if [ -z "$NVM_DIR" ]
. $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh
nvm install
nvm use
set -e
npm install
echo "Fixing the hacks..."
# React-Native doesnt like having .babelrc files in modules, and officially suggests not shipping react-native modules with them included.
# This script scans all sub-dirs of node_modules, and removes any it finds, except the ones inside react-native itself.
find node_modules -type f -name .babelrc | grep -v /react-native/ | xargs rm || echo "Already patched!"
# There appears to be some problem with this module, whether it's in the babelify, or just some bug in the version we've locked to.
# Caused by 'self' not being defined in that scope. This fix pushes an update that just returns the built in fetch command.
echo "module.exports = fetch;" > node_modules/isomorphic-fetch/fetch-npm-browserify.js