import pygame, logging from time import time, sleep from random import randint import eggs from bullet import Bullet from player import Shooter from assets import * from target import Target, generate_targets POWERUPS = ["SPEED", "DOUBLE", "LIVES", "SCORE", "BIGGER"] PLAYING_GAME = False WINDOW_SIZE = (680, 790) HUD_COLOUR = (255,168,72) def update_score(window, score, colour=HUD_COLOUR): font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30, bold=False) window.blit(font.render("Score: {}".format(int(score)), True, colour), (25, WINDOW_SIZE[1] - 30)) def update_level(window, level, colour=HUD_COLOUR): font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30, bold=False) window.blit(font.render("Level: {}".format(int(level)+1), True, colour), (8.5*WINDOW_SIZE[0]/10, WINDOW_SIZE[1] - 30)) def update_lives(window, lives, colour=HUD_COLOUR): font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30, bold=False) window.blit(font.render("Lives Remaining: {}".format(int(lives)), True, colour if lives != 1 else (255,50,0)), (3.8*WINDOW_SIZE[0]/10, WINDOW_SIZE[1] - 30)) def initialise(menu, options): pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 2048) pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE) pygame.display.set_caption("Attack on Blocks") exit_code = play(window, options) # Run main game loop for key, value in Sounds.items(): value.fadeout(500) logging.debug("Game Exited with code {}".format(exit_code)) if exit_code != "QUIT": sleep(1) pygame.quit() menu.deiconify() return exit_code def play(window, options): window_rect = window.get_rect() options["Textures"].load_texture_pack(options["Textures"].pack) player = Shooter(window=window, texture=options["Textures"]) player.set_position(WINDOW_SIZE[0]/2, WINDOW_SIZE[1]*0.90) player.options = options player_group = pygame.sprite.Group() player_group.add(player) target_group = generate_targets(player, WINDOW_SIZE, Levels) bullet_group = pygame.sprite.Group() clock = pygame.time.Clock() FPS = player.options["Difficulty"] timeouts = { "Target Movement":[FPS*0.65,FPS*0.65], "Powerup":[FPS*15, FPS*15] } init_sounds() Sounds["main"].play(loops=-1) #Start background music"Game Started.") PLAYING_GAME = True while PLAYING_GAME: window.fill((0,0,0)) fired = False for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: logging.critical("Exiting Game...") PLAYING_GAME = False return "QUIT" if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in [pygame.K_SPACE, pygame.K_w, pygame.K_UP] and not fired: if player.options["Sounds"]: Sounds["shot"].play() temp = Bullet(player, player.options["Textures"], player.powerup == "BIGGER") bullet_group.add(temp) if player.powerup == "DOUBLE": temp = Bullet(player, player.options["Textures"], player.powerup == "BIGGER") temp.rect.y += 20 bullet_group.add(temp) fired = True keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] or keys[pygame.K_d]: if player.powerup == "SPEED": player.move(player.speed * 1.5) else: player.move(player.speed) if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] or keys[pygame.K_a]: if player.powerup == "SPEED": player.move(-player.speed*1.5) else: player.move(-player.speed) if keys[pygame.K_KP4] and keys[pygame.K_KP5] and keys[pygame.K_KP6] and player.OP: temp = Bullet(player, player.options["Textures"], False) bullet_group.add(temp) if keys[pygame.K_r] and [pygame.K_9] and [pygame.K_k] and player.OP: eggs.r9k(window) if keys[pygame.K_KP4] and keys[pygame.K_KP2] and keys[pygame.K_KP0] and keys[pygame.K_o] and keys[pygame.K_p] and not player.OP: if player.options["Sounds"]: Sounds["main"].stop() Sounds["OP"].play(loops=-1) player.OP = True player.change_colour((255,96,0)) logging.warn("OP mode engaged.") if keys[pygame.K_KP_MINUS] and player.OP: if player.options["Sounds"]: Sounds["OP"].stop() Sounds["main"].play(loops=-1) player.OP = False player.reset_image() logging.warn("OP mode disabled.") for sprite in bullet_group: sprite.update() if sprite.rect.y < 0 or (sprite.rect.y > player.rect.y and sprite.type == "TARGET"): bullet_group.remove(sprite) for bullet in bullet_group: hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, target_group, False) for target in hit_list: if bullet.type != "TARGET": target.lives -= 1 if target.lives <= 0: target_group.remove(target) player.score += 1 bullet_group.remove(bullet) if target.lives <= 0 and target.type == "POWERUP": player.powerup = POWERUPS[randint(0,len(POWERUPS)-1)]"Powerup set to {}".format(player.powerup)) hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, player_group, False) for player in hit_list: if bullet.type == "TARGET": bullet_group.remove(bullet)"You were hit by a target's bullet!") if not player.OP: player.lives -= 1 if player.lives <= 0: return "LIVES" if timeouts["Target Movement"][0] <=0: drop_targets = False for target in target_group: target.move() if target.rect.x <= 30 or target.rect.x >=WINDOW_SIZE[0] - target.width/2 - 30: drop_targets = True if target.rect.y >= player.rect.y + target.height/2: PLAYING_GAME = False return "PLAYER COLLISION" if drop_targets: logging.debug("The targets are moving down a level!") for target in target_group: target.drop() timeouts["Target Movement"][0] = timeouts["Target Movement"][1] if timeouts["Powerup"][0] <= 0: timeouts["Powerup"][0] = timeouts["Powerup"][1] if player.powerup == "SCORE": player.score += 10 player.powerup = "" elif player.powerup == "LIVES": player.lives += 1 player.powerup = "" for target in target_group: if target.type == "SHOOTER": if randint(0,600) > 1: continue temp = Bullet(target, player.options["Textures"], False) temp.type="TARGET" temp.image = pygame.transform.scale(player.options["Textures"].get_texture("TARGET_BULLET"), (temp.width, temp.height)) x,y = temp.rect.x, temp.rect.y temp.rect = temp.image.get_rect() temp.set_position(x,y) temp.speed = -1 #So it shoots down! bullet_group.add(temp) if len(target_group) == 0: #If all current players are gone. player.level += 1 Sounds["main"].set_volume(0.5) target_group = generate_targets(player, WINDOW_SIZE, Levels) target_group.draw(window) bullet_group.empty() pygame.display.update() sleep(0.75) Sounds["main"].set_volume(1.0) update_score(window, player.score) update_level(window, player.level) update_lives(window, player.lives) target_group.draw(window) bullet_group.draw(window) player_group.draw(window) for key, value in timeouts.items(): value[0] -= 1 pygame.display.update() clock.tick(FPS)