information can be found in the [Wiki](https://github.com/RealOrangeOne/hipchat-emoticons-for-all/wiki). ## Adding Features ## If there is something you think could be done better, differently, or something new alltogether, read [This](https://github.com/RealOrangeOne/hipchat-emoticons-for-all/wiki/Adding-Features) to find out the best way to do it and how it's done. Any feature suggestion is appreciated! ## Disclaimer ## As you can tell, the quality of the code isnt perfect, or to a particular standard. Once the plugin works properly to a basic level, I will install some linting software to make the code look nicer, and hopefully run smoother too. All the time the app has a version of `0.0.0`, the extensions are considered to be unstable and unlikely to work properly, if at all. ## Example ## The sytax used is identical to what is used in the hipchat applications: wrapping the identifier in brackets `()`. For example, (yey) (allthethings) .